23 side effects of eating peanut butter

Is peanut butter good for you? We examine the evidence of science-backed to examine the good and bad adverse effects of consumption.

There is really nothing else thatPeanut Butter. It's aPople Pople Pantry No matter what age you are as it is nutritious dense, affordable and practical. Although it is one of America's most popular foods, you can ask yourself ...Is the peanut butter good for you? After all, it is high in bold, contains about 200 calories per serving and many people are allergic.

To be honest: the answer is not black and white.There, the two advantages of peanut butter do not likely dispose of this nut butter regularly in your diet. (Yes, peanuts are technically legume, but we all know it as nut butter.)

With regard to the nutrition of peanut butter, Jelly's partner is high in healthy monounsaturated fats, rich in micronutrients (it's agood magnesium source), and that's one of our favorite foods forweightloss.

Technically speak, a2-À-LIMONIÈRE portion of salty peanut butter contain190 calories, 16 grams of fat (8.5 grams are monounsaturated, 4 grams are polyunitsatured and 3.5 grams are saturated), 7 grams of carbohydrates, 1.5 gram of fibers, 3 grams of natural sugar occurring naturally and7 grams of protein.

So, how does this nut butter promote exactly a flat belly and what else the peanut butter makes your body? We went directly to the experts and some of these side effects of science-cooked to surprise you.

Here are the health benefits to include peanut butter in your diet, as well as some of the negative effects. And if you are soon directed to the grocery store, get our guide forThe top 20 peanut butters are classified!

The benefits of healthy peanut butter


You will feel more complete.

smooth creamy peanut butter in jar

Is peanut butter good for you?Ilyse Schapiro, Ms, rd, cdn So think. It shares that monounsaturated greases of peanut butter and proteins are very satisfied.

How to eat peanut butter for weight loss:

  • Have peanut butter on grilled bread for breakfast with bananas and chia seeds
  • Add peanut butter to a sandwich for lunch with entire crushed raspberries
  • Pair of peanut butter with an apple for a snack that can prevent you from eating too much

"But always consume it in moderation," says Schapiro. A good service size is two tablespoons. You can also create creativelyOpen peanut butter in your meals.


You will get an energy boost.

happy woman after a workout

"The protein, fiber and healthy grease of peanut butter can give you this kick you have to start the day or like Pick-Me-Up of Midi," says Schapiro. "It also helps maintain stable blood glucose, which prevents crashes later." Start your day off with thatStable healthy breakfast To keep desires out of the afternoon.


The peanut butter can help you lose weight.

Female leg stepping on floor scales

Even when you are on a restricted calorie plan, studies have shown that, including legumes, can help weight loss. Why? To begin with, peanuts contain a good amount of protein-7 grams in 2 tablespoons. Add it to the high grass and fiber content, and you have a tasty snack that will keep you longer. The result can be a less caloric consumption later in the day. "Most people find that eating 200 peanut butter calories is more satisfied than, for example, 200 Calories of Bretzels," says Dietitian registeredJennifer McDaniel, MS, RDN, CSSD, LD. According to a study in theInternational Journal of Obesity, peanuts can even increase your metabolic oven. In this study, the metabolic rate of subjects jumped 11% when he eaten about 500 peanut calories daily for 19 weeks.


You will have healthier muscles and nerves.

Woman with strong muscle arms doing push ups for exercise

Magnesium is an essential mineral that feeds more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Nutrify has been shown to combat headaches, muscle cramps and fatigue. The peanut butter is a good source of magnesium containing about15% of your GDR in one two tablespoon to serve. This means that PB can help regulate body temperature, detoxification, energy production, bone formation and strong teeth, as well as the maintenance of a healthy nervous system.


The greases of peanut butter can improve the health of the brain.

Man working on crossword puzzle

According to McDaniel, studies have found that monounsaturated fats found in foods such as walnuts and olive oil protect health and brain function. How? 'Or' What? Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nut properties help reduce stress (or oxidative damage) to the brain.


You can reduce stress hormone levels.

happy woman laughing

"Eating peanut butter can help you fight the effects of stress," says Dietian registeredMiriam Jacobson Rd, CDN ofFoodcoachNyc.com.Pb contains beta-sitosterol, a plant sterol. In studies involving endurance athletes, beta-sitosterol has been demonstrated to normalize high cortisol levels and reduce them into equilibrium with other hormones during periods of stress. Beta-sitosterol can also help improve immunity.


You can improve your skin health.

woman with good skin

Speaking of vitamin E, in addition to healthy fat that help your body absorb soluble vitamins in fat, peanut butter is also high in vitamin E. Propagation contains 2.9 milligrams of vitamin E by two Server soup tables or 15% of your daily value. Vitamin E is important to prevent heart disease, cancer, eye disorders and cognitive decline. In particular, antioxidant vitamin E can help protect your skin with the harmful effects of free radicals from UV exposure. In addition, monounsaturated greases of peanut butter will help keep your skin supple and naturally radiant.

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You can reduce your cardiac risk.

Happy Woman Holding Heart Shaped Hands Near Eyes. Closeup Of Smiling Girl With Healthy Skin Showing Love Sign

Because peanuts are full of healthy monounsaturated fats, they are good for your heart as much as your turn. A 2015 study inJAMA internal medicine I have noticed that consuming as little as 30 grams of peanut peanut or peanut butter every week can help reduce the risk of total mortality and death from cardiovascular disease.


You lower your death risk.

older mature happy couple at table eating drinking

According to a 2015Study of the University of Vanderbilt, Eating nuts each day is linked to a lower total death risk. What gives Nuts the ability to dissuade the mower? Their density of nutrients in favor of health and protection. "Nuts have a healthy fat profile, including mono-polyunsaturated greases - are rich in antioxidants, contain nutrients such as potassium that help maintain healthy blood pressure, are high in fiber and contain healthy cardiac plant phytosterols ", McDaniel said. It has been shown that monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids have shown that LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels, lowering the risk of metabolic syndrome, heart disease and type 2. Diabetes on the contrary, you should pay attention to these.9 "healthy" habits that shorten your life, according to experts.


You can prevent a peanut allergy.

peanut butter jar

Eating PB During pregnancy can actually help reduce the risk of your child to have a peanut allergy, according to guidelines by theNational Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. "If you do not have a peanut allergy, a scoop a day could keep a food allergy!" said McDaniel. AJama PediatricsThe study revealed that non-allergic mothers who ate peanuts or tree nuts five times a week or more were less likely to have a baby with an allergy to nut. "Mothers do not need to avoid one of these allergic food," addsFrank R. Greer, MD, professor of pediatrics at the University of Wisconsin. "If something they could be beneficial."


You will fight the toxins.

Woman touching face

The mono-and polyunsatured greases of peanuts help the fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin E be absorbed by the body. Vitamin E protects against toxins such as air pollution and soothes premenstrual syndrome. It also combats eye disorders such as cataracts and neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and diabetes.


You will reduce the risk of diabetes.


Eating peanut butter can help reduce the risk of developing diabetes. Jacobson cites a study published in theAMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL, which found that consuming an ounce of nuts or a half-serving of peanut butter (about a tablespoon) at least five days a week can reduce the risk of diabetes of more than 20%.


You will turn off your grease genes.

woman measuring inches around belly

Now you know that peanuts give you monounsaturated vent-slimming greases, belly filling fibers and stabolism-boosting proteins. But peanuts have a hidden weapon in their weight loss utility belt: the genimeteine, a compound that acts directly on genes for obesity, helping to turn them off and reduce your body's ability toreserve. (Beans and lentils have the same magic ingredient, although in a slightly less delicious form.)

Registered dietitianGina Hassick, Rd, LDN, CDE, NCCand founder ofEating well with Gina Share your best tips for buyinghealthy peanut butter:

  • When buying peanut butter, try choosing one who has peanuts as the only ingredient.
  • If you prefer to buy one with added oil or salt, understand the ingredients used.
  • Choose the one who uses aoil, not one that uses a hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil.
  • Avoid peanut butters that are "light" or "low fat". When there is less than one ingredient, there is often another added ingredient. The light and low fat peanut butters have almost always added sugar instead of the grease eliminated.

Pregnant mothers can consume peanut butter for healthy development.

Black man holding belly of his pregnant wife making heart

Pregnant women will also appreciate that salt and sweet propagation also has 28 milligrams, or7 percent of your Folate DV, a prenatal vitamin thathas been shown Help prevent emerging defects and promote growth and development of the fetus.


Eating peanut butter to facilitate muscle recovery.


Potassium Plays a key role in muscular health and recovery, and the good news is that peanut butter has a good amount of this important mineral. With179 milligrams of potassium in each tablespoon of soup spoon Hazelnut propagation, it can also help relieve muscle pain and cramps.


You will reduce blood pressure.

Nurse taking a patients blood pressure

Potassium is not only essential for muscle contraction, but it also plays a key role in the declinearterial pressure, according toAmerican Heart Association. In fact, potassium deficiencies are related to cardiovascular disease, renal diseases, osteoporosis and type 2. diabetes to make sure the peanut butter is a goodFood to reduce blood pressureMake sure you opt for a non-salt version.


You will sleep better.

woman sleeping on bed in bedroom

No need to count sheep! A portion of two tablespoons of peanut butter contains74 milligrams of amino acid tryptophan, which is the precursor of the sleep hormones of serotonin and melatonin, making it the ideal night snack to catch zzz. In addition, PB contains magnesium, which can help relax your muscles and prepare your body to sleep.


You will help bone health.

senior woman holding wrist with joint pain poor bone health

Vitamin K is another healthy grease of vitamin vitamin based on soluble fat vitamins will help your body absorb. Vitamin K is essential to normal blood carrot and AIDS in calcium transport throughout the body, which is useful for bone health.


Your skin will shine.

happy woman outside

Lutein in peanuts can help improve the elastin of your skin, which is essential to keep your skin with firm search and without ride. In addition, monounsaturated greases of peanut butter will help keep your skin supple and naturally radiant.


You will be more productive.

Man in glasses working on laptop

Proteins, fibers and healthy grease profile will give you the Kickstart you need to take your day. It's not just great as part of your morning meal, but it also has a great deal of care when this afternoon strikes. Check these30 foods for energy all day.

Potassium is not only essential for muscle contraction, but it also plays a key role in the declinearterial pressure. In fact, potassium deficiencies are related to cardiovascular disease, renal diseases, osteoporosis and type 2 diabetes.

The negative effects of peanut butter


You might have weight.

Man measuring waistline with measuring tape

"A lot of benefits for the health ofPeanut Butter Can be denied if they are only consumed by white bread or crackers and jelly, jelly or chocolate, "says McDaniel. It adds that some transformed peanut butters contain unhealthy additives and too much salt. "Reduced peanut butters are often in place of sugar". said McDaniel. "And avoid peanut butters that have hydrogenated oils to fouling the artery in the list of ingredients."

Schapiro often recommends at Nut Butters for clients who are trying to gain weight as they are so calorically dense. "One tablespoon has about 100 calories, and if you dig in a pot, it's probably not likely that you will stop at a spoonful," she says. "Morepeanut butter Also contain added sugar for flavor. The combination of sugar and grease creates a hormonal symphony for the storage of fat. "


You can be exposed to pesticides.

Bags boiled peanuts

Some farmers can become heavy on pesticides and the use of herbicides is creeping in the production of peanuts. According toUSDA94% of the acres of planted peanuts are covered with herbicides. The problem is that peanuts have a very light hull. Chemicals can easily lix itself. Exposure to pesticides has been linked to birth defects and altered fertility in men. Your better bet? Choose a biological variety.


There is a very small chance that you can consume mold.


Jacobs generally does not recommend peanut products due to their sensitivity to mushroom and mold invasions. Aflatoxin, a common fungus to peanut products, can lead to development delays in children and, over time, this can lead to a higher risk of liver cancer, according to theNih.

However, there could be a lot to fear. The luminous roaster helps protect peanuts against aflatoxin. To date, the NIH reports that aflatoxins have never been an epidemic of human disease in the United States, but epidemics have occurred in some developing countries. NIH's experts recommend remaining vigilanting only major trademarks of peanuts and peanut butters and "walnut elimination that seem moral, discolored or shriveled." You can also choose Different walnut butters as almond or cashew nut. For more negative side effects of PB, see Dangerous side effects of eating too much peanut butter .

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