8 best breakfast habits for women

Attention, ladies! You will want to start your day with them.

After a quick night, eat a balancebreakfast Rebuilding your energy stores to allow you your stay, meetings and presentations of your morning. But when it comes to all the benefits of breakfast, that's what you really eat. Dietitians say that you can adopt a handful of super simple strategies that you can adopt, which will help you not only meet your recommended daily values ​​of certain nutrients, but also to avoid the rumbling of the stomach until lunch and Using potentially in your weight loss efforts. That's why it's important for women to establish a fewHealthy breakfast habits.

The habits are the small decisions you make daily - and simply opt to eat a morning meal is a good to adopt in itself. A little2017 study Suggested to eat a sufficient breakfast can increase fat burning, improve your overall metabolic health and even reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes.

"It is more likely that you began your day with breakfast, you will continue your day with healthy catering choices and habits," said Michelle Zive, registered dietician andNASM certified nutrition coach. "The best filling meals are those that contain whole grains - that satisfy hunger longer and are better for your fat-fat protein, such as milk milk, yogurt, eggs, as well as fruit whole and / or vegetables. "

In other words, starting your morning at the right foot from a nutritional point of view can prepare you for the success of the rest of the day. Here are some of the best breakfast habits that women will want to recover as soon as possible, according to dietitians. And for healthier food tips, make sure you check out our list of21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time.


Try to make your biggest meal.

Healthy breakfast foods blueberries bananas bowl of yogurt oatmeal and coffee

"You have heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day - and I'm here to tell you that it's true," says Sydney Spiewak, Dietitian and Nutritionist approved atSaint François Hospital and Medical Center. "Eat a bigger breakfast helps to give your brain enoughenergy To start the day and Kickstart yourmetabolism. "

The experts agree that eating a satisfying breakfast can prevent you from eating too late in the day - so do not be afraid to fill your plate.

"So many women lesing breakfast to" save calories ", saysColleen Christensen, a registered dietitian and nutritionist. "However, it will only return you to you later in the day. Your body will give you the desire to eat beyond the comfortable fullness point to basically make the calories you have missed earlier. Several times, you Estimate more in this way. I would focus on playing with portion sizes to see what makes you feel your best and what satisfies you. "

In the manner - aStudy 2020 I found that people who ate a big breakfast and a smaller dinner burned twice as many calories throughout the day as people who ate a breakfast and a big dinner.

Not only that, but the registered dietitian Amanda A. Kostro Miller, who serves on the advisory council forFitter Living, says that this is a smart strategy for maintaining your energy on hectic days when you know you can not breakfast before later in the afternoon or will not you be able to go to a quick snack between meetings .

According to Jenna Gorham, an authorized dietitian and an approved nutritionist ofTHE RD LINK, the best way to go is to incorporate at least two food groups and make sure you get a dose offiber, protein and healthy greases - the three key nutrients forThe best breakfast n ° 1 for having if you try to lose weight. A good example of this is trenching hard eggs with hard and lawyer on whole grain toast.


Drink a large glass of water.

woman drinking water

A simplehealthy habit adopt at the time of breakfast isdrink water-What your body needs after a long night of sleep without any hydration.

"I start every morning with a full glass of water," saysMaggie Moon, an authorized dietitian and an author of the best selling ofThe Spirit Plan. "Even 1 to 2% dehydration has an impact on the function of the brain."

Not to mention, Christensen notes that dehydration can make it more difficult to listen to your hungry indices and internal fullness throughout the day, many people think they are hungry when they actually thirst.

"Drink water before or during breakfast helps digestion and erases the toxins, contributes to a feeling of fullness, balance your liquids, feeds your brain, improves your immune system and supports skin health", Adds Zive.

here isHow do you make sure you drink enough water while you're stuck at home.


Prioritize the protein.

blending up ingredients for a green smoothie

Unless you want to look again again in an hour or two, experts definitely recommend that your breakfast includes aprotein The source. This is especially crucial if you are physically active or trying to build muscle.

"Every cell in our body contains protein, which means incorporating a protein into your breakfast helps to repair damaged cells and make new ones," says Spiewak. "Proteins also help keep us fully longer so we will sculpt less during the day."

Dietician and nutritionist registeredLauren Harris-Pincus Advises to reach a minimum of 20 grams of protein in your first meal of the day.

"Research suggests a minimum of 20 grams of protein at breakfast to help minimize muscle loss as we get older," she says. "It is important to maintain strength and balance as well as the support of metabolism because we burn less calories when we lose muscles."

It should also be noted that according to a2013 study Eating a high protein breakfast can reduce cerebral activity "related to desires" and increase the levels of a hormone associated with satiety. Those who were eating a protein breakfast were less likely to collapse fatty foods at night than those who ate cereals or nothing.

While the first foods that come to mind when it comes to proteins could be eggs, cottage cheese andGreek yogurt (What are all excellent choices), Gorham notes that many whole grains such as oats and quinoa are also high in protein and contain food fiber to help you also fill in.

Christensen suggests adding a spoon of protein powder to your bowl of the morning oatmeal or smoothie. Or try one of them19 high protein breakfasts that hold you fully.


Include a grease source.

peanut butter sandwiches

Experts say there is no reason to fearfat-Donne, it's a macronutrient that you certainly do not want to miss at the time of breakfast. As Gorham points out, fat takes the body longer to digest that many other nutrients, so he can keep these hungry pains at the bay all morning.

"Fats help us not only feel full longer, but they have to effectively absorb some of the nutrients we eat," says Christensen.

SpiewAK adds that fat helps balance your blood sugar, avoid fatigue and provide you with constant energy throughout the day. All that said, Miller recommends keeping control of portions in mind when it comes to caloric dense foods like walnut butter and cheese. And every time you can, try looking for foods that are rich inhealthy monounsaturated fats (like almonds andlawyers) and polyunsaturated fats (such as nuts and flax seeds)


Practice mindfulness.

healthy breakfast bowl

On the occupied mornings, it may be tempting to dismiss asandwichWhile you are on your ride or check your email to work at your desktop, but experts say you are breakfast when you feel precipitated or distracted is not ideal. Rather than eating cereals directly from the box or yogurt from the container, install a plate, sit down and enjoy. Nancy Courduff, a clinical dietician withStella Maris, says it will allow you to be more aware of the moment you feel satisfied, thus preventing too much eating.

"When we rush through breakfast, we may not feel very satisfied because we did not take the time to eat, savor and appreciate it," says Miller. "Then we could reach an extra snack at the same time or start eating a bagel in the theme room at work. When you dedicate the time to sit down and have breakfast, you will enjoy the meal and You feel more satisfied so you can last before lunch. "

One of Christensen's favorite conscious catering exercises is to ask you "What is this taste of food likes? While you were reducing.

And although consciousness of eating is a wonderful practice to adopt, registered dietitianKatherine KimberSaid if it's ever a question of jumping breakfast or grab something on the thumb, it's always better to eat something. So why not make you one of these91+ Best healthy breakfast recipes?


Coffee at home.

drinking coffee

This daily milk habit can not only drain your portfolio but also potentiallyAdding sneaky quantities of sugar and saturated grease to your diet.

"If you drink two cups ofCoffee Each with 2 ounces of cream and 2 teaspoons of sugar, it means that you consume about 300 calories and 24 grams of fat - around the same calories and twice as big fat from a pump tart slice " Explain Zive. "If you make your coffee, you can control the amount of cream (or milk) and sugar you put in your cup."

What's worse, Gorham notes that sweet coffee drinks can contribute to an energy crash later in the day, which can affect your productivity at work.

Obviously, there is nothing wrong with adding a little sweetener, milk or cream to your coffee, but doing it at home, you will probably find a recipe that tastes just as well, but you madeto feel better. here is9 tips for the best cup of coffee.


Aim many fibers.

bowl of oatmeal with berries nuts and chocolate

Did you know that 95% of the AmericansDo not respond to recommended daily consumption for fiber-Which one is25 grams for women. Be adequatefiber At breakfast, it is much easier to reach your goals for the day, "says Harris-Pincus." I suggest a targeting 8 grams of fiber (1/3 of your daily value) to breakfast. "

Need more incentive to your fiber consumption? A 2015 study published inAnnals of internal medicine Suggested that eating 30 grams of fibers every day can help you lose weight, reduce your blood pressure and improve your body's response to insulin.

Harris-Pincus suggests adding a portion of raspberries or blackberries to yourgroats or perfect yogurt.or enjoy a high fibercereal.


Take into account your lifestyle and your hunger signals.

Woman eating breakfast yogurt

NewsFlash: There is no unique breakfast - all healthy breakfast, so it's essential to considerYour lifestyle.

"Eat what feels good for your body and uses your mind to consider the practical aspects of your day," says Kimber. "For example, maybe you may not be very hungry, but you know you're going in a long meeting or getting out where the food will not be accessible. Therefore, it could be reasonable to Eating something despite do not feel that. Alternatively, snack on the go can be a convenient way to protect you and make sure you are not too voracious when approaching your lunch. "

If you have a physically demanding job, for example, you may want to opt for a hearty combo of protein and carbohydrates to digest slowly in the morning, like aveggie omelette with whole wheat toast. On the other hand, if you are more sedentary at work and you do not have much appetite in the morning, you might feel satisfied with a Smoothie with fruit based on yoghurt or an apple with peanut butter.

You do not know what is the best breakfast to eat? here is The best breakfasts for weight loss, according to your lifestyle .

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