Habidies of breakfast your doctor wants you to leave immediately

They do not want to have to diagnose chronic diseases.

Each year, doctors are responsible for the diagnosis of Americans with chronic diseases: cancer, diabetes, hypertension, stroke, heart disease, respiratory disease, arthritis and obesity. To date, nearly half (about 45% or 133 million) of Americans currently live with at least one of these diseases, according to oneInternational Journal for Environmental Research and Public Health to study.

TheCenter for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) indicates that one of the main causes of this increased risk (and a diagnosis) many of these chronic diseases is an unhealthy diet. In fact, the CSPI stresses that having an unhealthy regime contributes to about 678,000 deaths each year in the United States, making poor nutrition one of the main causes of deaths to the USAS. Parallel to physical inactivity.

Although most general practitioners give very few food guidelines to their patients - by their own admission,they are not expertsand you will want to see a registered diet nutritionist for the best advice (see here forMen andwomen) -They want to support your way for better health and reduce the risk of illness. One of the ways you can do is change your diet. And what better way to start with the first meal of the day?

We have sought doctors' advice that consider nutrition as an essential component of care, especially when it comes to preventing diseases. They do not all agree on the habits in Nix, but they are passionate about what they think you should have to do or should not do at the breakfast table. Read on, then check these15 quick breakfasts instances.


Skip breakfast.

Hungry woman skipping meal

It sounds cliche but several doctors we contacted saidSkip breakfast Is one of the worst habits they would have recommended to break because they feel breakfast is always "the most important meal of the day".

"Breakfast starts the metabolism of our body," saysMadhan Kumar, MD, a surgical gastroenterologist with virtual practiceICLINIQ +. Skiping breakfast leads to overeating or increasing the weight gain and higher body mass index (BMI) without eating more calories by reducing your metabolism, he says.

"Chances are on the chances of breakfast could leave you voracious for lunch, which could make it more difficult to make a healthy choice," warns the nutritional psychiatristUMA Naidoo, MD, author ofThis is your brain on food. "If you are hungry and you have not had breakfast, it is likely that you choose the easiest and most convenient food. It can bring you to a fast food restaurant rather than an option. healthier." You will also eat a balanced breakfast "will leave you separated to lunch and prepare you for nutritional success throughout the day," says Dr. Naidoo.

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To eat breakfast.

Woman eating breakfast

Some doctors we spoke with adviser to get out of the breakfast habit, citing the health benefits ofintermittent fast, such as weight loss, reduction of inflammation and oxidative stress, and lowering insulin resistance. "I recommend stretching the night quickly as long as possible in the morning to avoid prediations and type 2 diabetes," saysDj Polzin, do, a trading family medicine doctor atWild bear medicine, which provides telemedicine health care to the Nomad / Van-Life Community of Oregon and Washington on a Camper Van. He suggested breaking your fast with a high protein meal and good fats, no pancakes and sweet cereals. "If you drink coffee, take it withMct oil (For medium chain triglycerides, saturated saturated grease such as coconut oil) about one hour before eating carbohydrates to avoid an insulin ear, "he recommends.


Order the lumberjack.

pork sausages

For some people, breakfast is synonymous with "Hardy" and "Hardy breakfast" translates to a large breakfast with a lot of meat. "If there is a bad habit, I would like to see that patients separate to eat a huge breakfast filled with processed meat," said the doctor-renowned scientistWilliam W. Li, MD, author ofEat to beat the disease: the new science of how can your body be health itself. A typical breakfast of the size of the lumberjack can reach 1,200 calories and 25 grams of saturated grease. "Health health breakfast foods (in these large meals) generally include artificial sweeteners in coffee foods and ultra-transformed foods that modify the intestinian microbioma and processed meats such as sausages and Bacon considered as carcinogens by the World Health Organization ", Li says. "As an exchange, I recommend eating fresh fruit eggs, yogurts and range of ranges."

Related:A major side effect to eat a big breakfast, says science.


Have dessert for breakfast.

Belgian waffles

In most countries, breakfast is tasty. It was also like that in the United States. "Somewhere along the way to the United States, we started thinking that breakfast was a form of dessert!" Dr. Naidoo, who is also director of the nutritional psychiatry of Massachusetts General Hospital and a trained chef. The donuts, cinnamon bagels, sweet cereals, cinnamon and similar breads are full of added sugars and transformed carbohydrates that will prepare you to make more unhealthy food decisions later in the day, the Naidoo says. Eating this way "can predict you to insulin resistance while promoting inflammation, the number one underlying several mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression and dementia, among others," says -she.

For helpful tips to break your sugar habit, read the book by David Zinczenko,Zero sugar diet: the 14-day plan for flattening your belly, crush clothes and help you lean for life.

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