Eating this type of fish could reduce your risk of covidation, the study suggests

In addition, they have other major benefits that can keep you healthy.

Much of CVIV-19 prevention guarantees yourimmune system is in the best possible form to fight against infection - this way, even if you get the new coronavirus, you are much less likely to havesevere complications Compared to a person with an weakened immune system.

Damping Down Inflammation is a key element of this strategy and, as far as what can give you a food boost in the right direction, a recent study suggests that you may want to charge on fatty fish. (In touch:The 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.)

Choice asSalmonAtlantic mackerel, sardines, cod and herring are all packed withOMEGA-3 fatty acidsand research published in the journalProstaglandins, Leukotrienes and essential fatty acids To findThere is direct evidence that higher omega-3 blood levels can reduce the risk of CVID death.

The researchers examined 100 patients admitted to the hospital with the virus and examined their blood samples, noting that 14 had died since admission. They found that the risk of mortality related to covidationwas four times higher for those who have omega-3 low blood ratesAnd, in fact, 13 deceased patients were in the group with the lowest quantity.

Although researchers noted that more studies should be made to confirm the conclusions, this pilot study suggests that there are strong associations between theanti-inflammatory effects fatty acids and better covidant results.

It's just an advantage of more omega-3 in the regime, says Lisa Mosconi, PhD, neuroscientific and author ofCerebral food: surprising science to eat for cognitive power.Eating fat fish at least several times a week can improve brain health and strengthen your mood, note. Which can reduce your risk of notorious "brain fog" that many people experiment with COVID, as well as lower stress levels - another way ofSupport your immune system.

"The good news is that even if you have made choices less than health for a moment, your body and your brain will quickly respond to positive changes," she says. "It can reduce your inflammation and increase immunity quickly, as long as you stay on this track."

Although there are many Omega-3 supplements on the market that can get your fast levels, Mosconi suggests eating first fatty fish. Not only do fatty fish options have the right kind of fat to help reduce the risk of multiple negative health outcomes (thinkingheart disease), but they also provide various nutrients such asVitamin D, riboflavin, calcium and other minerals.

"In addition, this kind of fish is super simple to prepare and it's delicious," she adds.

For inspiration on the dishes you can do at home, be sure to check21+ Best healthy salmon recipes for weight loss.

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