This is America's favorite cookie on the shelves of the grocery store

It's a classic dessert with an updated recipe!

About 40,000 grocery stores voted in the2021 Product of the year price, who crowned innovative products in 41 different categories as a favorite of America. Although the first place finisher in theBiscuit The category is a classic, the recipe forKeebler Chips Deluxe Original Cookies have recently been refreshed.

These Keebler cookies now offer more high quality and quality ingredients and the magic of the ELF signature. But despite the additions of true chocolate and natural vanilla, they are always dessert!A portion, which is on two cookies, contains 160 calories, 19 grams of carbohydrates, 9 grams of fat, 9 grams of sugar and 105 milligrams of sodium. They also lack fiber (less than 1 gram) and protein departments (1 gram). (In touch:The 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.)

Although these cookies are approved by the customer, they have virtually no nutritional value outside 6% of the quantity of recommended daily iron. Sticking to a cookie at a time is a good way to limit sugar, grease and carbohydrates so you do not overload your body. (For more,Here's how to say if you eat too much sugar, according to dietitians.)

We previously covered the winners of several other higher categories. A portion of the winner of theBreakfast Category is filled with 14 grams of protein. TheSports nutritionThe first-place finish has zero sugar, one tonne of electrolytes, as well as BCAAs and creatine to support muscle growth and health. The winner of theCoffee Category is actually a cream coffee, but it is low in calories and 100% vegan.

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