What happens when you eat bread daily

Eating bread every day really bad for you? We are diving in the details.

No matter how you cut it out, bread is a basis of Western diet. Grilled bread at breakfast at lunch sandwiches at the tilting bar, it's not hard to eat this everyday backup ingredient (or even at each meal). Over the years, although, especially asnoisy andGluten-free regimes grew up in popularity, bread had a bad rap. But is it really a bad thing to eat bread every day?

All this depends - mainly on the variety of bread you choose and how much you consume.

You have probably heard that whole grains (and therefore the whole wheat bread) are better for you than white. TheDietary guidelines for Americans and theAcademy of Nutrition and Dietary Encourage the Americans to make half of our whole grains - and for good reason. The whole grain bread is done with the entire intact wheat core, which means it keeps all itsfiber and important nutrients such as iron, zinc and B vitamins. White bread, on the other hand, is made by stripping the wheat core of its germ rich in nutrients and sound. This can make a more tasty and stable product of tablet, but reduces nutritional value.

While eating whole wheat bread daily can come with many advantages, it can not necessarily be said for white. Here is a look at the possible effects on the health of eating bread every day.


This could sting your blood glucose.

Women's hands cutting baguette with knife on chopping board on kitchen table.

If you look at your blood sugar, you get your daily bread (white) is not recommended. The high doses of simplecarbohydrates in the refined grains, absorb themselves in the blood much faster than thecomplex carbohydrates In whole wheat, leading to a rapid rise in blood glucose. According toHarvard Health, a powerful blood glucose of high blood glucose food can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and overweight.


You can gain weight.

weight gain

When a basket of chopsticks arrives at your table before a restaurant meal, constant consumption is the key. Simple carbohydrates (like those of white bread) are notorious so you do not fill yourself - it's too easy to go down several slices and always loads on a full meal after. Over time, exceeding any type of bread can lead toweight gain.

However, it is important to remember that only one food is generally not the culprit to put books. "The weight gain does not just result from eating white bread. Instead, weight gain is the result of the consumption of more calories than our body uses for energy," says Diéige Kris SolLID, RDN , Senior Director of Nutrition Communications on the International Food Information Council (IFIC).


This could harm your microbiome

loaf of unsliced fresh baked bread

If the white bread of the lower fiber regularly borders whole wheat in your diet, it can spell your microbiome, alias the colony of bacteria in your intestine.Research Shows that a weak diet in whole grains is associated with microbiome imbalances. These imbalances have been linked to irritable intestine syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease. On the low side,Other studies Show that choosing whole wheat bread, rich in prebiotic fiber that nourishes a healthy microbiome, has positive effects on intestinal bacteria.

From a floweringmicrobiome can lead to everything frombetter mental health ToReduced risk of cardiac diseaseHe is intelligent to choose whole wheat bread on white at least half of the time.


It can add vitamins and minerals to your diet.

Whole grain bread

Eating white bread is not a bad news! This sandwich staple comes with silver liners. When the refining process lowered the wheat of its natural nutrients, most bread producers "enrich" these nutrients in their product - sometimes result in further effort by strengthening bread with additional micronutrients. Commonly added nutrients include folic acid and iron, both play important roles in health.

To have enoughfolic acidis particularly critical for pregnant women. "Folic acid reduces the risk of neural tube defects in newborns," says SolLID. "This is the main reason, in 1998, the American food and drug administration required for folic acid to be added to enriched grain products such as bread, pasta, rice and cereals."

And do not neglect the importance ofiron! "Eating iron-rich food maintains optimal delivery of oxygen to our fabrics and organs and protects against iron deficiency anemia."


It will feed your body and your brain with carbohydrates

assorted types of bread

Despite their doubtful reputation, carbohydrates are not actually an enemy to your health. In fact, these very malignant macros are the preferences of the bodyenergy source, providing fuel to your billions of cells. Meanwhile, the brain works mainly on the most simplified form of glucose, glucose. Since the average bread slice contains about 15 grams of carbohydrates, eating it regularly can help fuel your daily activities.

While the whole wheat bread, with his more satisfied complex carbohydrates, will keep you longer than you will do longer, a portion of white bread occasionally will not sabotage your diet. "Some would you believe that all carbohydrates (bread included) are created equal and just as" bad "" said Sollid. "The truth is that it's not. While pure white bread does not offer the same nutrition as 100% whole grains, it can still be part of a healthy diet."

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