Is the Dave Killer's bread in good health?

The whole grain bread is found everywhere local grocery stores in Costco. We asked the experts if it is worth the extra dough.

The alley of bread at the grocery store can be overwhelming. With options such as whole grain, whole wheat, potato, oats, linen linen and more,buns purchased in store are not created equal. But Dave's killer's bread has become a popular brand on store shelves (including costCo), knowing that its pilted paste of protein and whole grain ingredients such as its main points of purchase. He also claims to be the number one saleOrganic and non-GMO project verified bread.

"Dave's killer's bread has tasted big and many of my clients, friends and family gravitate towards her in the supermarket because of smart" healthy "labels and marketing," said Charlotte Martin, MS, RDN, CSOWM, CPT, recorded dietary nutritionist and owner ofFashioned by Charlotte.

While Dave's killer's bread is positioned as a healthy alternative to the ultra-transformed breads, we have all grown up, we wanted to have two opinions of dietitians on the brand, and if they recommend it to buy it as the next bread.

What is the story behind Dave's killer's bread?

Dave killer bread was founded in 2005 in Portland, Oregon after the co-founder Dave Dahl was hired at his family's bakery by his brother Glenn after serving 15 years in prison. In addition to its delicious bread, Dave's killer bread company is also well known for its hiring practices. Through what he callsSecond chanceThe company supports those with a criminal history by hiring them to work in its factories. About three of the more than 300 employees of the company Milwaukie, Oregon Bakeryhas a criminal background. The company also founded Dave's Killer bread foundation that encourages other companies to hire employees with criminal history.

Dave killer bread (which is nowbelonging to food flowersThe company that also exploits the wonder bread, the clean nature and the ray of sun) has several different products that you can buy in addition to "killer" of bread:

  • "Killer" bread
  • slim sliced ​​bread
  • germ bread
  • bagels
  • English muffins

What is Dave's Bread?

As we have already been established, Dave's killer's bread is organic and non-GMO. We closer the panel of nutritional facts with two dietitians to examine nutritional information and ingredients. We looked specifically on the21 whole grain bread and seeds.

Nutritional Information for Dave Killer Bread

These are the nutritional facts for a slice of 21 whole grains of Dave and seed bread:

  • Calories: 110
  • Fat: 1.5 g (0 g saturated)
  • Sodium: 170 mg
  • Total: 22 g
  • Fiber: 5 g
  • Total sugar: 5 g
  • Protein: 5 g

"A slice of bread contains 5 grams of protein (quite high for bread!) And 5 grams of food fiber, which is excellent", explains Brittany Modell, MS, RD, CDN, authorized and founding dieticianBrittany Modell Nutrition and Wellness.

Although only one slice of Dave killer contains 17% of your daily fiber value and a solid dose of protein, it tilts a little balance with sugar.

"A slice of bread contains 5 grams of sugar, which comes out more than 1 teaspoon of sugar. If you use two slices of bread to make a sandwich, which comes out more than 2 teaspoons of sugar, which is Significant "says modell.

Even if each slice of 21 whole grains and seed bread contains 9% of your daily value of added sugars, Modell says that Dave's killer's bread can always be a better option than other breads on the shelf.

"Compared to other brands of bread (with less nutritious ingredients), it can have about the same amount of sugar. If you consume bread, it is better to choose bread with 5 grams of fibers (with added sugar ) that bread with zero 1 gram of fiber with the same amount of sugar added. "

Ingredients in Dave Killer Bread

According to Modell, although there are many ingredients, when you actually break down what the ingredients are, they are globally very good.

"For example, the first three ingredients listed are: water, organic whole wheat flour and crank organic whole wheat. Other ingredients include flax seeds, biological sunflower seeds, organic barley flakes , organic millet, biological spelled flakes, etc. " MODELL. "DKB is also free from many preservatives that we often find in the classic bread bought in store."

One of the only ingredients concerning dietitians? Sugar.

"Sugars are often added to packaged breads to help them go up (feed yeast) and improve the taste of the final product," says Martin. "Although it's hard to find packed breads withoutadded sugarYou can find those with less than half the amount of this dkb variety. "

"In addition, just because he says that" biological "cane sugar does not mean that it's healthier. Organic sugar is still sugar, a period."

If you are looking for a lower sugar dkb option, your go-to should be theirPower bread. It always has 5 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber, but only 1 gram of sugar.

How can you choose a healthy bread?

What dietitians use to determine if a loaf of bread is healthy or not on a list of things to do and not to do.

  • Quality Ingredients: It's not just the amount of ingredients that counts to Modell; It's also quality. "Can you pronounce the ingredients? Can you recognize them? Ingredients must ideally be whole food, such as nuts, seeds, whole grains, etc."
  • fiber: "I'm also looking to see how fiber is in bread. Whole grains are a great way to add an extra fiber to your diet," says Modell. "The bread containing higher amounts of fiber is a victory."
  • unclear: "A healthy bread" should not have more than a few grams of sugar added by slice (but less sugar is best), says Martin.
  • made with sprouted grains: "I am generally looking for spreads, because most of the sprouted bread (like the Joe's merchant, food for life, hills silver bakery, etc.) correspond to these criteria. TheDKB Slce Sliced ​​Bread A 3 grams of added sugar, 3 grams of protein and 2 grams of fiber, close enough, "explains Martin.
  • whole grains: "Wheat flour" does not cut it. "The word" everything "must be in front of" wheat ", otherwise it's not a whole grain, and has been stripped of fibers," said Martin. "I'm trying to stay away from whole grain ingredients, such as wheat flour" enriched "or" bleached "."

There are some red flags you should avoid when buying bought shop bread.

  • INGREDIENT NAMES: "If you can not pronounce ingredients or recognize them, that is a red flag," says Modell. "Food companies often add conservatives and expenses to products, which can have an impact on your health."
  • Number of ingredients"For example, if an article has 20 ingredients, when it should really be two," says Model. "With the case of DKB, the ingredients actually add value, such as additional fibers and proteins and come from healthy foods. However, this is not always the case, so certainly looking for food products with too many ingredients. "
  • bleached flour: The words "whiten" and "enriched" mean that the flour has been ultra-transformed to eliminate its outer layer rich in nutrients, then the manufacturers add the nutrients it has stripped. If you see "Blanchi" on the label, it means that manufacturers use whitening agents to make the flour whiter.

The final result: Is the Dave's killer's bread healthy?

Both dietitians are DKB fans for similar reasons.

"I think Dave's killer's bread is a good option when buying bread," says Modell. "He isfiber top and protein. Although the sugar content can be greater than some of its health care homologists, it can add value to your diet. "

And Martin accepts.

"I think Dave's killer's bread is definitely a better choice than many other brands of bread on the market, but some of their varieties are better than others," said Martin.

She is a fan of the Power Loaf, which has only 1 gram of sugar added per slice, 5 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber. And of course, the Slce sliced spray .

"All foods and foods can integrate with a balanced diet with moderation, including all DKB varieties," she says. "But if you have more than a portion or two of a daily bread, I would recommend one of their lower sugar varieties (such as PowerSeed) or incorporate another brand of low sugar into your routine."

Categories: Groceries
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