These are the worst food for your lungs

If you want to keep your lungs in advance shape, you will want to avoid these foods better than you can.

Whether you have problems with your lungs or are just interested in making sure you do everything you can to keep them strong - especially for a moment as if the world isPandemic this impliesrespiratory issues- Keep your lungs as healthy as possible, it's always a good idea. In the same wayAdopt obvious habits Such as non smoking, exercise and minimize your exposure to air pollution, your diet can also play a role. There are foods that do not really help your lungs.

Here is a breakdown of the worst foods for your lungs that should be limited if you give priority to your pulmonary health.



whole wheat bread

Simple carbohydrates Like refined flours and sugars can contribute to poor pulmonary health. Not only are these foods inflammatory, but they require a lot more work from the lungs to metabolize.

"A low carbohydrate diet will allow the body to produce less carbon dioxide, which is good news for anyone with existing pulmonary conditions," says Lisa Richards, nutritionist and author ofThe candida regime.

Colleen Wysocki-Woods, MS, RDN, Owner,ZEST NUTRITION accept, noting that, while "carbohydrates are important for normal function and energy", it is essential to choosecomplex carbohydrates Like whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

"These provide a nutritional benefit despite the cost of carbon dioxide production," she says. "Refined white pasta, breads, rice and candies will not provide a lot of nutritional benefits and are not worth the cost of more difficult breathing."

Tsao-linen AvgThe acupunctive and alternative medicine specialist also notes that the added inflammation of these foods can "tighten the airways and produce phlegm".

"Research shows that there is a relationship with celiac disease and pulmonary disease, "she says." Gluten intolerance can have lung problems with [a]cough. "



plain roasted broccoli in white bowl

You can be surprised to find a healthy broccoli on this list! In some cases, broccoli can be good for your lungs thanks to its richness of antioxidants and anti-carcinogenic potential,Amanda Webster, certified spirit corps coach, note that he can actually contribute to poor pulmonary health because of his propensity toblocker.

"Because we automatically think" healthy "when we think that vegetables, it's easy to forget that there are special cases in which certain healthy foods should be restricted," she says. "If you get from Gas after eating foods such as broccoli, cauliflower or cabbage, try limiting them or change for dense food other nutrients. "


Ice cream

vanilla ice cream scoop

We know it's hard to swallow. Corndairy is known to increase mucus production, explains the naturopathic doctor Anna Johnson, owner ofAnna's Organics, "Especially in the respiratory tract" by doing "a food we should consume less of the cold season and the flu, or right now with Covid-19."

"Dairy products and dairy products can produce a lot of mucous tissues and inflammation of the respiratory tract," explains Dr. Navnirat Nibber, ND and the medical advisor toAdvanced orthomolecular search. "If you notice a constant productive cough that worsens with dairy products, excessive phlegm, sinus irritation or clogged nose, try cutting the dairy and see how symptoms change."

This goes to twice ice cream, which also contains inflammatory refined sugar.

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Ridge potato chips in bag

It is not surprising that transformed food is not good for your lungs. Processed foods likepotato chips are packed with saturated grease andsalt, none of which is great for the general health of health or lungs, in particular.

"Trans and saturated fats contribute to your cardiovascular health," says Dr. Lina Velikova, MD, Ph.D., a medical advisor, "which is immediately linked to your pulmonary health."

Salt, it continues, increases blood pressure and "continued consumption of higher doses can deteriorate your heart health".

Dr. William Li, scientific doctor and author ofEat to beat the disease, resonates this warning.

"The salt can be bad for the lungs, especially if you have an underlying lung state as a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and heart disease," he says, noting that salt also causes salt toWater retention, Who can flee liquid in the lungs and make it more difficult to breathe.



beer cans

Alcohol is not ideal for lungs in any form, especially sulfiable red wine or sugar-loaded cocktails, which can contribute to inflammation. CornBeer Maybe the worst choice of all.

"Gaseous and gaseous food can cause bloating, tightening of the chest and even asthma attacks," explains Wysocki-Woods. Because Alcohol also contributes to dehydration , Best give it a pass if you want to improve your pulmonary health.

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