The secret sign of your weight gain is not what you think it's

Some books on the scale? This is what it could really say.

Although the ladder tells you how we weigh you, it does not tell you exactly what the weight means. If you are up a few books, does it mean that it's all fat? Is it muscle? Or are you just a little inflated? It can be difficult to tell the differences if it isweight gain WhereblockerThat's why we went to dig for what weight gainreally ways.

To do this, we talked with Maggie Michalczyk, RDN and founder ofOnceuponapumpkinrd.comTo discuss differences between weight gain and bloating, and she had a lot of tips to share.The secret sign? The appearance of your stomach.

Does your stomach look different? It's probably swollen!

When you feel normal, you can be (not Gassy and eat a balanced diet), give your stomach a nice look. Keep this picture clear in your mind because it will help you determine when you blot or not.

"The bloating usually occurs after a meal," Michalczyk said. "Note how your stomach examines this time [against] how it usually seeks to determine if it is a gain of bloating or weight."

According toMedical Center of Pittsburgh University, bloating will be used to developing.Your stomach will feel a little hard compared to your usual soft ventilation, so give it a poke. If it feels different from normal, it's probably bloating.

What are the causes of the navel?

With regard to balloon causes, Michalczyk says it could be a myriad of things.

First, most women will discover a gain of bloating and weight around the time they aremenstruation.

"It is totally normal to be two books of books around your cycle, because we tend to remember the weight of the water," Michalczyk said. "So if you are around this period of the month, it's a good indication that it is not a weight gain, but changes associated with your rules."

Secondly,Bloating can also be the result of what you eat. And not just unhealthy foods (although those do not study exactly), but all kinds of food productscruciferous vegetables.

"If you notice that, after eating certain vegetables, you are always swollen (like cauliflower, broccoli and germs of Brussels), you can be more sensitive to these vegetables forming gas and probably want to limit the amount that You have both "says Michalczyk. She also mentioned thatsugar spirits can easily be a culprit to balloon.

How to prevent bloating

If it's not your time of the month and you encounter an uncomfortable amount of bloating, it may be time to reconsider what you put on your plate.

"It might be useful to keep a brief feeding log where you write what you have eaten and how you felt after (inflated, uncomfortable) to understand theCult for your bloating, says Michalczyk.

Each body reacts to food differently, so take a while to understand yours. Write what you eat and how it makes you feel an hour or an hour later. If you encounter an uncomfortable amount of bloating, you should consider reducing specific foods in your diet, especially if it's one of theseFoods that cause intestinal discomfort.

Another surprising way to reduce bloating is simply stopping eating and drinking at the same time. Michalczyk says it can actually cause bloating in the stomach.

"One thing that could help [lower bloating] does not eat and do not drink at the same time," says Michalczyk. "It can have a lot of air in your system, which can help balloon."

So the next time you enjoy a meal, enjoy your beverage separately. Some nutritionists say they even have a glass ofthe water Before enjoying your meal, you will not only help you feel bloated later, but you will keep you fromeat too much.

How to disavow

Feel uncomfortable and need a relief? If you are looking for release, Michalczyk recommends integrating more peppermint and ginger into your diet if you can, because they are large stomach shooters. An easy way to do it is to start a tea routine that includes one of them in the tea mix. You can also consider incorporating these 15 anti-bloating foods In your diet to decrease this joke for good.

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Categories: Weight Loss
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