22 truths about the will

Willpower: How to get it, keep it and why you need it to reach your health and fitness goals!

Willingness is one of those difficult things that raise different feelings in different people. For me? I am convinced that I do not have it. A diet lasts about a week before I be helpless on a plate of fries. I am envious of my husband who makes a goal, keeps this goal and often reaches his goal, even with setbacks and other bumps along the road. Determined to go to the heart of what will be really and how I can amplify mine, I went to the experts. The results are fascinating.

In its essence, willingness is the ability to withstand short-term temptations to meet long-term goals. It almost looks like a superpower that some are born and others are not. Have you ever had dinner with a group of friends and ask how this girlfriend (you know who she is) could just stay there and even have a single bit of bread out of the basket? Its strength is real but it has also been formed and protected. Torsion? Willpower is finished, let's say Roland and Galina Denzel, author ofEating well, well buckle, live well: 52 ways to feel better in a week.

"A study has shown that when participants have been invited to resist the restoration of cookies after odors and have been invited to eat radish, they have rather failed a mathematical task," says Denzels. "They could not solve [the problem of mathematics] because their will had been weakened by resistant to cookies."

So we all have the will - but sometimes the constraints of life go beyond these additional steps need to access it. Continue reading the important ideas on the reproduction of the desire concept while reconcising your inner strength. And for more answers to things that bring you to your best health trip, check these22 Dilemmas of consumption difficult to eat!


Find your focus with meditation

We have all been there; We want to stick to our diet and lose weight but can not stop thinking about a desire as chocolate cakes. "Unfortunately, many of us are walking in a perpetual state of combat or theft," says Emily Fletcher, founder of Zivamind and expert in meditation for waiting. "We refer to that as stressed. But what we do not realize is that it is this stress that prevents us from reaching our goals." Fletcher says the solution can be meditation, however. "When you meditate, you spend your nervous system in a way that changes your brain of a" fighting or flying "state to one of the" stays ". When your body and your mind are relaxed, You are able to access your higher level thinking, as opposed to let your survival instinct run the show. Your préulator cortex is activated, and it is the part of the brain associated with self-regulation and decision-making focused On the goals. "Translation: It's a lot easier to tell you:" In fact, I do not need cake right now. "

Fletcher says that the best part of the meditation helps you build your will over time. "It is not a question of combating desires, it is about reducing the desires in the first place by addressing the underlying factors. And after you have this foundation, you'd better create new habits and to find your brain in order to make healthy choices is your default value. "Learn more aboutHow does meditation work And how to make it work for your goals.


Understand what weighs you


When the fitness-shaped expert and Coach Nadia Murdock consider her clients who fall from the train, she asks them a very important thing: what holds them back? "Delete what keeps you with successful your goals is important," she says. "Once you've set off the obstacles, find the desire to avoid over-indulgence or jumping that the gym will be easier. Then you have to recognize your achievements, regardless of size or small thing. This will help strengthen your will and encourage you to continue to grow! "But you are human, so if you slide, you can not throw in the towel. "Learn about this error and operate it for you and not against you. This will give you the strength you need to be a better version of yourself."


Visualize what you want

"In order to find your willingness of your will, view what you are trying to accomplish," suggests that Crunch Gyms master coach Eve Karlin. Karlin suggests writing your goals - with deadlines - to eventually meet what you are visualizing. And even if what you think is a big dream, cut it in smaller goals. Speaking of writing things, do not miss these10 tips for keeping a food review to lose weight




Often, when we set a goal - and need the will to take us, we have defined the high bar. Instead of going to the gym once or twice a week, we believe that it must be every day. But it's a sure way of stumbling you and feeling too overwhelmed. "There are many things like that in which we think:" I will not make my novel unless I can put aside a whole weekend to write. "Well, you can create a novel in a paragraph a day," Kelly McGonigal, Stanford University's psychologist on the Ted blog. "So I encourage people to think about the smallest step they could Take this corresponds to their goal, whether they believe that it is enough. "



Create a routine focusing on health and fitness will keep you on the right track of success - and keep your will of your will at the point. Karlin says what to do things like prepared meals every Sunday or add training to your schedule gives you the coherence you need. You just have to find the routine that works for you. And if you lose your will? Karlin suggests "finding an activity or challenge that will motivate you to recover on the right track. It might be an upcoming race, taking a new class or get a personal trainer to help again your fitness trip again . " For inspiration on what to incorporate into your routine, check these21 things that people with six packs make every week.



Speaking of routine, here is a trick that can help you stay focused. There is a study that shows if you tighten your left fist (not Your right), this can prevent you from smothering high pressure situations. The researchers believe that the fist fist will tank the right hemisphere of the brain, helping in the performance of automatic skills. So, it's definitely a way to deceive you the next time you think you could go for this pizza slice instead of ordering a salad. If you feel the heat, tighten your left fist to see if it helps you make the choice you know, it's better for you!


Get some responsibility


It is a myth that the will is something you need to solve alone. "The best way to stay on track with our health and fitness goals is to have a responsibility partner", suggests Katrina Scott and Karena Dawn to tone. "If you have a pal, then you are more likely to succeed. Tiu's girls even admit that they have had days when they do not want to hit their yoga class in the morning or pass a race after the job." But because we know we count on each other, we appear for these days-and you never regret a workout! For more advice from coaches and training sessions on trend, extend them30 tips that you can learn today's hottest workouts!


Get your ZZZZZS


Although it seems to have enough sleep, it's magic healing for everything, it can really do wonders for the fight against temptation, no matter what it could be. "When you are private sleep, you have so much less chance of refusing junk food, to go to the gym or spend time socializing. We all know that everything we bother us bothers us more when we are tired and All we have one feels more difficult when we are tired, "explains the Annie Lawseless, health and well-being, and co-founder of Suja Juice." So, do not let yourself be tired zap your will. Make sure you have a lot of sleep so you have the energy needed to get the best choices to reach your health goals. "Can not fall asleep? FindThe fruit n ° 1 to eat before bedtime!


Reward you

Recognizing that you have made a good choice and used your willingness of your will, even if important. "When you train a puppy and it does something good, you say" good work! "And give him a treat. Why do not we do that for ourselves when we do something true?" Legally asks. "Affirming that good behavior is important for all creatures and strengthens our resolution to keep it and do it better. If you have been excellent with your diet and your workout, reward yourself with a cheating meal or Buy a nice new training outfit. That little milking can be just the motivation you need to continue and avoid professional exhaustion. "


Make the decision to make your hands

Paul Roller, Crossfit Outbreak coach also describes the will of finite quality. The most difficult decisions you are forced to do daily, the more your juice will be drained. "In order to get and keep your will of will, it is important to put in place systems that make the decision decision of your hands," he said. For example, do not buy junk food to store in your home; If you are going to give you a treat, take it out and buy it in a single portion. "Do not eliminate the decision" Should I have some cookies? "When you open your kitchen cabinet," he explains.


Have a mantra


"Your will is naturally in you - it's your life force," says Dr. Tina Chadda, founder of Akasha's meditation. "The key is to access it and stay in touch with it, especially if you try to achieve certain health and wellness goals. Do not forget that the fear of failure to dilute. " Dr. Chadda suggests repeating the following mantra as a way to always be able to exploit what is in you: "Iwill access to my naturalPower! "

Icymi:25 nutritionists of weight loss mantras swear by.


Redefine what the definition of a goal can mean

"Normally, when we do not do our goal," it means that we have failed in a certain way, "says Ken Immer, cche and president and chief health culinary solutions. "But the new definition of a goal does not include failure. You allow not to reach the goal. Life is coming, and our priorities can change. The idea is to stay flexible and use the goal Like a sign post. Like a north star. This gives a direction, but that's all. "


Treat the will like a muscle


Think of Willpower's will like fire inside you, you want motivated when you want to quit. It is a force you need to withstand desires and increase focus. "Like all body muscles, the will must be exercised, worked and rested," says the co-founders of Taylor Gainor and Justin Norris. "If you want to lose your willingness of your will, there is a good chance that you are overcrowded and you have to take a break. Begin yourself and focus on the construction of the fire in you!" If you want to restart a weight loss course, try these15 ways easy to reset your diet.


Know what you value


"I believe that the will is the strongest when you conform to your values," says Lola Berry, author ofThe Happy Cookbook. "Let's be clear on this one; it's a big part of who you are, what you believe, how do you want and the souls you choose to share your life. The definition of your values ​​is a key step of becoming clear on what you want your life to look like. The values ​​are what matters most. The experts say that if you live your life according to your core values, you will feel much more accomplished, on the point, clear and live a great feeling of well-being. "This is one of30 proven tips to be happy!


Live in the present

"When defining your goals, you already imagine the goal, whether it's a kilometer of recording time or fitting in these white Capri pants for the summer," request in Denzels. "Note how you feel when you arrived there, what you see with your eyes and what you hear with your ears. Listen to these compliments and receive them. Be present with the image of the future. See yourself as If you have already reached your goal is incredibly powerful and helps to reconstitute the well of the will. Then, talk about your strong goal in the present: "I can stand in my white Capri pants" or "I can run this mile faster than Never. "Take deep breaths when you hold this image and words in your consciousness."


Save your new habits

Engage in daily activities towards the direction of your new goals can mean choosing to go out with more friends of health than for the night of pizza with girls or take a walk instead of the frenzy on your DVR. "Numerous studies show that when we surround ourselves with people who have the way of life, we strive, it is easier to get there," say the Denzels. "Support your new health and fitness habits by creating an environment that facilitates the collection of an environment." It's one of20 things only people formerly-overweight know.


Say just no

And with this last advice in mind, it is very important to learn the art of saying "no". "We often abandon our deepest desires to please others. Rely on a specific routine movement, diet and exercise may require you first and make sure to honor your Desires by saying no to others, "Tell the Denzels. "It's not about being selfish; it's self-respect and self-preservation. If you do not make your big goals and say yes whatyou Need, no one will do it. "


Do not be afraid the fight

Expect your will is always unbreakable, it's like expecting what you never fight with your husband or your children will never be mean. Life is not perfect and your health and fitness trip is not. "When you get slipped into habits that do not respect your current health and fitness goals, take a small breathing break," suggests Denzels. "Think about how difficult it is to be human-how many tasks, priorities and tasks that we have daily. Think about some things you are always going to feed the family or complement the work tasks. Although Your workouts are late. Behind, are you still going well in other regions. At the moment, can you have some self-compassion, a certain understanding and a certain clarity on perfection is an impossible goal? "

Once you have finished with your selfish break, go ahead and determine something you want to do tomorrow that will help you come back on track. Maybe it's donebreakfast Or just take a walk with a friend, but this first action will give you on the right track, because if you expect to lose your will, it will be so much easier to recover it.


Find your self-confidence


"Remember that youcan do it and youcanSuccessive can be much more powerful than the will, "says Stephanie Mansour, a weight loss coach and lifestyle for women." And it helps you work with your body rather than fighting against your body. Act as if you are already in this dress size 6 or if you already enter with a dinner in a sleeveless vertex. "


Define reminders

If you want to dounhealthy foods The choices or feel disconnected from your goal, Mansour says to take the matter between your own hands ", putting an alarm on your phone every few hours to show you a smiling face or a positive affirmation on yourself." It is an easy way to continue to strengthen your relationship with yourself and stay connected and commit to reaching your goal!


Do not forget that it is necessary in fact 66 days to make a stick usually


It could be thought that it took 21 days to develop a new habit. But in 2010, College University London conducted a study to see if this was accurate. They discovered that 66 days are really the magic number for a new behavior to become automatic. Of course, it is three times as long as we initially thought, but there is a way to break this two-month period (and change) until the deadlines are actually business.
Days 1-22: Tell the world about the change you want to do and ask your friends / family to keep you your responsibility.
DAYS 23-44: Go deep and inward to understand why you make these changes and really understand why it's so important for you.
Day 45-66: You are in the homestretch and you did it 45 days! Hang for another 21 - and then famous! You have 66 impressive days behind you and it will be as if you never knew anything different.


Mindfulness is the key


When you have your will, it is a key source of the inner strength and power to proceed through many tasks of life, particularly with regard to health and fitness objectives. "Will not only help to focus, but can also help overcome the obstacles. As a result, implementation can be a beneficial factor not only in strengthening the will, but let us lose our clarity, we lose Often connection and personal power, "explains IVO Grossi, VP of SportsArt. "Neuroscience research over the last ten years has highlighted the positive and sustainable effects of mindfulness of the mind, body and emotional response. The brain's ability to recover in relation to changes in Behavior, environment and reasons for reflection - or brain plasticity is strongly affected by full-conscious practices. "So when you are losing the battle against the will, take a moment to be in the moment . Feel motivated? Keep it by preparing for tomorrow with these18 ways to motivate yourself for a morning workout!

Categories: Healthy Eating
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