A major side effect of drinking tea, declares a new study

Women who drink tea four times per week may be able to prevent the start of this condition.

More than 159 million Americans drink a given day tea, according to theUnited States Tea Association. What's wrong with tea? It ishealthy, light, and also quite delicious.

And if you are a younger woman who regularly drinks the soothing drink,You could prepare yourself to prevent a major health problem with menopause.

A new study published in theEuropean clinical nutrition newspaper found that women who started drinking tea before menopause had a significantly higher bone mineral density (BMD)After menopause that those who have not drank tea before menopause.(In touch:15 underestimated weight loss tips that actually work)

Typically, menopause can cause aQuick reduction of the BMD. This highlights older women at risk of conditions such as osteoporosis, a debilitating bone disease. During the menopausal period, estrogen rates fall significantly. This fall of estrogenis associated with a process called bone resorption which can lead to osteoporosis.

Studies have found thatUpper admission of caffeine Indeed can increase the rate of bone loss in elderly women. While this seems contradictory,Researchers emphasized That most of these studies have been done on the populations that drink coffee, which usually has more caffeine than tea. For example, an 8 ounce coffee cup contains about 95 milligrams of caffeine,While the same cup of green tea has about 35 milligrams.

This new study - which examined more than 1,300 women under the age of 80 - found that the link between the high menopause bmd and the consumption of teawas even more significant in women who drank more than four cups of tea per week.

The latest research supports a set of existing evidence that tea consumption can help elderly women keep the BMD. Almost two decades ago, a study published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition Found a similar link.

The results also reveal that the management of a tea tea habit earlier in life can pay in the long run. The study revealed no significant improvement in the BMD in women who started drinking tea after menopause.

So why not store on somehealthy teas The next time you are at the grocery store, to help you find yourself before going to bed, it could also help you prepare for a healthier future.

For more, be sure to check6 ways to drink green tea can add years to your life, according to science.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Health Tips / News / Tea
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