30 nocturnal habits that could make you wake up bigger

As you find yourself for the night, the bulge battle is not finished again ...

Although it can feel like nothing of a miracle that you can plant on your couch at the end of a long day, studies have shown that the particular means you choose from wind down after darknesscould actually be the expansion of your waistline. This is true-your evening rituals are the main suspect when it comes to the reason you have been packaging on the books. We are here to help you within the scope of these diet sabotors and scratch them from your daily routine for good.

Replace them with thesethings to do before bedtime to lose weight And you will say goodbye to all unwanted fat in no time! Make sure to store on one of theThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now while you are there, too.


You break a sweat

Shortness of breath. Unhappy mature woman sweating and touching head

It may seem like a drop of sweat before bedtime would help tire, but if your exercise routine falls within two hours of your planned time to hit the hay, it could be harmful to your weight loss efforts more than to help. Indeed, exercise increases your adrenaline rate and body temperature. Because your body temperature naturally decreases that you are ready to sleep, it can raise it difficult to sleep or sleep. Interfering with the rest a good night is one of the40 habits that make you sick and fat.


You have access to a NightCap

red wine in a glass next to bottle

This glass of wine will help you relax action as a depressant, alcohol can make it easier to fall asleep faster, but it will have a negative impact on the quality of your sleep. He does this by preventing you from fully engaged in your REM (Rapid Eye Movement) cycle, which is where the truly repaired sleep and the dream occurs. In addition, because your body must treat alcohol, it can also act as a stimulant, leading to more sleeping sleep later. "Research shows that alcohol consumption before bedtime can make you more likely to wake up during the night and decreases the quality of sleep", according to dietician Mitzi Dulan, Rd. Therefore, you will wake up less rested the next morning, which has been found corresponding to a higher probability of poor dietary choices, higher levels of hunger hunger, lower levels of satiety leptin hormone, and possibly, morebig belly.


You stay up to the small hours

Man using his mobile phone in the bed

As you will see soon, an important part of these habits revolves around the interruption or disrupt the sleep of a good night's sleep. What is the link between sleep and weight? According to Isabel Smith, MS, RD, CDN, and founder of Isabel Smith Nutrition, "When we do not sleep enough, our hunger hormones are greatly affected, [who can play with your body's ability to determine when it's really Hunger, when he should stop burning calories, and when he has to storing energy in the form of fat] "said Smith. Research has shown not only to miss because you roller to eat over the next day and implore foods rich in calories, but less striking time hay is also related to high rates of cortisol stress hormone stores fat . Sleep is not the only way to reduce this anxious hormone. Consult these32 foods that turn off the stress hormone that to make you fat.


Dinner is your biggest meal

pasta with meat sauce entree

When you leave your greatest meal for later in the day, you could stop you from sleeping with closed fists. According to Smith, "In general, if we eat big meals before going to bed, our body has a winding slurry down because there is still a lot of blood flow needed for our stomach for digestion that is disruptive. The long nights turn and returning to your bed means that your slim progress pât away.


You breeze through dinner

Empty plates

Following our last point, if you are hungry when you come home, you are more likely to scarf down dinner. Therefore, you can take more calories than your body needs, and it will store any excess food as fat. Why the greatest chance to eat too much? It's because it takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to transmit the message to your brain you are full. That's why you've been able to eat whole bags of tokens in minutes, for so sensation overstuffed soon after.


You brew a cup of tea


Sure,green tea It is rich in antioxidants metabolism-stimulant, but by sipping this slimming elixir must be booked for the morning. Unless it's a herbal blend, tea leaves contain caffeine: a stimulant that keeps your mind alert and active and that could prevent you from getting a restful night's sleep.


You eat on the couch

man eating dinner sitting on white couch

Family dinners at the table are not just perfect for the liaison time. The habit of sitting at a dining table will make a good body. This is because it allows you to focus on your business and task at your fingertips: eating. On the other hand, when sitting on a sofa and look T.V., your brain must be multitasking. Studies have found that the distracted diet causes the handling of your brain of certain satiety nurses and the abundant results of the meal.


You always treat yourself to dessert ...

man and woman eating dessert

We do not say that dessert is a non-way all the time, but it can cause you to stack you on the books when it becomes a daily habit. Since you have already eaten dinner, your body probably did not fear to believe sugar because it needs energy (which is the case when you areamusing) Looking for cookies and ice cream because you have conditioned that you have conditioned that a meal ends only when you had sugar. In doing so, you will automatically draw hundreds of additional calories to your daily budget while simultaneously reinforcing your dependence on the sweet stuff.


... and you often do a zero calorie treatment

vanilla ice cream scoop

Do not think you're out of the hook because you have opted for zero sugar ice cream. A study, published in the newspaperCell metabolism, discovered that the chronic consumption of artificial sweeteners can recalibrate your brain from recalibrating its association with softness and energy. As a result, you can consume up to 30% more calories when you eat natural sweet foods. This is not the only problem with artificial sweeteners. Other studies have connected zero-calorie additives, zero sugar to the decrease in sleep quality and disrupting the capacity of your intestine to repair a weight-induced inflammation. (Instead, try one of theseRecipes without sugar, you can not wait to eat!)


You choose bad snacks late at night

Cheese quesadilla

The quesadillas are powerful tasty, but they are not the best choice if you try to calm your pans of hunger before going to bed. High fat snacks can keep your body working to digest these high density foods, while high sugar snacks can cause crampons and accidents in your blood sugar, allowing you to wake up in the middle of the hungry night. . And you know the drill: disturbed sleep is often a recipe for a diet disaster.


You immediately remove to the couch after dinner

Woman on phone

It's natural that once the sun stands out, you feel like your day. But by accepting this notion, you miss habits that could help your body metabolize a meal more efficiently. When you withdraw to the couch after eating, you miss the benefits you will reap from taking a short walk. On aDiabetes to studyWhen the diabetics walked for 10 minutes after each main meal, they were able to reduce their blood glucose levels of 12% more than those who focused their exercise in a 30-minute walk. Diabetics are not the only ones that can benefit from a short walk.A study published inBmjI found that overweight and obese adults who interrupted the sitting time with short walking episodes could also minimize blood sugar spikes and reduce insulin levels after consuming meal. This translates directly to prevent your body from storing fat!


And you are falling on the couch


We have all done before, but when you make it a habit, you fall on the sofa can interfere with your sleep schedule. You will end up wake up in the middle of the night and you find yourself informed of your sleep resting in the process.


You are forging the shower until morning

running water of shower faucet

If your night bath routine understands only brushing your teeth, you miss one of theBset things to make 30 minutes before going to bed to lose weight. And it's a shower. UCLA researchers have discovered that temperature drops were an important sleep tail for our Paleolithic ancestors after studying some of the last tribes of hunter hunters in the world. Rather than staying outside and feeling the fall in the temperature that the sun goes down, this same drop of temperature is imitated when you take a hot shower, then cool it on the drying. The temperature plunge could make your border of the book and could help you fall asleep more quickly.


You allow yourself to completely zone zero

Young black man reclining on couch and reading tablet
Shutterstock / Fizkes

After a long day of work, it is natural to want to check at home. Although it can be your way to cope with stress, Smith tells us that a lack of conscience could lead to mediocre food choices. After all, a study revealed that the second main reason why we turn to food is because we bore ourselves. (The number one was because we were hungry.) A solution? "I ask my customers in the newspaper to become more aware of the other things that happen in their brains that they do not pay attention to. When people start writing what they think on paper, it's easier to see What's really going on, "Smith tells us.


You scroll through work e-mails

Woman working late at office

You may have left your office, but that does not mean you have finished your job for the day. Many of us make the habit of scrolling emails from countless working currents and examine our schedule for the next day. Although it can be beneficial for some people to allow you to plan all your week, so that others think about work while at home can make you feel stressed. When you are stressed, the levels of increasing hormonal grease storage cortisol, which can expand your turn.


You scroll to Instagram

Man on phone

These gigantic pancake and milkshake towers look pretty, but catching up what you missed today in the social media world could make your size a bad service. Search published in the newspaperBrain and cognition Discovered that regular search for virtual food could result in hunger levels of hunger to increase - even if your body has not been physically hungry. And it's a recipe for late snacks and additional calories that your body does not need. Instead, spend this time whipping one of these51 healthy night oat recipes for weight loss.


You are attracted by the metabolism - Booster of spicy foods

Bowl of salsa ready for some chips

You know that capsaicin, a compound found in spicy red peppers, can increase your metabolism, but it increases the basic temperature of your body and increasing your blood flow. These two corporal responses can interfere with your ability to relax at night and get the sleep you need.


You have read from an iPad to bed

Good on you to read! There is just a problem: the blue light emitted from your iPad, your computer and your smartphone can deceive your brain thinking that it's time to be awake rather than time down. You see, the blue light inhibits the production of the hormonal melatonin regulation of the sleep rhythm, which means that your brain does not receive the alerts it is time to rest your head on a pillow. Try to reduce your electronics at least one hour before going to bed.


You like the order out

fast food in takeout containers

The dinner can be as simple as the baked chicken with a soft potato and the roasted sprouts of Brussels, and it will always be better for you than to order take away. Published in theJournal of the American Academy of Nutrition and DieteticsA recent study revealed that a significant period of 92% of local restaurant meals has more than double the recommended calories for an average meal. It could take a little time to master and say that you have to do the dishes, but cooking at home is a sure way ofcut calories.


You only relax you by eating a snack

Woman eating candy from glass jar at work

Regardless of how the snack is "healthy" when you connect emotions to food, you define your diet for a disaster. "The use of food as a relaxation method is very common because for many food people relax on the sofa at night," says Smith. That being said, linking food to this emotion, you tell your body that the food is your adaptation mechanism and you will continue to seek it to relax. Replace the jaw with something else to calm your nerves, like doing your nails, take a shower or meditation.


You come home to hunger

man looking in fridge

When you skip breakfast and snack on snacks during the day, your body enters famine mode: it increases the levels of cortisol stress hormone and hunger hormone ghrelone. It is therefore not surprising that you are hungry for dinner. The problem? When your body has so hungry, you are more likely to make mediocre food decisions (you are attracted by high calorie foods, high calorie foods) and you will eat more quickly, which could eventually result in more consumption. calories that you would otherwise. .


You are nosh in bed


When you book your bedroom for Snoozing, you can train your brain to associate yourself under the covers with Snoozing-which finally facilitates to fall asleep. On the other hand, eat in bed or work in the bed can do you subliminally feel hungry or stressed when you walk in the room.


You are too comfortable


Slitting in your bed with comfortable pillows and blurred blankets is certainly attractive, but do not get stacked on the layers. A fresh, but not cold environment - between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit, is the most conducive to good sleep. This is because our body temperature decreases naturally after the beginning of the afternoon and reached the lowest point at 5 am. Keeping your sleeping sleep environment will help your body reach the lower temperature faster, which also encourages deeper sleep and the faster time to sleep. Not only will you sleep better, but the Dutch researchers also found that people who slept for a week in 60 degrees' Fahrenheit rooms lost more weight and increased the brunette fat levels in calories compared to those who have slept in rooms of 75 degrees.


You eat too late

man eating leftover pizza as a late night snack

No, it's not because the myth of the notorious food that your metabolism slows after 8 m. The reason late eaters are more likely to gain weight compared to those who benefit from the special early birds are because night owls are more likely to consume to consume and choose unhealthy sugar foods and in bold. Not only are these high energy foods not just about books, but many of them can make it more difficult to fall asleep.


Where you eat too early

Couple having lunch at rustic gourmet restaurant

This is the Goldilocks principle. We discussed the problems too late, so it is time to discuss the sentence to eat too early to expand your turn. (You must understand for yourself what your "just just" is.) When you eat more than 5 hours before going down, you might see that you start feeling again hungry again. The pangs of hunger can actually keep the brain on a high alert, which will prevent you from sleeping a good night's sleep. The bad sleep means an increase in Ghrelin's production "I'm hungry" the next day and a significant boost appetite the next morning. Not particularly a good thing if you count on the Drive-Thru for your morning meal. Pinch the wrong food choices in the bud by following ourMeal preparation guide in a fast healthy breakfast.


You look at your favorite shows

eating late

Once the clock strikes 9, you know that your place is on the couch, monitors the new episode of your favorite show. It makes you feel as if you relax, but in reality, this Night Netflix does not do much good. A recent review revealed that both spent watching television, the risk of premature death and the development of diabetes and heart disease, and increased by 13, 20 and 15%, respectively. On the other hand, the researchers at Vermont University have discovered that overweight people who have reduced their tube-tube in half an additional 119 calories a day than their peer of the sofa potato.


You indulge in your piece of daily chocolate

woman eating bite of chocolate bar

Black chocolate, which is rich in nutrients such as healthy greases, magnesium and free radical antioxidants known as Flavanols, but the right treatment should be reserved for a middle-afternoon snack . The high-cocoa black chocolate bars containing most antioxidants also contain the most caffeine, which can prevent your body from close when you want if you are sensitive to the compound. For your reference, a part of 1-oce of 70% chocolate contains about 40 milligrams of caffeine, while a cup of eight ounce green contains 45 milligrams.


You keep the water on your night table

glass of water on nightstand next to alarm clock

We may have been the people who told you that do not drink enough water is one of the best30 reasons why you are always hungryBut that does not mean you should pinch H2O at night. The reasoning is intuitive enough: "If you drink too just before going to bed, you may end up wake up several times to urinate." Said Erin Palinski-Wade, Rd, CDE. Instead, she says, "Start reducing your cash consumption about three hours before bedtime."


You serve as a buffet style


You should be proud that you have cooked a protein, three sides and a beautiful salad, but that does not mean you should throw it on the table of the dining room. When food is easily accessible for fast (and third-party seconds), you have a greater likelihood of consuming more calories than you would only if you need to think twice to get up and walk to the counter at the counter detection of another caregiver.


You have nothing to do

bored man eating bowl of cereal in kitchen

Having bad habits can be as destructive as none of the habits at all (which is a habit in itself!). When you are bored at home and looking for something to do, Smith tells us that "eating often becomes the easiest thing to do." If you want to ban your battwings - do not build them - find evening activities that can keep you busy. Smith recommend things like "read, take a bath or call a friend".

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: sleep
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