Side effects of drinking too much coffee decaf, according to an expert

It may seem harmless, but there are few things you need to know.

If you like the taste ofCoffee-But does not want the side effects ofcaffeine-Decaf is definitely a viable solution. If caffeine makes it more difficult for you to get enoughto sleep, interacts with prescription drugs that you take, or you are not very sensitive to this one, there are obvious advantages to make the Café Decaf. However, there are negative side effects that can also consume too much coffee decaf.

First of all, it is important to note that Café Decaf is not totally devoid of caffeine, it usually contains about3 milligrams per cup, against 85 milligrams In a standard cup of ordinary coffee. On aSystematic review 2017, the composition of the Café Decaf is very similar to the ordinary café, which suggests to boast several of the same benefits of health - likeReduce your risk of skin, liver, prostate, endometrium and oral cancer, as well as leukemia. Not only that, but studies have found a link between drinking coffee Decaf and aReduced risk of premature death,Death of cardiovascular causes, andType 2 diabetes.

According to Sean Allt, Coach of Nutrition toINNOVATIVE FITNESSThe question of whether Café Decaf is healthier depends on the "fast" or "slow" version of a particular gene: CYP1A2.

"This gene determines how much your body is metabolizing caffeine," he says. "If you are a slow caffeine metabolizer, coffee (or decaf tea (or tea) would be a healthier option for you. If you are a fast metabolizer, you will probably stay at the fully isolated coffee. And just because That caffeine does not get you getting up at night, does not necessarily mean that you are a fast metabolizer. Its effects as a stimulant are based on how it easily binds to receptors in your nervous system, While it is metabolized in your liver. "

So, what are the potential consequences of reducing too much coffee decaf? Here's what you should know, and for more useful advice, make sure you check out our list ofThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


Your teeth can show signs of damage.

Man drinking starbucks coffee
Savvavanf Photo / Shutterstock

"Café Decaf, like his fully isolated counterpart, can stain your teeth," explains All.

And it's not all-in-current to discolor your pearly whites, Alt also said that it can cause more serious damage.

"Although less acidic that coffee is full, Café Decaf is still acidic, which means that excessive consumption canErode natural enamel From your teeth over time, making them more sensitive and sensitive to cavities, "he adds.

Some dentists recommend drinking water between coffee cups to reduce the negative effects of so much acidity.

In addition, you can strengthen your teeth with these25 foods you had no idea is good for your teeth.


You may need to go to the bathroom - a lot.

drinking coffee

Just like ordinary cafe, Decaf also increases theGastrine production in the intestine. Gastrin, a small practical hormone that triggers the release ofgastric acidHelps the body decompose proteins into the food you eat and absorb vitamins more efficiently. However, an increase in gastrin can push your intestine to move digestion along a little faster than we would normally do. This means that if you fight Decaf coffee every morning and afternoon, you will probably endRun a lot to the bathroom. By the way - extremely high levels of gastrin can be dangerous - some of the more inclined side effects include diarrhea, but more serious cases can result in stomach ulcers and small intestinal ulcers.

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It could be more difficult to lose weight.

Cup of decaf coffee

If you try to lose some books, drink a lot of coffee decaf can make it more difficult for several reasons, especially theadded sugars who are in your coffee drinks Decaf.

"Coffee is a bit of a" gateway caloric drink "in this direction - depending on how you take it (quantity of milk, cream, sugar, etc.) - Calories can adapt quite quickly, which can Provide weight gain and / or difficulty losing weight, "says AllT.

Of course, if you drink your Black Decaf coffee, or with a splash of milk, you do not have to worry about saboting your efforts to reduce efforts. However, this may not help either. Regular coffee contains caffeine, a stimulant that was found atIncrease your metabolism as well as stimulate your body todecompose adipose cells. Since Decaf contains only traces of caffeine, it is not likely to have this effect.

Instead, make healthier cafes at home with these12 tasty coffee drinks at home of a nutritionist.


Your cholesterol can suffer.

decaf coffee

A 2005 study discovered that the participants who drank three to six cups of Decaf coffee per day had aIncreased LDL or "bad" cholesterol. Interestingly, this effect has not been observed in the group that drank caffeinated coffee regularly. Decaf coffee was also noted to increase specific blood fat levels in the body associated with metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome refers to a group of harmful risk factors for cardiac diseases.

Researchers noted that this effect occurs if you have only one cup of Café Decaf per day - but they added that the people concerned by theirCholesterol LDL should think twice to drink a lot of things.


You can develop iron deficiency.

Coffee with sugar

Ordinary coffee and decaf contains polyphenols, powerful micronutrients that can play a role inprefer a series of diseases. But research has shown that these polyphenol compounds - more precisely, chlorogenic acid - can alsoInhibit the absorption of your non-haemer iron (The genus found in herbal foods). Iron deficiency can cause fragile nails, taste changes, hair loss and more serious cases,anemia. Fortunately, it seems that polyphenols only lock on the iron if they areingested simultaneouslySo you can avoid this by not drinking a Decaf coffee at the same time as you eat iron-containing food.

here isWhat happens to your body when you drink Café Decaf.


You will have a higher risk of rheumatoid arthritis.


Rheumatoid arthritis is a self-immune disease that causes swelling, pain, rigidity and sensitivity in joints and other parts of the body. The specific causes of this painful disease are not yet known, but according to disease control and prevention centers, some factors can increase the risk of developing it, such as smoking or exposure of early life. smoke and obesity.

A big2002 study of 31,336 women aged 55 to 69 have determined that those who drank four cups or more ofCafe Decaf a day A higher risk of rheumatoid arthritis - and surprisingly, coffee containing caffeine has not pose this risk. The researchers still have not determined the reason for this link, but if you already know that you are at risk of rheumatoid arthritis, you may want to limit your coffee consumption to two cups or less.


You can ingest a toxic chemical

decaf coffee

You may want to look more closely the label on the Decaf coffee you buy. An inquiry 2020 of 24 of the main brands of coffee carried out by the project of clean label revealed "quantifiable quantities" of a toxic chemical called methylene chloride, which is commonly in the painting cutter, in many of theirDecaf products. Methylene chloride, which has been prohibited by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, has been linked to multiple cancers, asphyxiation, cognitive impairment and liver, reproductive and reproductive toxicity.

To make sure your Decaf Java is safe for drinking, consult the list of brands and clean label products that have not been detected.Methylene chloride. You can also check the word label as "Swiss-Water," Swiss-Water "or" Organic Certified ", which indicate that the decaffeination process did not involve hard chemicals.

In the end, when it comes to potential side effects or risks related to Café Decaf Coffee, everything depends on the quality of your current health - but even more, how much you drink daily. So, to be on the safe side, All suggests to stick to one to three cups.

"Most research has shown that the benefits of coffee health (totally caffeinated or Decaf) have found that the returns editorial point is a 2- to 3 cups per day," says AllT. "In fact, many studies have found that all that precedes 3 cups can actually deny the benefits of more moderate consumption."

here are the Dangerous side effects of Decaf coffee, according to science .

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: coffee / Health Tips / tips
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