17 things you need to know about Kombucha

It can not be prevented from being intrigued by the magical drink of representative, even if its benefits lack scientific evidence.

Now you have probably heard of Kombucha, but here is a quick return story: Kombucha is a potentially healthy drink that is produced by the fermentation of sweet tea with a symbiotic culture of yeasts and bacteria. Even though hemay Welcoming a variety of health benefits, including weight loss, when consumed in moderation, it is certainly not the panacea that some claim it is.

We did some research to create this impartial, including, the list supported by research on everything you need to know about this probiotic drink on the theme. (Note: If you decide to drink this, make sure you know it was well brewed) One thing we know with certainty, however: you should always avoid theseUnhealthiest drinks on the planet!


Kombucha has been around since 221 AV.


Kombucha appeared in China in 221 BC and was known as "immortality tea. Since then, has been used all over the world like natural medicine.


Kombucha allows you to stay regular.

dog sitting in pile of toilet paper

Kombucha is fermented with a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeasts, also known as Scoby, which can help keep your digestive tract healthy and promote the regular intestinal movement. Without forgetting, this probiotic film consumes more than 90 percent of sugar during fermentation, turning a sweet tea intobloating-banner life buoy. Kombucha has won the nickname "Mushroom tea," due to the mushroom mass that results from the reproduction of bacteria and yeasts. Although it may seem a little, many consider rebutting like a small price to pay for a flat stomach.


Kombucha can help lose weight.

woman standing on scale

Although weight loss results are limited, kombucha contains only 30 calories per cup and once the taste is acquired, it can replace the dense caloric fruit juices or soft drinks. More,Animal studies Indicate tea can encourage reduced calorie diet.


Kombucha can help fight arthritis.

mature couple running

According to many arthritis suffers, athletes and even doctors, Kombucha helps NIX joint pain, especially on her knees. Although there is little scientific research exists to prove these results, some think that tea contains enzymes that help the repair of muscle tissue, while others simply credit tea with scobys construction in your lap. Anyway, if you suffer from arthritis and / or joint pain, it's worth trying.


Kombucha contains alcohol.

kombucha bottle next to glass

Kombucha yeast feeds on sugar, which produces alcohol. According to the FDA, any drink containing more than 0.5 percent alcohol is considered an alcoholic beverage. Therefore, if you buy Kombucha in bottle, you can find quantities but traces are not enough to be alcoholic labeled. HomeBews, however, can have you sipping you as much as alcohol you would find in a beer if you do not pay attention. In fact, for the first 5-6 days, the alcohol content in tea reaches up to 5.5 g / l, then drops slowly. This means excessive consumption can leave you with a fast pulse, sweating, and vomiting aka a hangover.


Kombucha can stimulate energy.

couple on beach smiling

If you or someone you know anemia suffers, you understand the role pieces role in energy. Organic acids found in Kombuchaensure that iron more at the disposal of the body, Increased blood flow of hemoglobin and oxygen. In other words, you are more likely to hit your task list or do that 18 hours spin class after a long day at work. Not to mention, tea contains vitamin C, which increases iron absorption. Learn more aboutThe best iron-rich foods!


Kombucha can disintegrate the enamel of the teeth.

man brushing teeth

Kombucha is an acidic drink that, over time, ventilates the enamel of your teeth. (Ouch!) However, fruits, which citrus host of a multitude of health causes just like a lot of damage too. To keep your whites pearled safely, rinse your teeth with water after consumption and drink with straw and moderation.


Kombucha will not replace caffeine.

coffee black

Unfortunately, you can not exchange Joe's cup for a cup of Kombucha tea. With anywhere from 2 to 25 milligrams (GT kombucha ranges From 8 to 14 mg) compared to the 95 cafe, it is hardly going to go there. If more energy is your goal (and is not for everyone?), On these noshBest foods for energy.


Kombucha lowers cholesterol.

high cholesterol

With regard to the arteries of compensation, the research has proved the hypocholesterolemonger effects of Kombucha, as reported in arecent review. In reality,animal search found that Kombucha levels significantly reduced LDL cholesterol, while simultaneously increasing HDL levels.


Kombucha can contain Candida yeast.

doctor and patient

On a1995 study, Two lots of 32 homebrewed toxic contentCandida albicans. As Candida yeast, it can penetrate through the walls of your digestive tract and wreak havoc on the body tissues and organs, which compromises immunity, as well as causing a weight gain, joint pain, of the drowsiness and gas. It is important to understand that Kombucha is the unique environment and can be contaminated when Broutemont. A candida is surprising would have more common than you wait, what's the reason you want to check with your doctor and bookmark theseFoods that candidiasis remedy.


Kombucha can help promote mental health.

woman thinking

As mentioned earlier, kombucha is a probiotic drink that does more thanKeep your digestive tract in good health. In fact, intestinal microflora plays a vital role in mental health. Therefore, drinking tea can improve mood, reduce the risk of depression and anxiety, and even promote mental clarity.


Kombucha can cause metabolic acidosis.

woman getting dressed

Back in the nineties, the Center for Disease Control has published areport linking kombucha with metabolic acidosis in women. This disease occurs when too much acid is formed in the body and currently affects about 52 percent of women; However, it can also occur in men. These results still support the idea that Kombucha should be sipped with moderation.


Kombucha could give you a upset stomach.

stomach pain

Like ingestion of all acidic foods, it is possible to suffer from digestive problems such as stomach ache, stomach ulcers and stomach burns. However, only a small percentage of people experience these symptoms. Anyway, if you have a sensitive stomach, it may be better to orienting clearly.


Kombucha fights free radicals.

middle aged woman

On afood chemistry Study, Kombucha has antioxidant effects that are improved during the fermentation process. In other words, fermented tea has managed to prevent or delay cell damage cause cancer. Some studies have also suggested that he may haveanticancer effects On tumors and being useful for the treatment of prostate, kidney and lung cancers. On a less serious plan notes but always on the theme of aging avoid thesefoods that make you get older at all costs.


Kombucha has depurative effects.

man drinking green smoothie

Kombucha contains the detoxification of glucuronic acid (GA), depending on aComplete exams in food sciences and food security Exam, which combines with toxins in the body and converts them into an excreable material. Other research indicates tea can prevent the absorption of industrial toxins. For another drinking drink to sip as an alternative, we love apple cider vinegar. Check theseApple cider Vinegar detox drinks to give him a try.


Kombucha can contain added sugars.

sugar cubes

While you know exactly what is happening in Kombucha House Brassins, the aisles on grocery stores can contain added sugars to increase the flavor. As a general rule, opt for kombucha lots with 5 grams of sugar or less, likeNew weak flavors of humm sugar. And as always, if there is an ingredient that you can not pronounce, replace.


Kombucha can reduce blood sugar.

tired bored couple

Assuming that you do not drink the kind of sugar, Kombucha has been used to lower the blood blood dating from the 1920s. Ironically, there is not enough evidence that it can treat diabetes, but recent studies On diabetic rats have discovered that the acidic beverage to significantly reduce blood sugar levels.

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