29 best ways to lose weight for good

Say goodbye to flutter numbers on the scale with these sticky weight loss towers.

If there is something more difficult than losing weight, it keeps it. Even if you managed to ban thebig belly And cut the upper muffin, support your success is not an easy exploit.

Often, once you reach your weight loss goals, maintain that the ideal weight can be even more difficult than getting there first. In reality,University of California, researchers from Los Angeles Report that between one-third and two-thirds of diet people earn more weight than they lost within four or five years of a diet.

However, beating opportunities can be a breeze as long as you stick to our science solutions for sustainable success. Adopt lifestyle hacks below to look forwardfor good, and for more things about how to eat healthy, you will not want to miss these21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time.


Continue your exercise regime

lunge with weight

If you leave with your adherence to the gym, do not be surprised when you have to sign goodbye to this new scale number on the scale. The successful losers have a much better chance of maintaining their weight loss when they pursue their regular training routine - or, at the very least, do not bounce out of the gym with the potato of the sofa. According toResearchers from the University of Alabama, Do not work after weight loss will result in a dive of metabolism. The study asserts that people who perform 40 minutes of lifting or cardio three times a week continue to burn calories at the same price. Get up and move; even take a walk is one of the42 ways to lose 5 inches of belly fat.

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Not on the scale

stepping on scale weight loss

It looks like the weighing yourself is the way forward. WhenCornell researchers Study participants pushed to lose 10% of their body weight, those who accomplished it in the first year of the program were able to keep books at the bay throughout the second year. The reason for that? Researchers believe that scale research has played an important factor because it became daily reinforcement for participants to pursue effective behaviors such as eating less and exercise more. Although this is more effective in the males studied, David Levitsky, the principal author, recommends using a simple bathroom balance and an Excel spreadsheet to track progress and keep things towards the positive direction.


Get rid of your trigger refrigerator


aAmerican Society for Clinical Nutrition The study revealed that avoiding periodic bunching was linked to a 60% weight maintenance chance for more than one year. To help you fight the desire to dive the fork, first in a guilty meal, make sure your kitchen is stored with healthy choices and throw potential triggers. If the simple view of a pint of ice cream ice cream in your freezer usually defines an uncontrollable route to eat too much, avoiding the pints at the supermarket and store your refrigerator with these7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


Keep a magazine

Woman writing in food journal with egg toast carrots coffee on table

If you are interested in doubling your weight loss, keep a notebook and pencil on the hand at any time. Researchers fromKaiser Permanent Health Research Center I found that even if 1,700 participants exercised 30 minutes a day and have eaten diets rich in fruits and vegetables, the more the food records the guarded people, the more they lost weight in the long run. Those who have not kept a record exceeded only half of the loss. So start this healthy habit and hold it even after hitting your brand to stay conscious of your grind.


Cook at home more often

friends cooking together

The next time you are tempted to go out for dinner, try whipping something home at home. Limit the number of times you come out can be the key to prevent the weight you lost. When theNational Weight Control RegistryMonocked its members, those who lost 30 pounds or more and maintained that for at least a year does not too often frequent rapid food chains. In fact, only 0.74 of their weekly meals were the variety of Drive-Thru, while 2.5 were in a restaurant. It is better to get your grocery grub instead of ordering a menu.



girl thinking

There is a new city therapy and, according to a study published inObesityThis helps people lose more weight and keep it longer. Although standard behavioral treatment (SBT) is the norm to encourage patients to reduce caloric intake and increase physical activity, the behavioral treatment of acceptance (ABT) has all the same behavioral skills, but related to Weight loss efforts at a greater personal value. People who have tried ABT are not just lacking a loss of more than 36% that SBT patients, they also had a higher probability of maintaining weight loss by 10% 12 months later. The sentence to be examined, right?


Pack on flavonoids

Mixed green chicken salad blue cheese
Travis Yewell / Floorless

Getting your daily dose of fruits and vegetables is even more important than what you thought it was. Not only are the colorful products in good health and low, but it will also often contain flavonoids, a plant compound that can live in weight gain. A recent study in theBritish medical newspaper Discovered that on 124,000 seniors and elderly, those who ate a flavonoid-rich diet were more successful in maintaining their weight than those who do not. Get a liquid boost stuff with a glass of green tea; It's full of flavonoids too.


To log in

man text messaging in front of vegetables in the kitchen at home

You probably do not think that body maintenance has nothing to do with sitting in front of your computer or watching your phone, but that does it. A small screen time is suitable for a long time when you engage in interactive weight management websites. According to a study published in theDiabetes Research Journal, constantly connected and record food records, activity levels and the number on your scale once a month for nearly three years have maintained the largest loss. To be more specific, these active users have held an average of 9 pounds of 19 pounds they lost in the first place.


Plan a phone call

Woman Using Laptop And Talking On Phone In Kitchen At Home

The interview is difficult, but we have good news! You do not have to do it alone. A study inAnnals of internal medicine found that low intensity interventions could help obese ambulatory patients who had just lost 16 pounds contain the progress they had done. For 56 weeks, participants spoke to intervention contacts in group visits at first, and then on the phone with less and less frequency. At the end of the study, they were not in contact with anyone but have always managed to recover an average of 1.5 pounds. Those who had no intervention contact found more than three times more weight. So, that you participate in a program or phone to a friend, find people who can keep you responsibility because you work to maintain your success.



Smiling young woman having an unhealthy snack, she is taking a delicious pastry out of the fridge

If you used a very low diet on energy to help you reduce (do you think Shakes and Soups), you will expand this size in no time if you skip immediately in normal food. While no one says that you have to live with this strict scheme forever, you need to get up in the right things. And, at ease, we want to say that you should take six weeks to slowly integrate your favorite foods on your plate. Researchers from theUniversity of Gothenburg In Sweden found that people who normally ate in a week collected twice as much weight in ten months as those who took six weeks to reintroduce regular food. So, it must be true; slow and stable wins the race.


Have breakfast

healthy breakfast toast with soft boiled egg and avocado

It does not take much convincing to wake up in a plate of eggs too easy and whole grain toast. In fact, nibbling in the morning-rather than saving your appetite for lunch - can help you reduce weight gain for good. A study published in the newspaperObesity research Discovered that participants lost an average of 70 pounds and held it for six years, 78% have eaten breakfast daily.


Limit your consumption of high fat foods

Woman grabbing slice of cheese pizza with pepperoni meat lovers

Healthy fats Certainly play an important role in maintaining your belly trim, but these foods satisfied - and, more importantly, theirLess healthy counterparties-Mutant to be harmed on moderation. For example, less healthy foods like pizza are among theTop sources of saturated fat in the American diet. According to a study in theAmerican Journal of Preventive MedicineParticipants in the National Register of National Weight Control have maintained the majority of their weight loss when they are blocked in a low fat diet. In addition, grease consumption increases have been linked to a growing weight recovery during the 10-year follow-up period.


Concentrate on your weight

setting goals

Defining high weight loss objectives can actually prepare for lasting success, according to the sameAmerican Journal of Preventive Medicineto study. The researchers found that those who lost the most weight were initially finished to lose the most long-term weight. The authors of the study emphasize that large weight losses are handy with increased health benefits, including overall sustained weight loss.


Catch zzz

man sleeping well

If you are often looking at your favorite series of realities or you catch up with midnight e-mails, you can make your body a bad service. A study published in theJournal of Behavioral Medicine found that the participants who slept more than seven hours per night and reported a better quality of sleep, a longer sleeping time and a shorter latency at the appearance of sleep were able to maintain their weight loss more successful than those with less than six or seven closing hours. In addition, those who consider themselves as themselves birds have also reported a better maintenance of weight loss. If you need help help in addition to beauty rest hours, turn to our True-and True20 ways to double your sleep quality.


Extinct television

Family meal

In addition to looking at what you eat, you should also take note of the hours you spend watching TV. Not only is sitting in front of a too long screen prejudicial to the health of the eyes, but it can also wreak havoc on your size of the new garnish. Members of the National Weight Control Registry, capable of losing weight and keeping it, nix their mud monitoring habit: 62% report less than 10 hours of television per week. And it seems that the majority of NWCR members also found a new more productive hobby - just take a look at our next warned hack.


Walk for an hour

Women walking and exercising smilling and happy

An impressive 90% of NWCR members are doing exercise for about one hour a day. Whether you like to go for a jog outside, sign up for different boutique fitness classes every week or lifting free weights at the gym, getting up and moving, it's your key to burning calories Major and keep the belly fat to the bay. Even if you prefer to take a quick walk after dinner, you will always see long-term results; The form of activity most frequently reported by the graft is actually marched.


Forget the fruit juice

Unhealthy orange juice bottle held in front of fridge

Of course, it is packed with vitamin C, contains natural sugars and tastes great in a cocktail, but it should not give you a free pass to sip the fruit juice every day. Only one cup of 8 ounces of your leading orange brand packs in 110 calories and 22 grams of sugar. To put this in perspective, drink two glasses every day can add a book to your setting in just three weeks! Whether you are used to a drink with a dinner or that you were rather soaking your thirst with something flavored, NWCR members reported to maintain weight loss and limiting total calorie consumption by sampling their regular drinks with water or sips without calories and calories. Do not forget to give up drinks at the tip of artificial sweeteners and choose one of our favoriteshealthy sodas instead of.


Practice patience with cravings

Woman craving junk food while on a diet

Instead of ringing this hot fudge, Sundae or slice of banana bread, practice your most preached virtue. "Research shows that desires usually last between 5 and 10 minutes, sometimes as short as 3 minutes. So take deep breaths and a walk around the block until it passes"Carolyn Brown, MS, RD to the restoration in New York, tells usHow to lose weight and keep it long-term. Ontimes, we also confuse the thirst for hunger, so drop a glass of H2O is your best bet when desires for sending.


Change your workout routine

Woman doing yoga

We applaud you for leaving the couch and do it to your weekly wizge class. But if you refuse to venture beyond stationary bikes, you could give the books green light to bring back. "If you have done the same workout for a few months, your body is no longer disputed, which means that it does not burn as many calories that it could otherwise," Dr. Sean Mr. Wells, Personal Trainer and author of Double-Cross: an examination of the most extreme exercise program tells us in17 reasons why you return weight. Spike your metabolism and switches things by exploring different fitness classes or trying a hiit routine at home.


Switch to a high protein diet

High protein foods animal plant various protein sources

Keep your newly thin physics and stay skinny for life is as easy as adding more protein to your diet. Not only the protein is super satisfied and able to strengthen your metabolism, a multi-studies analysis inThe American Journal of Clinical Nutrition I found that glue to a high protein diet helped participants helped people to avoid adverse weight gain. In fact, one of thesestruck will do.



meal prep healthy lunch ideas and recipes

"People have a better chance of having a slim waist if they plan when they are going to eat and what they will eat," Mark Langowski, Celebrity Trainer and author ofEat this, not that! For abdominals tell us in20 ways of losing weight forever. "Before going to bed, I look at my schedule for the next day and plan what if you leave the day starting without planning, I'm going to eat and where I'm going to eat., It will be 15 hours before you know it And you will have the wind to make an unhealthy decision ".


Prep your plates

Freezer smoothie bag

Rather than counting on the steering wheel during hunger strikes, the preparation of your meals in advance so that you have healthy heads at hand. "The identity of three meals you can prepare with pantry staples and start cooking. Store meals in your freezer so you always have something healthy at hand when hunger strikes, »dieticianChristine M. Palumbo, Rd, Explains in20 ways of losing weight forever. "For example, my Go-to Meals are frozen shrimp risotto and asparagus, barley vegetables and red lentil soup. Your goal should be to replace meals every time your board starts running down. »


Take a break from your diet

eat junk food pizza after workout

Calm down; We are not giving you fire to order a bubbling pan of Mac and the cheese three times a day, but taking a break from your diet can be the secret weapon you need to ward off books. An eye-opening study in theInternational Journal of Obesity have found that the participants who deviate from their low calorie diet for two weeks ended up weighing 18 pounds less than those who do not diet even six months later! Although, there is a problem: during your week two cheat, you should eat enough calories to maintain your current weight not increase. (Use a calorie calculator can help you find your calorie maintenance level.)


Coherence is essential

Healthy snack meal prep with cut carrots celery hard boiled eggs apples grape almonds and rice cakes

No matter the birthdays, Bar Crawls late at night, and weeks of crazy work, stick to a still healthy diet over the two days of the week and the weekend makes long results. On aJournal of Clinical American Nutrition Study, most people who maintain their weight loss report that their diet is the same on both weekends and weekdays. And the same goes for your training program. "My customers most success are those who stay compatible with their workouts throughout the year,! They do it is like letting anything get nothing in the way of their workout putting on their pants or brushing your teeth and is something they do not think not to do "says Langowski.


You must keep it for a year

Overweight woman checking the scale

Think of the first year after weight loss like the last straight line. "If an overweight person is able to maintain an initial weight loss, in this case, for a year, the body will eventually" accept "this new weight and therefore not fight against it, as it is also normally the case. When you are in a calorie state -from, »Associate Professor Sorensen Torekov of the Department of Biomedical Sciences and Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research explainsScience Daily. In fact, people formerly overweight had more hormones inhibiting one-year appetite after their lost weight, according to a study in theEuropean Journal of Endocrinology.


GO weak cal

Fruit shrimp salad
Taylor Kiser / Unsplash

It's not wizarding: Limiting your daily caloric intake will result in the successful weight loss you've been looking for. After all, the formula for losing weight-consuming less calories than you burn-is the key to keep off. A study inThe American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that participants who followed a very low energy consumption regime experienced significantly better five-year maintenance weight after the completion of a low calorie weight loss program.


... but do not limit yourself too much

woman taking a bite of chocolate and enjoying her dessert

You deprive foods that you like hoping to integrate into your Slim jeans will not make long-term favors. While limiting your daily caloric intake will help you throw the books, you should leave you a small room for maneuver. According toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL"People who have followed a low calorie diet regained an average of nine pounds, but those who ate what they want healthy food in the guidelines returned less than half. »


Turn to a professional

Woman weight loss doctor scale

If you feel that your prejudicial eating habits affect your quality of life and prevent you from achieving your goals, Harvard Medical School advises you to seek help from a therapist or meditation instructor. Both experts can help you reduce the consumption of stress-related foods and discover healthier adaptation mechanisms.


Forget the fads

grass juice

University of Pennsylvania The researchers found that about 65% of the Diaganz resume the weight they lost for three years. Although the schemes are intended to be followed in the short term, many people end up being satisfied with their old habits. To harvest a durable lean body, make sure your diet is maintained and you can continue to follow your minimal plan for the long term.



salting water

Hide your salt shaker in the cabinet rather than keep it in the light of the kitchen table can do wonders for your long-term weight loss goals. A study conducted by the Queen Mary University of London I showed that each excess salt salt you consume daily can increase your risk of obesity by 25% omniping! If your food lacks flavor after giving up sodium, try experimenting with different spices such as Anti-inflammatory curcuma , Zyy Cayenne and Smoky Paprika.

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