20 influenza remedies of doctors who know

Here is exactly what to do once you started feeling sick.

The flu makes big titles in the world and you are afraid. Nobody likes to sneeze, cluttered and exhausted - especially with coronavirus there. But when the bug strikes (and we believe, there are scientifically proven things that you can do to make it less horrible. You might even stop it completely.

We know, because weEat this, not that! Health Asked doctors and nurses, and here are exactly what tips have said to take - and what they take themselves. Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


The shot of the flu

Female doctor or nurse giving shot or vaccine to a patient's shoulder
WhenDr. Anthony FauciThe top expert infectious diseases of the nation shows you repeatedly to get your influenza vaccine, it has a good reason: last year, more than 647,000 people were hospitalized and 61 200 matured due to complications Influenza. We do not need this above coronavirus, which causes a "pwindemic". The CDC says that everyone over 6 months oldshould have the shot of the flu, with very rare exceptions. Despite contrary pretensions, the influenza vaccine prevents millions of diseases each year. Get yours before the end of October.


Slate plate with fresh garlic and onion on wooden table.

Garlic can keep more than sparkling vampires away. The aromatic ingredient has compounds that help the immune system combat germs. A littleto studyshowed that the number of colds was cut almost in half by those who took a daily garlic supplement. "Cottage old-fashioned remedies at home with fresh garlic, freshly squeezed lemon, cayenne pepper and honey are useful," says Dr. Inna Lukyanovsky, PharmD. "This combo is a powerful mix of vitamins and an immune booster."



raw honey

Since antiquity, people have known the antibacterial and healing properties of honey. Adding a teaspoon to your tea cup can soothe your throat and make you feel a little better. Research suggests that honey can also be a cut-repression of effective cough in children. APediatricsStudy of 300 children with upper respiratory infections revealed that a single dose of 10 g of honey relieved the night cough and helped them sleep. Never give honey to a child under one year old, it often contains botulinum spores, which can cause a rare type of poisoning of the nervous system in infants.



Woman rinsing and gargling while using mouthwash from a glass

Salt water boys can look like a lot of nonsense, but there is science to save it. It is an anti-inflammatory hero who actually draws tissue fluids and reduces inflammation.A clinical study of Japanshowed that salt water with garnished can reduce the risk of catching a cold of 40%. And it is easy to make a half-spoon of table salt with lukewarm water. Then take a big sip and gargage yourself in swing in the throat and mouth for at least 30 seconds, then spit it. Continue until your cup is dry.


To sleep

woman smiling while sleeping

When you have a plugged head, a flowing nose and a throat evils all you want to do is sleep. You should! If you feel the first signs of a cold coming, like the teltal cattle in the back of the throat and a cough that will not stop, it means that your body needs to rest to heal, so go and snuggle you under the covers all day. TheCDCRecommends rest for recovery, so technically, doctor's orders are to take a nap. Ann Sepersky, BSN, Rn agrees. "I always say to my patients to stay at home and sleep when they are sick."


Vitamin C-if you take it at this accurate hour

Vitamin c effervescent tablet spilling out of white plastic bottle

Your mother has probably told you to drink a glass of orange juice when you felt sniffs. Proves that there is some science behind this advice. "The first thing I reach when I feel a coming cold is vitamin C, saysDr. Kelly Bay."Studies have shown that vitamin C intake in the first 24 hours symptoms can reduce the length and severity of the cold."

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Zinc-but carefully

The zinc supplementary white capsule with fresh oyster on block wood

This little extra can pack a big punch-if you take it early enough. "Zinc and syrup's pellets can be able to reduce the time of a cold symptom of about a day if it is taken early enough," saysDr. Amesh A. Adalja, MD, Fidsa, Senior Scholar at Johns Hopkins Health Security Center. The theory, according to theMayo clinic,is that zinc can interfere with the virus ability to multiply. Once taken as syrup or pellets, zinc is considered even more efficient because it remains in the throat longer and comes into contact with the rhinovirus. But there may be too much of a good zinc-up dose can lead to anemia and other health problems. But stay away from sprays. The FDA warned against the use of zinc gel sprays and nasal swabs after more than 130 people reported losing sense of smell after use.


Menthol RUB

Vick's Vapor Rub, most commonly used for cold remedy

Remember to have a cold when you were a child? You mom would reach Vicks Vaporub's small blue bathtub and spread it on your chest to help you feel better. The key ingredient for cold relief is menthol, explains Dr. Adalja. "Menthol probably has the beneficial effect of improving breathing, which can lead to better sleep with a cold. It should only be used in adults and children over 2 years old, and only applied to neck and chest. Never put in or around your camphoric topical nostrils (another VICKS VAPORUB ingredient) can be absorbed by the mucous membranes.


Chicken soup

Chicken noodle soup

It turns out, it's another your mother was right. Chicken soup is really good for colds. A study in the journalChest Looked the movement of white blood cells called neutrophils when combined with soup. Chicken soup exposed cells showed significantly less movement, suggesting anti-inflammatory properties. "Chicken soup contains certain chemicals that can reduce the level of inflammation in your nasal lanes of a cold," explains Dr. Adalja. Beyond that, the chicken soup is rich in nutrients and feels good on a sore throat.


Over-The-Counter Medicine

What do doctors arrive when they have a cold? Probably the same things you do. Getting relaxing well, and it is almost impossible to rest when you are uncomfortable (or can not breathe because you are so clogged). "When I get a cold, I usually take an over-the-counter remedy that includes a decongestant, fever reducer and antitissif," says Dr. Adalja. "The most popular brands are Dayquil and Theraflu. This drug cocktail provides symptomatic relief. »


Water and here's why

Dehydrated woman feeling thirsty holding glass drinking filtered pure mineral fresh water for body refreshment or energy recovery, dehydration problem, hydration

Hydration is the key in your fight against colds and flu viruses. If you have a fever, this increase in body temperature makes you lose water, and which can lead to dehydration. The most important thing is to stay hydrated, saysDr. Myles Spar®, Heart Physician of Health Vault."The more hydrated, the thinnest mile is, and the easier it is to clarify. Being sick can dehydrate your body quickly, so you really need to follow the H2O. "When you're under time, your body needs extra hydration to recover," says Dr. Bay. "Drink at least half of your body weight in ounces can be a goal of good hydration. »

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Influenza Antiviral Drugs

Antiviral drug

There is hope if you think you come with the flu. Antiviral drugs are prescription drugs that can be used to treat influenza, depending on theCDC. They are not sold accordingly, and are more efficient if started within two days of the appearance of the symptoms of the flu. The antiviral treatment can reduce the time you are sick of about one day if you have already gruted, you know how horrible it is, so one day less misery is worth a visit to the doctor. "You should also consult a doctor if you develop shortness of breath or are at high risk of complications such as pregnancy, immunosuppression, or lung disease," says Dr. Adalja.



A bottle of homemade elderberry syrup

It is not as well known as some of the other remedies there, but there is a certainevidenceThat the elasticity can reduce how long you feel sick. "I always keep Sambucus, or elderberry, at your fingertips during the winter months for east antiviral properties," explains Dr. Jerrica Sweetnich ND, SNCRevitalize Med."Studies have shown that inhibits the binding of the influenza virus to the healthy cell, which blocks the replication of the virus and then inhibits its actions. Elderberry also activate anti-inflammatory molecules to reduce symptoms such as muscle pain and headaches. »




"Eat your bacteria" is something you can find yourself telling your children in the morning.probioticsAre useful bacteria found in some yogurts and fermented drinks like Kombucha. They live in your intestine to help promote the "good" bacteria to keep your body working like that. "Probiotics are an excellent complementary treatment because they can help increase your immune system and have also been demonstrated to reduce the duration of the disease in children and adults," said Dr. Bay. But just eat a Chobani will not prevent you from getting sick. To what extent the probiotics work well depends on their power, the specific strain, good dose and appropriate storage. Check the package or ask for a nutritionist.



Boxes Of Prescription Painkillers Ibuprofen

The ills and pain of the disease make the rest difficult.The Mayo Clinicrecommends acetaminophen oribuprofen Get relief a lot needed. Be careful that children and adolescents with flu symptoms should never take aspirin due to the risk of Reye syndrome, a rare but potentially fatal condition.


wash your hands

washing hands in kitchen

It is not always possible to avoid the cold or the flu, but the washing of your hands can really help. According toNHSThe cold viruses can survive on interior surfaces for a week. This means that you can take a just infection by touching a handful handle seven days after a sick person. Influenza viruses can live on hard surfaces up to 24 hours, but on fabrics for only 15 minutes. "I say to my patients to wash your hands," says Sepersky. "Now, wash them again."

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Fog moisture

ultrasonic humidifier in the house. Humidification. Vapor

Do you wake up a night to breathe in the mouth because you're stuffed? Your language has probably felt like cotton - not terribly nice. To help keep your respiratory tract hydrated, consider using a cold fog humidifier when you sleep to add moisture beneficial to the air. But do not forget to change the water in your humidifier all bacteria and fungi can grow in the tank. The breath that for could make you more sick! In a pinch you can take a long hot shower in a hot bathroom.




Echinacea is a flower from North America and has long been used as alternative treatment for all, yeast infections. Some people swear as a cold cure - the extract is added to the drops of cough, vitamins and drinks. But the search is mixed with the effectiveness of the grass. Researchers atUniversity of Wisconsinfound no significant difference in the gravity or duration of those who took the echinacea to treat the symptoms of colds. "Supplements can be helpful, but could always interact with some medications," said Maggie Berghoff, NP. "Call always in your doctors' desk to check for the intersection of supplements to your medications and get the approval of safe use."


Drinking hot fluids

woman drinking hot tea

Tea. Soupe. Or even flat water. They all help relieve sinus pressure. A classicto studyshowed a "nasal speed of mucus and resistance to the nasal airflow" improved "statistically significantly in relation to cold water".


Stay at home. Seriously, stay at home.

woman with cup of coffee sitting home in living room by the window. Winter snow landscape view

Resist the desire to go to the sick office. Nobody wants to get your germs and push it could aggravate things in the long run. "If you have the flu, the best thing to do for yourself and also for those around you is to stay at home and rest," says Dr. Heather Tynan. "Do not skip in a normal activity too early to avoid relapse and contact your doctor in case of disturbing symptoms."

And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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