75,200 cases of cancer in the United States have been linked to drinking alcohol

This is the first time the researchers broke statistics by state.

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According to published searches in a future newspaper editionCancer epidemiology,A percentage of occurrences and cancerous mortality is directly related toalcohol admission In adults living in the 50 states and District of Columbia. (In touch:The 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.)

Although types of cancer vary and the estimated number of cases differ across the country, the authors of the American Cancer Society and the University of Illinois in Chicago recommend health programs designed To educate the public about this connection.

It is not a secret that alcohol consumption can increase the probability of being diagnosed with cancer. After collecting scientific information from around the world, theAmerican Institute for Cancer Research concluded that the consumption ofwine, beer and spirits can increase the risk of six cancers (including colorectal, breast, esophagus, liver, stomach and oral).

However, the last study has taken figures from the US cancer statistics database over a period of three years (2013 to 2016) in order to obtain a breakdown of cases and deaths among regions and states . (Do not miss theSide effects ugly alcohol drinking daily, according to the Mayo Clinic)

On a national level,Alcohol was responsible for about 75,200 cancer implications (4.8%), with a death of 18,950 (3.2%) each year. More cases were recorded in New England and Western states (less Utah), while statistics were lower in midwesternist and southern states.

Delaware ranked among the highest occurrences (6.7%) and, with Nevada, reported the largest number of deaths (4.5%). UTAH has been noted to have the lowest percentage of cases (2.9%), as well as mortalities (1.9%).

Another great buyer of this research was thatMen had higher rates of cancer and alcohol-related deathsand the authors of the study believe that this is partly due to theirhigher alcohol consumption levels.

TheDisease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC) declares that the2020-2025 Dietary Directives for Americans Recommends drinking alcohol in moderation, which is defined by two or less drinks in a day for men and a drink or less in a day for women. The agency indicates that two adults on three consumers who consume alcoholic beverages will drink more than a moderate amount at least once a month.

The American Cancer Society agrees with these guidelines and adds that it is better to jump alcohol. Their goal is to encourage states to prioritize cancer prevention campaigns.

"Health care providers and public health practitioners can educate the community to expand the awareness of alcohol consumption cancer-related risks," said the authors of the study.In a press release.

For more, do not missAn alcoholic drink a day can lead to this serious condition And do not forget toSubscribe to our newsletter To get the latest news from the restaurant delivered directly to your inbox.

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