19 secret reasons that you have won weight this week

You have done everything right - eat well, walk and stick to a calendar - so why is the number above this week?

How many times did this scenario have happened to you? You weigh on Monday morning, thinking that you finally lost these three pesky books - only to see that they brought back from Friday. Or worse, yougained weight that you did not even lose in the first place! Which give?

First, the weight fluctuation is totally normal. In fact, your weight can easily fluctuate up to five pounds according to what eat and other lifestyle factors, saysAlexandra Napoli, a holistic health coach. But this happens to everyone.

Check out the secret problems that cause the ladder to increase by the end of the week, as well as check theseThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


You went to the gym

woman doing situps in gym

There are very few exceptions near the reason you would like to have weight, but that the muscle is part of it. So, if you went to the gym and you saw the tip of the scale a bit, tap on the back. "The muscle weighs more than fat because there is a lot of water in", saysSHARP Abbey, RD, owner of the abbey cuisine. Earn more muscle means you stimulate your metabolism and you burn fat. So, that the higher number of the ladder could actually account for fat loss! For more intelligent ways to define your internal grease combustion system, do not miss these50 best ways to strengthen your metabolism!


You had bathroom problems

supermarket bathroom

All the bowels sitting in your system could be what rocks the scale indicates Nazzoli. "Your body has 30 feet digestive track so when it's full, it adds a lot of density to your body," says Napoli. Therefore, if it has been a long time since you had to "go", the waste sitting inside you could be added to your weight gain. It's one of the things that can happen when you do not have enoughalimentary fiber.


You did not drink enough water

woman drinking water

The adequate water intake is essential for all functions of your body, and the better you drink, better are your chances of staying thin. In a study published in the journalObesityFood participants responsible for drinking two cups of water before each meal loses more than 30% more weight than their thirsty peers. And this is just an advantage of drinking water; That's why you need to knowWhat happens to your body when you drink water.


You have eaten too many salty foods

salty snacks

Fries, potato chips, soy sauce on these foods makes your body welcomes excess water, which is why you feel a little inflated afterwards. "Your body reacts at higher levels of sodium by storing more water so that it can keep sodium blood concentrations on a healthy and balanced level," says Sharp.

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You opted for a bed later

staying up late

You'd better think twice before staying up to look at an additional episode ofGame Of Thrones Or spend time on facebook. A five-year study of the University of California, Berkeley followed the bed habits of 3,300 teenagers and adults and found that for every hour of sleep, they won 2.1 points on the BMI index. Maybe adiet is not such a bad idea!

In fact, even lose up to 30 minutes of sleep is dangerous for your size. In a recent study, researchers analyzed more than 500 participants' sleep week and found that losing 30 minutes of closing the eye increased their obesity risks by 17%! Even soft sleep deprivation causes ghreline (hunger stimulating hormone) to embark on an overdrive while simultaneously reducing laptin levels (the hormone that removes appetite). In turn, it stimulates hunger, even when you are full, which can lead to too much meal and weight gain.


You came out of drinking

Men and guys out drinking beer at a bar

Have you ever noticed how do you feel a little heavier and more inflated after a night to drink? Well, there are three reasons, first of all, most alcohols are heavy in carbohydrates, which means you keep water as you would when you eat pasta. And if you are one to spill more drinks every night, you do even harm your size. When you drink a lot of alcohol, it builds in the blood and holds an antidiuretic hormone that causes the discreet of your kidneys a diluted piss, without containing electrolytes like sodium, says Sharp. So, sodium ends up staying in your system and makes you retain more water, leaving you with a morning afterswollen stomach With this nasty hangover.

In addition, let us not forget that drinking consumption gives you the case of droschies. When you want food after a night of beaten drinks, Sharp says people tend to get more salty foods.


You forgot to eat

Busy woman driving car and drinking coffee

Sometimes the day just makes us at us - and when we are at home a long day of work, we just want to hit the bed. When you eat far too few calories, it can bring your body to enter survival mode and also slows down the rate of yourmetabolism. Registered dietitianLisa Moskovitz, Rd, CDN From the Nutrition Group of New York explains this by saying: "Many people wrongly believe that eating as few calories as possible is the best solution. Not only can it also lead to many nutritional failures that the body gets less food as a whole, it can actually have the opposite effect on weight loss. "


Something about your routine has changed

make a schedule

Maybe you have moved and have fewer stairs to climb your home. Maybe it was your birthday and you had a cake every day. Maybe you went on vacation. Anyway, ask yourself if it is a permanent or temporary change and what it could mean for your body objectives. Resume control by implementing these30 healthy habits adapted to people live by.


You take you

Friends eating a pasta dinner at a restaurant

Whether you cook at home or if you went to eat, the control of the portions can determine what is happening with your turn. Do not forget that even virtuous foods have calories! Half of your plate must be filled with vegetables and the remaining half must contain a portion of the cell phone size oflean protein, a portion of grains of fist size and a little fat no greater than the size of your pointer finger. If you went to eat, even once, there is a good chance that you have loaded more than what you needed.


You spread the sugar

woman eating ice cream directly out of the pint and in front of the freezer

Seriously! This cupcake at work does not favor your waist. Having this sitting sugar, your system could be the reason you feel heavier. Your fat cells work like a savings bank, says Napoli. And when you have too much energy that you do not need to burn, it ends up being stored as fat, what your weight escapes slowly. Need to reduce? Let us help you with these30 easy ways to stop eating so much sugar.


You palls too well

Healthy snacks for office lunch: baby carrots, almonds, cashew and glass of water.

"When my customers feel like they are not able to enjoy something from time to time, it often leaves them with cravings that are difficult to ignore," says Dietian registeredLeah Kaufman, MS, Rd, CDN of the Nutrition of Leah Kaufman. "For this reason, I allow my patients to eat 100 discretionary calories every day. This allows them to satisfy their clothes without falling from the track." Nine M & MS, 12 bear peanuts, and a reese peanut butter gum all come around 100 calories. For healthier snacks ideas, check these50 healthiest snacks to eat to lose weight!


You are on some medicines

man in red shirt pouring pills from prescription pill bottle

Certain birth control pills, steroids and even antidepressants can change the way our body naturally eliminates fluids, says Sharp. Even if you have changed or started medications weeks ago, side effects could be to hit or fluctuate, depending on the hormonal cycle of your body.


You have all your training sessions planned in advance

Workout clothes set out

There is no refusal that working is a significant weight loss factor, but quite curiously, think about your next sweating sessions can too often make weight loss more difficult. The searches indicate that when your favorite spin class is still on the brain, you can consume more calories, probably because you suppose you will just move it away during the hill and the sprint sections of your class. We know that it seems ridiculous, but there are many fitness mistakes that prevent weight loss.


You wear heavy clothes and jewelry at the ladder

Man weighing himself on scale with shoes on

Wear a necklace and underwear while weighing yourself can feel like it's not much, but every little thing makes a difference. When we weigh yourself with clothes, shoes or jewelry, tiny ounces can add up. In addition, remember that you weighed after a shower can also cause a higher number, due to water that has been absorbed immediately in your skin.


You take your food 'to go'

man eating in car

If you think that the work running at work is a great way to multite, then think again. A study published in theJournal of Health Psychology I found that people with the diete who eat while walking for consumption five times greater than the number of calories as women who ate speaking. There is no scientific reason why these people at the exaggent diet, but researchers feel that it could be because walking is either associated with exercises - so maybe people have seen Foods like a reward - or because they were too distracted to feel full in the first place.


You have packed on carbohydrates

Eating pasta and bread does not make you fat, but they contribute to the weight of the water, says Sharp. When you consume carbohydrates, they are stored as a glycogen, which is a form of carbohydrate storage that makes you more water. One gram of carbohydrates tends to store 3-4 grams of water, so it adds quite quickly.


You have eaten unnecessary in front of the television

man watching tv and eating chips

A meta-analysis published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition Shows that people who eat by watching television consume significantly more calories than non-television observers. Not only that, but distracted guests also continue to consume an average of 25% more total calories during the day than those who dine disconnected. High action television is particularly fattening. A study published inJAMA internal medicine Found people consumed 65% of calories more snacks while watching a high high volume Hollywood flick that the viewers who climbed while looking at an interview. The researchers say more a more distracting television broadcast, the less attention people pay to eat, and the more they eat. So, turn off the tube and enjoy a meal in silence. This is one of the pleasures of conscious consumption - a form of food meditation associated with weight loss.


It's time for your rules


Aunt Flo can be a real pain sometimes. Just before this period of the month is when women feel a little larger than normal. The balance of estrogen and progesterone changes during our menstrual cycle, resulting in uncomfortable bloating and the weight of the water indicates Sharp. While the bloating goes alone, you can at least soothe the pain of the period with8 foods that facilitate the symptoms of the PMS.


You have eaten low fat foods

Female shopper checking food labelling in supermarket

It sounds crazy, but stop buying food marketed as low in fat or bold. As a general rule, they do not save you only a few calories and, in doing so, they replace the harmless fat with low-efficient carbohydrates that digest rapidly - causing a sugar thrust and, immediately after, bouncing hunger. Search published inThe Journal of Nutrition Discovered that the meals that 43% limited carbohydrates were more filled and had a milder effect on glycemia than 55% carbohydrates. This means that you store less body fat and be less likely to eat later. Another way to prevent you from snacking later in the day?30 hacks to feel full when they try to lose weight.

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