26 surprising reasons why you earn weight, according to experts

If your skinny jeans adapt a few months ago - and you did nothing differently - what gives?

If your jeans adapt a few months ago, and you have not done anything differently, you probably wonder ", why do I win weight?"

You're not alone. Many people who eat healthy foods, stay true to their training routine andto drink a lot of water Can all experiment with a sudden weight gain. It may seem like there is no good reason, but the experts tell us that there issome common reasons why you suddenly have weight fast.

Although your exercise and diet efforts are still important to help you achieve your weight loss goals, there isA number of factors that can cause you weight It often goes unnoticed.

We discovered some of the main reasons for which you earn weight and asked the experts how to overcome everyone, so you can come back to your ideal weight. And while you make these healthy changes, make sure to try one of these15 underestimated weight loss tips that actually work.


You do not weigh yourself.

stepping on scale

Of all the small white lies, the phrase "what you do not know can not hurt you" is one of the worst, with regard to weight loss. However, when we talk about weight gain, ignorance could be the very reason for your belt always clamping. "When you avoid the scales because you do not want to know the number, it's when you have problems," saysChristine M. Palumbo, MBA, RDN, Fand, a dietitian and nutrition expert accessible to the Chicago-award-winning region. Rather than preventing your progress, walking on the scale helps you lose weight. According to a study published in the newspaperObesityFrequent self-weighing is associated with greater weight loss, lower weight recovery and better weight gain prevention.

The solution: To weighat least Once a week - if not two or three - to monitor your progress. "I recommend weighing Monday, Wednesday and Friday," said Palumbo. "If Monday is a little higher than usual, it's better to recover on the right track to the next week. And Friday is good because if you are a little from the top, that's good, it's d 'As much more incentive to stay the course for the weekend and does not go too crazy. "


You eat too much healthy food.

healthy vegetable plant based bowl tomatoes carrots avocado brown rice cucumbers leafy greens

"There is a misconception that if a food is considered" healthy ", you can eat as much as you wish," saysAmy Goodson, MS, RD, CSSD, LDand author ofThe sports nutrition gambling book. "The reality is that it's not true. Foods like lawyers, walnuts, nuts, hummus, cauliflower crust pizza, etc. are rich in nutrients for sure, But they always provide calories and you still need to look at your portions. The weight gain occurs when we take more calories than we need to maintain our weight. If these calories come from fast food or Nuts, they are still calories. Of course, a high quality calorie, but still, they must be considered. "

The solution:Wear your food properly with these18 ways easy to control your portions.


You drink your calories.

woman drinking smoothie

"Many people forget that their brother juice and Caramel Macchiato usually provides a good amount of calories without making them very full full," says Goodson. "Soda with sweet tea to the fancy juice of alcohol coffee drinks, many people drink a lot of calories and forget to count them in their total consumption. They can especially add when you sip on one of these drinks with A meal instead of like a meal or a snack. "

The solution:Instead, count on one of these14 best drinks to drive weight loss.


You do not use your calorie tracking properly.

Woman eating pizza at home and taking photo of her food

"There are two ways that online calorie tracking applications can be wrong," saysTheresa Gentile, MS, RDNOwner of the full nutrition of the plate and the New York media representative for the New York State Academy and Dietetics. First, they use a generic algorithm to calculate the number of calories you need every day to lose a certain amount of weight. This number, although it is a good estimate, can not take into account your personal and underlying metabolic factors (or body composition). The only reliable feedback you will have about whether the caloric recommendation is correct or not for you is your weight on the scale. "

"Second, calorie tracking apps often reimburse you every day with the calories that you have engraved with exercise. Let's say your calorie needs are 2,000 calories a day and that you have burned 300 with Exercise (so-called, which is another inaccurate calculation). The application then gives you a 2,300 calorie allocation for the day. If you try to lose weight (vs. maintain), you will want to create a deficit in calories daily and do not eat what you have burned out of exercise. "

The solution:Find the appropriate calorie amount you need to lose weight usingOur calculator.


You never let yourself be delivered.

Woman craving junk food while on a diet

"Why do I earn weight if I send myself in my religious diet?" you can ask. And we have the answer: you take it a littletoo much seriously. You do not have to limit yourself completely when you try to lose weight - live a little! It will actually help you reverse the recent weight gain. Have a cheat day (or even cheat days) while the plan can actually help help weight loss, according to aInternational Journal of Obesity to study. Australian researchers found that when participants alternated between members to a strict diet for two weeks and following two weeks of Trichie lost more weight during the study than those who have glued to a strict diet all the time . Bonus: The "cheater" group also won less weight after the end of the study.

The solution: To return to a trimmer version of you, eat the real thing, but reduce your serving. If you like ice cream, for example, jump from-yo and have a quick spoon.


You work too much.

marathon. Tired female runner and man resting and breathing

If you work, but you gain weight, the problem can lie in the amount of time you spend exercise. There is no refusal that working is a significant weight loss factor, but quite curiously, think about your next sweating sessions can too often make weight loss more difficult. aObesity Reviews The meta-analysis indicates that people tend to overestimate the number of calories they burn when working - and will eventually eat more on days when they work. A separateto study Supported this conclusion, showing that people tend to increase their food consumption after exercise and end up eating more calories than they burn.

The solution: To prevent sudden weight gain, avoid eating excessively after exercise. Picking up pre-portionAvant-garde snacks Suitable for your fitness routine.


You will go shopping for food when you are hungry.

Woman holding loaf of fresh bread

"When you go to the market on an empty stomach, you tend to buy some of the bad foods - cakes and cookies and junk food," saysLisa Young, PhD, RDN and author ofFinally full, finally thin.

The solution:"I suggest eating a snack before leaving and shopping for a list. In this way, you will remember adding healthy food to your basket," said you young.


You did not enter your food.

Keto meal avocado egg boats with bacon

Serving size is just as important as eating healthy. The reason: many nutritious foods of lawyers, oats, quinoa, dark chocolate, nuts and walnut butters can cause weight gain when they are consumed in excess because they are calorically dense.

The solution: Unless it is a fruit or a vegetable, do not make the hypothesis that healthy food you eat is low in calories. The next time you whip a meal, remember these three portion control indices:

  1. A caregiver of nut butter or shredded cheese should not be bigger than a ping-pong ball
  2. A real portion of rice and pasta is pretty much the size of your fist
  3. Mean meats must have the size of a card game.

Getting to the size of the recommended portion can help prevent sudden weight gain.


You just get older.

Older woman in kitchen

With each anniversary that passes after the Big 3-0, we begin to lose muscle mass. Therefore,The Biggest Loser dietitianCherryl Forberg, Rd, tells us that our metabolism slows naturally. This must be the worst birthday gift of all time! "When our metabolism slows down, we will gain weight, especially if we continue to eat the same amount of food we were doing when we were younger."

The solution: Keeping your skinny and young silhouette, Forberg says that staying active is a must: "A combination of cardio exercise and lift will help preserve the body mass and skinny muscular tissues, keeping thehigh metabolism. "


You are dehydrated.

with closed eyes drinking clean mineral water close up, young woman holding glass

AStudy of the University of BirminghamI found that drinking two cups of water before each meal that can significantly accelerate weight loss. So, so it should not surprise that not drinking enough h2o can have the opposite effect on your size. "Not only does the water give us energy and helps maintain body temperature, but it also helps us feel more complete," says Forberg. "Do not drinking enough water can make us eat excess calories that can lead to weight gain. In addition, when you are dehydrated, the body will keep water for vital body functions, which can lead to retention water and a higher number on the scale.. "

The solution: Sip water continually throughout the day. And remember that water alone is not the only way to stay hydrated, there are manyFoods rich in water You can eat with other water-rich drinks such as coffee, tea and smoothies.


You do not eat quite early in the day.

Plate of fruit - apple slices tangerines blackberries - and bowls of strawberries bananas

"Although you do not need to eat first in the morning if you do not hung up, if you eat too little during the day, you risk going to eat at night," says Young. "You do not have Not understood how hungry you were, and once you have dined, you risk getting nibbled without stop until bed. No not for your weight loss efforts. "

The solution: Give your body a healthy thumb of energy at the beginning of the day with one of these91+ Best healthy breakfast recipes.


You do not pay attention to your sodium intake.

salt food

ASodium diet Can you doretain the water andinflate. And when you keep water in your intestine, it can make it look like if you have experienced sudden weight gain in your stomach - when we make water weight. As Palumbo says, "Sodium-related weight gain is easy, goes easy."

The solution: Your water consumption and cut off the sodium. Cook more at home with fresh herbs instead of salt should help your belly deflate in about a day. Dinner outside? Scan nutrition information at home before going out and choose ahealthy restaurant dish with about 1,000 milligrams of sodium or less.


You have kept all the junk food in your house.

Woman grabbing cookie from jar

"Whether ice cream, cookies, chips or other objects, knowing that your trigger foods are in the kitchen or your office desk can derail your healthy food program," said Palumbo. "This is especially true between 3 hours at p. And time at bedtime when desires are the hardest to ignore."

The solution: One of the best ways to overcome a passing agreement is to keep food you know you can not deny home. Do you imagine kicking your favorite cookies of the house for good? Individually wear the foods you tend to eat too much. If you know each ziploc bag of chips is 150 calories, you will be less likely to come back for a second portion.


Your thyroid is to blame.

doctor examines with her fingers, palpates her neck and lymph nodes

The thyroid, a gland in the neck that is above the Adam apple, regulates a wide range of body functions, includingmetabolism. But sometimes, for a variety of reasons, your thyroid can become under-active and cause a condition called hypothyroidism. One of the many symptoms of the disease? You guessed it, weight gain. The worst part is that the disease often develops slowly, so many people do not notice the symptoms of the disease until they are filled, saysThe National Institute of Diabetics and Digestive and Reneal Diseases. This aggravates: if a thyroid question is to blame for your weight gain, regardless of the diligence of your diet and your work; It will almost impossible to pour the books.

The solution: Make a trip to MD. "If you suddenly gave weight for no apparent reason, I suggest you see a doctor so that a health professional can decide whether it is a thyroid question or another cause", Forberg .


You do not eat enough fiber.

avocado egg salad toast

"High fiber foods are important to keep hungry from the bay and maintain a healthy weight," saidJinan Banna, PhD, Rd. "The fiber provides a feeling of fullness, because it slows down the stomach drain. It passes through the undigested digestive tract and provides very few calories. Many foods containing fibers are naturally very low in calories and High water, such as most fruits and vegetables. "

The solution:Try to integrate more from these43 best foods with high fiber in your diet.


You take medicine.


Beta-blockers with birth control pills, and all that is between, there is a long and long list of drugs that can bring your size to swell. And if you think your RX is to blame your size still expanding, you are not alone. "Weight problems are often a main reason for non-compliance," says Palumbo. "Some medications stimulate appetite or slow down the bodymetabolism. Others cause liquid retention or sufficient drowsiness to reduce physical activity, which can trigger weight gain. "

The solution: This is important, then listen: "If you suspect that your medicine causes weight gain,never Stop taking it. Rather, make an appointment with your health care provider and ask if there could be an alternative just as effective that does not affect your weight. Everyone reacts to drugs differently, trying so something else can help, "says Palumbo.


You eat too well.

woman pouring water in kitchen sink over lettuce

"When my customers feel like they are not able to enjoy something from time to time, it often leaves them with cravings that are difficult to ignore," says Dietian registeredLeah Kaufman, MS, RD, CDE.

The solution: "For this reason, I allow my patients to eat 100 discretionary calories every day. This allows them to satisfy their clothes without falling from the track." Nine M & MS, 12 bear peanuts, and a reese peanut butter gum all come around 100 calories.


You eat too much small meals.

small portion

"Every time you eat, insulin is released to help stabilize absorbed sugar in your blood," says Megan Byrd, RD ofThe dietitian of Oregon. "Insulin is a hormone" storage grease ", then when you eat several times a day, you trigger your hormones to store fat more often."

The solution:"Instead, try eating only 3 to 4 times a day and focus on eating a lot of complex carbohydrates, protein, fiber and healthy fat," explains Megan Byrd. "It will help you stay longer and prevent weight gain!"


You are too stressed.

stressed woman

"Often, when people are stressed, the levels of cortisol were rising, which can lead to weight gain, while making more weight to lose weight," says Kara Landau, R & D and founder ofFood uprising - good mood food. "Although there are different forms of stress management techniques, it is interesting to note that the health of your intestine can be a proactive way, you can reduce the inflammation of your body, which can also reduce the symptoms of Anxiety and depressive type.

The solution:"Nourishing your intestine withProbiotics specific to the moodassociated with the prebiotic rich foods that feed your good intestinal bacteria by eating a variety of plant-based foods, as well as prebiotic fiber fibers and food-rich foods resistant in the form of green banana flour, artichokes of Jerusalem, lupini beans (which can be found in deliciousGUT Happy cookies), the cashew nuts and oats of the night to name a few, can be a fantastic way to support your mental health and starting, supporting your weight too, "says Landau.


You do not pay attention to your hunger.


"Do not pay attention to your hunger can often cause extra unwanted books," says Mackenzie Burgess, RDN and owner ofCheerful choice. "I like to tell my clients to think about hunger and fullness on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being hungry and 10 being extremely stuffed. The goal is to stay somewhere in the middle. When you first notice hunger markings such as growing stomach, lacking energy or feel irritable - it's probably a sign of eating something. Ignore this hunger for too long can cause voracious feelings later and can make you eat too much, resulting in long-term weight gain.

The solution:"Instead, try to register with your hunger and fullness throughout the day, it can help you stay in the daily needs of your body and avoid the excess of calorie consumption," declares Burgess.


You have recently had a diet.

fasting diet

"In the short term, weight loss is possible and relatively easy for some people too. But in the long run, your body is unlikely to let yourself go out with that," saysKatherine Kimber, Rd. "In each of our brains lies an incredibly powerful mechanism to control our weight. It is a control center of somatic body fat that works tirelessly to maintain our weight at a level it decides, called setpoint weight . It is governed especially by your hypothalamus, which sends signals to manipulate your supply consumption, your activity and your metabolic efficiency. The set point weight can be a range of 10 to 15 pounds, and it is Generally the weight that the body likes to come back between diets or attempts to lose weight. "

"To manage this set point, the organization reacts to an energy deficiency by lighting physiological mechanisms, apart from our control to manage weight," Kimber said. "It could increase the signals of hunger, make us feel a lot of food with food or think a lot, let us go crazy around sugar and believe carbohydrate foods. In addition, you can feel Less resilient, less energetic than if you were well-known, which can affect activity levels and food choices.

The solution:Do not give up the Crazy Fad plans and promised to feed your body well withnutritious foods.

"The body is not designed to be retained from food, so after a period of famine (diet / weight loss), it can do everything possible to make us eat and bring our bodies to a place where our Body feel safe, "says Kimber." So, if you feel uncontrollable and earn weight quickly, it might simply be the biology to do its thing! "


You cook with too much oil or butter.

butter pan

"Cooking with oil or butter are healthy choices," says Rachel Paul, PhD, RD ofCOLLEGENUTIENTIONRIONISTIST.COM. "However, like a tablespoon of oil is at the same time more than 100 calories, the calories of a meal cooked with oil or butter can increase considerably without thinking."

The solution:"An easy way to remedy this cooking with an aerosol," says Paul. "You always have the same texture and mouth in the mouth as when you cook with butter, but you can save hundreds of calories."


You drink too much smoothies.

Blueberry smoothie large

"While drinkingsmoothies Another trap can fall into: "says Paul." When we chew, it takes more time for us to consume food and so we realize that we are full, faster. I recommend chewing food instead of mixing them for weight management.

The solution:"Conversely, when I helped someone weight gain, load smoothies with fruits, nut butters, etc. is an easy way to pack in hundreds of calories," says Paul.


You eat too much processed foods.


In particular the food marketed to be "healthy", but are not healthy for your lower body.

"Given healthyProcessed foods is one of the worst eating habits that many people follow today, "saysTrista Best, MPH, Rd, LD, a dietician enrolled in the equilibrium of supplements. "These foods are marketed with health as a major advantage, but do few things in terms of health and can even harm most."

"The question regarding treated health foods and the blocked weight loss is mainly in those who are trying to follow a healthy diet based on fast meals," explains the best. "When you follow these diet models, it is tempting to turn to a treated convenience, unfortunately always high in grease and sugar that simultaneously increases the calories of the product."

The solution: "Rather than relying on these healthy healthy health care and weight loss foods can be obtained by relying on whole foods, "explains the best." Those who have very little treatment involved getting them from the source. your table. "


You have recently made a change of work.

snacking while working

"I had a lot of customers tell me that they gained weight when changing jobs or retirement," says Brenda Braslow, MS and Diétine registered withMynetdiary. "If a person goes from active work to office work, the level of activity can make a big difference in calorie burns. When a person has active work, such as a courier carrier or a worker. Building, this person often wins weight after retirement. Although they worked, they may have been thin without exercising outside working hours. After retirement, they are needing to develop An exercise routine to prevent weight gain. "

The solution:Are you planning healthy meals that you can count during the work week using ourGras meal plan and move with these25 easy exercises that reinforce your health quickly.


You eat too fast.

man eating in car

"It takes 20 minutes for the body to record fullness by eating," says Shannon Henry, RD ofEzcare clinic. "If you are in a hurry and you eat too fast, you eat more than what you need before your brain sends a message to your body [that you are full]."

The solution:Give yourself a little while after eating a meal to digest, leaving the fullness in which you feel satisfied.

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