A major danger of drinking wine you did not know, according to science

Many people can have an adverse reaction to this ingredient found in almost all wines.

It is not uncommon to feel thirsty after drinking a glass of vino or getting a headache. But as it is,Due to specific ingredients in wine, some people can develop popular liquor intolerance, which can lead to side effects rather uncomfortable and even dangerous. In fact, for some people who have a history of asthma (and even for some who do not suffer from asthma), to drink even a glass or two of wine can have the power to trigger a serious asthma crisis.

How can we develop a wine intolerance, ask yourself? As it is, a wine allergy is not so different from other food allergies some people have food such as nuts and fish. (In touch:People who should never drink wine, according to an expert.)

The most common causes of a wine allergy are sulphite, glycoproteins and a simple grape allergy. For asthmatics, histaminic, which are produced from bacteria and yeasts when ferments of alcohol and are particularly widespread in wine can also cause red problems.

The sulphites are naturally present in the wine as the yeast metabolized in the fermentation process. They can also be added to the wine as a conservative, often to keep it fresh and prevent it from turning into an expensive bottle of vinegar.

White wine usually contains more sulfite than red wine because they are needed to protect the flavor and color delicate wine and sweet wines, which offer a high sugar content, contain more sulphites in an effort to prevent the rest of the rest. sugar starting a secondary fermentation.

The Food and Drug American Administration (FDA) considers that eachOne out of 100 people has a sensitivity to sulphites, and five to 10% of people with asthma have serious sulfite sensitivity.

What else? A study conducted byresearchers from Nagasaki University Medicine School in Japan Saved that asthma is more widespread induced by alcohol in Asian populations and can even occur in people who do not have a history of previous attacks against asthma. Asians are also more likely to develop the skin rinsed after the alcohol consumption, that scientists have attributed to a high frequency of a genetically determined activity decreased by dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) acetaldehyde metabolite, metabolite. 'alcohol.

However, it is important to remember that all people with asthma knows the appearance or aggravation of an attack when drinking wine. In a study published inThe Journal of Allergy and Clinical ImmunologyOnly about 33% of said alcohol participants is associated with an asthmatic event at least twice.

However, even for those who do not have a more serious reaction to, as a sulphite an asthma crisis, chemicals can still be a nuisance and make the occasional glass of wine even drink. A more frequent allergic reaction to sulphites usually involves sneezing, headaches, and urticaria.

If you have a serious case of asthma or suspect that you could be otherwise allergic to the sulphites, look for the words "without sulfite" on your wine labels. And to learn more about the subject, seeWhat happens to your body when you drink a bottle of wine.

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