15 things you should never do for your health in case of isolation

These mistakes and you only make things worse.

Due to COVID-19, we all practice social distance and some of you are perhaps in about 14 days to see if you develop coronavirus symptoms. It's for our health.

So why does it feel like unhealthy?

When you are at the isolation of oneself, it is easy to develop bad habits. But if you start letting these unhealthy habits take over, your physical well-being and your mood are negatively affected, leaving you spiral in loneliness, anxiety and depression. Do not miss these 15 things you should not do in quarantine or isolation, so you can get out of this stronger than ever.


Lose confidence in your appearance

Outfit for day. Curly fashionable woman choosing outfit for day early in the morning

If you are like many of us, you have not changed sweat pants in three days. Be comfortable is just an advantage to spend so much time at home. But letting your physical appearance go can have negative mental effects on your self-esteem and how to psychologically ensure your self-insulation time.

Pine karenFrom the school of psychology at the University of Hertfordshire led a study that analyzed the correlation between the moods of women and the outfits they wore. After analyzing the results, she concluded: "It shows that clothes strongly impact the way we feel and can also influence the way we think."

RX: Nowhere to go? We do not care. From time to time, put your best outfit, make your hair and make the pride of your appearance. Take a walk around the block or make a video discussion with your colleagues. Just put clothes that make you feel good and pay attention to your appearance can increase your mood and self-esteem while you are stuck at home.


Disconnect friends and family

woman staring out window
Daria Nepriakhina / Dessplash

Social relations have positive impacts on your behavioral, psychosocial and physiological health. When you are alone and you do not have strong social connections to your friends and family, you are more likely to feel a disease or depression.

On ato studyPublished inPerspectives on psychological science"," Adults with socially isolated cardiovascular diseases had a chance of 2.4 times more likely to have a cardiac death than a person with strong social ties. "If you are in social isolation, it's easy to feel like you have no connection with your friends and family.

RX: You can not physically visit your friends or family members, but that does not mean you should lose contact. Define weekly video cat dates with those who are important to you. Write letters to your loved ones or launch a group text with your friends. Reaching your hand will continue to cultivate these relationships and remember that even if you are alone, you are not alone.


Feel under pressure to create a masterpiece

woman records a music blog with guitar

We are all worrying and a little bored at home right now. All this time on your hands can make you feel under pressure to do something incredible. If you look at your favorite artists and musicians on social media, you have probably been found that masterpieces are created every day. If you are inspired by an art project or if you feel the need to write a song, go ahead. If you do not feel inspiration or motivation, it's easy to fight.

RX: You do not need to be ultra productive or creative simply because you have time at home. Allow you to relax and enjoy this quiet time. You can simply want to sit down and read a book or watch a movie. Give yourself permission to relax in this downtime and do not feel in a hurry to be creative and productive every minute of the day.


Melt in the sofa

tired unkempt woman lying on he couch at home.

It's easy to lose motivation and melt in the couch all day every day when you're stuck at home. But exercise and moving your body help keep your edit sharp, your brilliant mood and your healthy body. Exercise increases your serotonin, the chemical of your brain that regulates mood and keeps you happy. If you are a potato of the constant couch, you are less likely to feel motivated to achieve other goals you may have for the day and more likely to leave the stress of social isolation you down.

RX: On ato studypublished in thePsychosomatic Research JournalThe "reduction of negative mood conditions seems to accompany most of the forms of aerobic exercises as well as anaerobic exercises such as weight lifting and yoga". There are tons of free online training or you can go alone. Choose your preferred way to move your body, such as yoga, dance or strength bodybuilding and engaging it every day for at least 30 minutes.


Never leave your house

Senior man at home wearing protection mask

It is important to review the guidelines set out in your area. However, in most cases you are allowed to walk outside your home and in your neighborhood as long as you stay six meters away and you do not just want in groups of four or more. With these restrictions in place, you may be tempted to simply say "forget it!" And stay inside.

But your body needs fresh air, nature and sun for your mental and physical well-being. On ato studyPublished inBorders in psychiatry"," Humans are intimately linked to nature and physical and mental health is strongly influenced by our environment. "

RX: Make a point of spending time on your porch or walking around the block on the outside for at least 15 minutes everyday. Sunlight, fresh air and landscape change is good for your mental and physical health because we all try to navigate this strange self-insulating insulation time.


Stress-eat unhealthy foods

Hungry woman looking for food in fridge

Go to the world for an essential trip from the grocery store? If you feel a bit low and alone, you may feel for junk food like chips, cookies and ice cream. These "comfort foods" fear your brain thinking that they will boost your mood. But when you shudder on unhealthy foods, the opposite occurs.

Ato studypublished in theInternational Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences Adult analyzed who have consumed large quantities of unhealthy fat foods, fried fried or high sugar. These participants in the study "were more likely to report symptoms of moderate or severe psychological distress compared to those who have eaten a healthier diet."

RX: To stay healthy mentally and physically, stay away from snacks transformed with a lot of sugar and salt, saysMaxine Barish-Wreden, M.D., ABIHM in Sutter Medical Foundation. Throughout this period of social isolation, follow a diet that balances complex carbohydrates, lean protein and fatty acids so you can feel your best and keep your mood stabilized. Think vegetables, fruits, meat and healthy carbohydrates.


Spend each second with your household members

Busy Family Home With Mother Working As Father Prepares Meal

Do you are isolating socially with your family, your roommates or friends? It's great to have a business during this period. With other people from home, it's much easier to play board games and it's more fun watching a movie together. But for your mental health, it is important to take a break and experiment with some solitude.

Periodic times of time alone can "promote independence and confidence in its ability to cope without always depending on social support", according toPsychology today. Sometimes being alone is uncomfortable but experts say that "one of the most common experiences resulting from loneliness is creativity, spiritual growth and time to explore values ​​and objectives without interference or distraction."

RX:Plan the time you spend with your household members so that everyone is the same page and you know you'll have once every day. If you have different interests that your family members or roommates, it should be easy to separate for a few hours each day to hire you alone.


Let your anxiety build

sad woman near window thinking

Nobody can predict the future, so we are all concerned about what is coming. A small anxiety about this unknown situation is normal but self-isolation can allow you to too much of your head. If you let your anxiety get the best of you, this can actually affect your immune system negatively, which is the unique function you want strong and efficient right now.

RX: You will know that your anxiety takes over if you get headaches, insomnia or muscle tension. Try a few minutes of deep breathing and meditation. Go take a walk outside or put music. Stop obeying what you stresses and complete a task around the house to stop you.


Change your feed schedule

Small and healthy snack at work

Before social isolation, you have probably eaten breakfast, went to work and lunch, then returned home and dinner with your family. In this new world of social isolation, everything feels a little out of kilter, so it feels probably normal to have breakfast, then snack for a while before eating lunch. Maybe you add another meal between boredom out of boredom, then make a big pasta dinner and fresh baking cookies because there is nothing else to do.

But spoiling your feed schedule can lead to too much meal, allowing you to gain weight and feel enough because of your isolation status. If you leave your food schedule, take out of control and you find yourself in the "obese" category, you have a lot of negative consequences towards your way. According toScience Reference ServicesObese people can deal with respiratory problems, insomnia, problems with the digestive system, negative effects on the reproductive system and a taxed cardiovascular system.

RX: Without anything else in your life on a calendar, it is easy to exercise caution in the wind and catch a fridge snack at all hours of the day. But it is better to try to stay better at your usual feeding schedule. Eating regular healthy meals will keep you hurry and feel your best.


Change your sleep schedule

Woman look at tablet computer at home

With all the rest of your life thrown on his head, your sleep schedule is also required to suffer. If you do not head to work as you usually do, it is tempting to feel like every day is a holiday. You can stay late on Netflix or scroll on Facebook to feel connected to the outside world. But your sleep is a major factor in the health of your immune system, which is what you need to fight against this virus.

According toMAYO ClinicIn times of reduced sleep, antibodies and cells of the infection control of your body are reduced. The production of cytokines, fleeing proteins to help when you have infection or inflammation, also decreases when you deprive yourself of sleep.

RX: TheNational Sleep FoundationRecommend adults aged 18 to 64 at least seven to nine hours of sleep. Having trouble catching these Z? Turn off the TV and do not look at your phone for at least one hour before going to bed. Listen to a soothing music in a dark room or read a book to fall asleep.


Abandon hobbies and interests

Diy woman painting, renewing chair at home.

Back when life was normal, you may like painting, knitting or playing the guitar. Now that your days feel different, you may have left these hobbies and interests at the edge of the road. But the hobbies you liked to love are more important now than ever to keep you mentally and physically healthy while in isolation of oneself.

Ato studyPublished inPsychosomatic medicineAnalyzed physiological health and physical well-being of participants who have engaged in quiet activities and those who have not done so. He concluded that "pleasant leisure activities, taken in aggregate, are associated with relevant psychosocial and physical measures for health and well-being."

RX: Life feels uprooted right now, but it is important to cling to the activities you know how to make you happy. If you have hobbies and interests that are easy to engage in self-insulation, make sure you tell them time. Book one hour a day to do something that brings you joy.


Fall into an information hole

women watching tv and use remote controller

It is important to know the latest rules in your area, the spread of the virus and what you can do to stay healthy. News and other media are vital resources to learn this information. But once you started looking, it can be difficult to stop.

Negative news on repetition can really screw your mental health, especially when you are isolated from self. According toAmerican Association of Psychology95% of the adult population looks at the news in the United States, but 56% agree in agreement. Keeping this open news channel 24h / 24 brace in the background can increase your anxiety and make your self-isolation isolation more stressful than it is already.

RX: Identify the three main sources of news that you find the most trustworthy, accurate and positive. Book a certain amount of time every day that you register with these press sources on the latest information. When your time is lifted, turn them off and do something else.


Rely sole on your screens

young girl using laptop on bed while mom and dad watching TV and not paying attention to her

Your TV, phone and computer can feel the only ways you are connected to the outside world right now. Although it's probably true, you stick to your 24-hour screens, can really affect your mental health through this difficult period.

This has been proven and the results are depressing: ato studyPublished inPreventive medicine reportsAdolescents analyzed who spent too much time playing video games, watching TV, and navigation on their phone. The study revealed that "after one hour a day, the more and more screen time is generally related to progressively less psychological well-being, including less curiosity, lower control, more distracting, more Difficulty to make friends, less emotional stability, being more difficult to care, and the inability to finishing tasks. »

RX: Limit your screen time and screen time your kids engage each day. Sometimes creating a program that includes screen time breaks is the best way to handle the time you are going to watch your screens. Make yourself a list of tasks that includes housework or engage in other hobbies and activities is also a great way to peel your eyes from your phone.


Work long hours

Businessman working overtime in office.

If you are lucky enough to have a job that allows you to work at home during this period, it can be difficult to close your work brain. Homework blends your home and work environments together, which can blur the boundaries between the two. Without many plans to leave the house, you may be tempted to work just all day and the night. But long hours of work can screw up your sleep schedule and make you unhappy.

If you focus on the job, you leave no time for care and you can stop going on hobbies that you like or try to connect with friends and family. "The long hours of work are likely to be related less than time to relax and less sleep. It is also possible that excessive hours of work lead to problems of close relationships, which, in turn, can trigger a depression, "according toMarianna Virtanen, Ph.D.from the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health.

RX:It's important to continue working regular hours, even if you're home now. Set aside a space for your office and let yourself be resting in this chair when you work. As soon as it's time to disconnect you, turn off your work computer off and on foot until the next morning. Since you do not have an evening journey in turn helping your work brain, try to meditate for 15 minutes when your job is finished so you can go to the family and time at home.


Succumb to solitude and visit a friend

Young chinese woman standing in elevator in medical mask. Doors are closing. Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic concept.

You are bored and you have been textos with a friend who is also bored. You just want to come together and play cards, have a drink and socialize. You both have been self-insulating a week, so what is wrong? Do not give in solitude and the risk of your health by visiting the house of a friend, no matter what.

Some people infected with COVID-19 do not know how to feel symptoms at all and not even they are infected with the virus, according toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL. All you need is a drop of a cough or sneezing of your infected friend and you will also have the virus. Except that you can get serious symptoms, such as shortness of breath or fever. If you catch the virus without, you can send it to your family members or other friends you visit.

RX: Follow the orders that are in place in your area. If you are held in place or if you are under the orders that stay at home, it means you can not visit your friends or neighbors, even if they feel good. By following these orders and paying attention to exposure to other people, help you stop the spread of the virus.

And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these50 things you should never do during the coronavirus pandemic.

Categories: Health
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