This sugar substitute can protect you from diabetes, study

New research shows that an artificial sweetener does not seem to cause health problems in healthy adults.

The sugar andSugar substitutes have been demonstrated to put people at a higher risk of developingType 2 diabetes-It that, until now. New research suggests thatA sugar substitute can play no role to cause diabetes in healthy adults.

According to a new study published in the newspaper,MicrobiomeResearchers from the State University of Ohio State Wexner Medical Center and the University of Ohio State University College of Medicine - declares that Saccharin is such an artificial sweetener that should no longer be concerned about the prevention of the diabetes. The study was funded by national health institutes and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture. (In touch:Vitamin doctors exhort everyone to take right now.)

Why do artificial sweeteners get a bad reputation in the first place?

Saccharin is one of eight artificial sweeteners currentlyAPPROVED BY THE FDA, saysTOBER AMIDOR, MS, RD, CDN, Fand, award-winning nutrition expert andThe Wall Street newspaper author of the best sellingThe best recipe book with 3 ingredients.

If you have already sprinkled Sweet down in yourCup of coffeeFor example, you tried the hyper-soft substance. However, due to the increased use of non-caloric artificial sweeteners (NCAS) and sugar spirits, which are used in manycébec and other food products without sugar and drinks-researchinterviewed the safety of these alternative sweeteners repeatedly.

In addition to the fact that many are disabled by the word "artificial" and are intrinsically skeptical as to whether they could harm the body, there is also a science that supports these fears.

"Some epidemiological studies and intervention peoples have shown positive correlations between NCA consumption and the risk of type 2 diabetes and other unfavorable metabolic results", George Kyriazis, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biological Chemistry and of pharmacology of Ohio State and the main author of the study, tellsEat this, not that!

Kyriazis says that a high profile study, especially, mainly in mice showed that NCAs quickly induced glucose intolerance quickly, which causesHigh blood sugar levels-Ausfi indicated by direct and unfavorable changes in the composition of someintestinal bacteria.

"However, from a scientific point of view, these variable and ambiguity results may reflect the differences in the NCAs used, the characteristics of the studied population and the accompanied diet, or other methodological considerations related to these reports", explains Kyriazis. "So, our group put to isolate these external variables andDesign a study using both humans and mice that explore the independent effects of saccharine feeding on microbiota and blood glucose regulation."

"In addition, the European Food Safety Authority, FAO / WHO Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives, the United States and Food Standards Australia New Zealand, and Health Canada all find saccharin and seven Additional low-calorie sweeteners, to be safe, "says Amidor.

What did this study have?

Researchers have requested 46 healthy adults aged 18 to 45 with body mass indices (the cap for thenormal beach) Take one of the three capsules every day over two weeks. Participants took the maximum acceptable daily amount of saccharin, lactisole (whichinhibit the language to taste something sweet), saccharine with lactisole or placebo.

"We have found no effect on saccharin supplementation on glucose regulation and no change in intestinal microbiota of participants," says Kyriazis. "It is important to note here that the contribution of saccharine we used in our studyis virtually more than double the average consumption of the most accurate consumers of saccharin in the United States."

For the context, the maximum acceptable daily amount of saccharin is 400 milligrams, much more than anyone consuming regularly when the artificial sweetener is clearly sensitive than table sugar.

"Because it's 200-700 times sweeter than sugar, just a touch to deliver the same sweetness as sugar," says Amidor. "This study examined the maximum amount of saccharin, which is much greater than anyone consumes at the same time."

Kyriazis adds that it is also important to identify that their conclusions did not necessarily contradict previous reports showing some harmful metabolic effects of the contribution of NCA.

"Together, they point out that the high consumption of NCAs can perform negative health outcomes housed by other physiological or dietary parameters," he explains. "As a result, more intervention studies are needed to isolate and identify the underlying physiological or modest conditions that potentially prevent the nec."

In short, healthy adults who eat foods or beverages Sweet drinks from Saccharin from time to time should not be too concerned about adverse side effects.

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