The worst food storage error you do

A teacher and a chef offer their best tips to reduce food waste in your home - and how to use these remains!

Whilequarantine Can reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide and other pollutants in the air, one thing we could always improve collectively, and it's food waste.

In honor of the Earth Day, we wanted to approach this issue as well as share ways to integrate food remnants into a healthy meal.

Below,Nasser Yazdani, DVM, MPH and Teacher Assistant at the Ministry of Public Health at the University of Missouri and ChiefJoel GamoranHit Hit Hit d'A & ERemains,weigh on the issue of food waste in the United States. Follow their best tips for how you can reduce food waste at home.

What is the size of a food waste problem in the United States?

food in garbage

Nasser Yazdani: "Nearly a third of the food produced in the United States goes to waste. It breaks down to about a pound of food per day per person. Meanwhile, one in six american was getting hungry.

This waste is the result of many factors. Some natural alteration occurs at each stage of the food supply chain, resulting in waste. Once the food makes it to grocery stores, products containing visual imperfections are often thrown before it is put to sale. Thanks to the food production subsidies of the US government, the food is also cheaper than that elsewhere in the world.

Between this size of portions and larger in the United States, people end up buying too much food at a time. At home,If the food is not cooked orstored correctlyThis ends up spoiling before they can be consumed, contributing to new food waste.

Unlike food waste in the United States, there are problems offood desert. These are areas, generally urban or suburbs, which often lack sufficient fresh products and access to affordable and healthy whole foods. Excesses and inefficiencies in American food production contribute not only to this, but it also has a significant number of the environment. Wasted food is the largest occupancy of space in American landfills and as food waste catches,He frees methane, a harmful greenhouse gas for the environment. "

Even with many closed restaurants right now, how could food waste always be a major problem?

throwing out food

Yazdani: "NumerousRestaurants did not plan to close Fully or slowing down in the respect of many shelter orders on site. Much of the food they had in hand was probably wasted if they were unable to sell it before taking quarantine.

In addition, with more people who eat exclusively at home, they could misbelieve the amount of food they really need or eat, which can help lose waste through spoiled foods or unused remains. "

What advice do you have to minimize food waste during the pandemic?

breakfast skillet

Joel Gamoran: "First of all,Use each last bit of a single ingredient, which means they stretch them to the maximum. If you roast a chicken, use the bones to do stock, allowing a killer soup for later. If you peel a carrot, you can quickly search for peels and layer on a sandwich. I am so grateful for all American farmers - they assure you that you and I have something to cook at home.

Farmers are committed to helping to keep our grocery shelves well stocked and we can do our part to make an immediate impact. I am excited to announce, from American soy and I launch a new series calledStretched (How to do more with less) on myInstagram account! The series helps to inspire people to take a single ingredient and support each last abandonment. "

Yazdani:"Try to buy only so much food as needed for one or two weeks at a time [and] Cook sidewalk proteins rather than later to minimize the risk of cross-contamination and maximizing the longevity of food. "

GAMORAN: "Repair of remains. There is no reason not to use the grilled potatoes last night in a fantastic morning morning. Or would you say to break this meat and throw it infried rice? The best meals I had are impromptus and hors-la-wrists like this. Try new combinations works almost always and will become a favorite. "

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How can you be sure that the remains are safe to consume?

refridgerate leftovers

Yazdani provides some tips to follow the basic guidelines for food safety while re-useingleftover food:

  1. When cooking protein, make sure theinternal temperature At least 165 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 seconds before serving.
  2. Remains can be refrigerated until one week if they are maintained at temperatures below 41 degrees Fahrenheit.
  3. Remains can only be heated once, warm only the part to eat at the time.Warm up Up to 165 degrees Fahrenheit.
  4. If there is more food than possible in a week, it can be frozen. The food can be jelled indefinitely, but make sure to label it with the date and content before putting to the freezer.
  5. Ecchymosts and other visual imperfections on fresh products are not necessarily a security problem. Instead, remove the damaged part and consume the rest.
  6. Remember,expiry dates are voluntarily added by the manufacturers and represent their best estimate on the product to advanced quality. They do not determine when a product becomes potentially dangerous for human health.
  7. If there are problems ending fresh products before ruining, an alternative is canned food.

Does the placement in the refrigerator intend to storing food?

fridge drawers

GAMORAN: "Yes, the placement in your refrigerator counts. The general rule of the thumb, the closest to any food product is at the door, the less it will remain fresh. Let's go to my pantry. Have some key ingredients can mean thatLess trips to the grocery store. Soybean oil is a pantry staple for me. An oil that is so versatile allows me to prepare meals of the ingredients that many people consider as remains of food, such as a mushroom river risotto with french french pickles with onion-yum skin! "

What can you do with Kale stems and high carrots?


GAMORAN: "Try to do a salsa verde. In a mixer, whiz upil, anchovy, lemon, a pinch of chili flakes, carrots on and cabbage stems). Then add soy oil and season to taste. This is incredible on almost every meat and grilled fish. "

What can you do with fishing pits?


GAMORAN: "Simple! Dip your fishing pits in any liqueur and let yourself be rest for at least two weeks. Use this liquor as a new basket for cocktails - the liqueur will taste the Almondie and delicious! "

What can you do with chicken bones and shrimp seashells?

seafood shells

GAMORAN: "Cover bones or shells with water and bring to a boil. Lower the temperature on a drink. For chicken, simmer about three hours and to simmer shrimp for 45 minutes. Suspension of bones or shells and you have a homemade stock to use in soups, sauces ... everything you want! "

What can you do with banana peels?

GAMORAN: "Make a caramel sauce or even an ice cream base and soak the banana remains in this mixture for two hours. The flavor becomes fruity, Jamelle and almost plum. I love it!"

What can you do with garlic skins?


GAMORAN: "Try to take a handful of garlic skins and mice in a culinary robot with a 1/2 salt cup. Then cross a fine mesh screen. Sift the salt, leaving the garlic skins behind and you get a pretty incredible garlic-infused salt. "

What can you do with Parmesan parades?

parmesan rind

GAMORAN: "I throw these merciless tomato sauces or when I cook beans and pasta I throw it into the water. When he runs up, the water becomes salty and rich from param. It's super nice! "

What can you do with a COB of corn who has been stripped of corn?

corn cob

GAMORAN: " Melt butter, or take soy oil and soak corn for two hours. You are left with the cooking grease as the notes of sugars. I like to blow molluscs and crustaceans in this or drizzle on cooked potatoes. "

READ MORE: 17 do grocery stores do not need to refrigerate

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