Dangerous side effects of microwave meals

These convenience meals could put you at risk of weight gain, cardiac disease and more.

Whether you get home late after a long day at the office or you find yourself with precious ingredients in the refrigerator, catch amicrowave meal often seems preferable to order another unhealthy and expensive meal. However, while many microwave meals can charge as a healthy or dietary diets, experts say they often do more harm than good. According to a 2015 study published inThe British Newspaper of NutritionThere were harmful effects on surprise health among adult studies that consumed prepared foods, including microwave meals on a daily basis.

The researchers in the study found that the consumption of prepared dishes, including "heat-eating" meals, was associated with overall food grade, including increased consumption of fat andDecrease in fiber consumption-But a wide range of surprising health effects. Read it to discover the microwave side effects that you can not afford to miss. And if you want to improve your pressed diet, checkThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


You may risk more risks for certain cancers.

breast exam

The list of ingredients at the back of this microwave meal may not indicate the whole story regarding what you actually consume.

"The use of electromagnetic radiation, the microwave causes foods and containers in which foods are cooked to super-heat," says Spencer Kroll, MD, PhD, an internal medicine specialist withKroll Medical Group. "This super-heating can cause a degradation of the chemical components of the containers surrounding your food and that these hazardous chemicals can potentially loose in your food."

Kroll notes that among the most concerns about these chemicals, it is Bisphenol A (BPA), whose consumption has been linked to a variety of cancers. According to a research review in 2015 published inMedicine (Baltimore), BPA is related to development andPropagation of cancer cells of the chest and prostate. And if you want to protect your health, check these22 foods that can affect your risk of breast cancer.


Your blood pressure can increase.

checking blood pressure

Just because this microwave meal is low in calories does not mean it's good for you. In fact, the copious amounts of salt used to make many microwave dishes could contribute to serious health problems on the line.

"Microwave loan meals are high insodium and other curators, "says Kroll." High sodium foods accelerateArterial pressure problems and can lead to heart disease. "

RELATED:Eat this, not that!booklet Your ultimate guide is the best and worst grocery foods.


You could keep water.

woman doubled over in pain holding her bloated stomach suffering from gi gastrointestinal distress

This is not just your cardiovascular health that is at risk when you consume micro-wave meals loaded with sodium. As a recorded diet nutritionistShena Jaramillo, Ms., Rd, explains, microwave meals "are high in sodium that can lead to water retention".

Over time, it can lead to other healthy habits, such asdrink enough water, falling at the edge of the road. According to a 2017 study published inThe Journal of the Clinical Survey, just oneIncrease of 6 grams of salt consumption-equivalent toabout 1.2 spoonful with salt coffee-Leads to water retention sufficiently enough to "[Reduce] thirst and fluid intake". And for more incentive to avoid the aisles of frozen food, check theDangerous side effects of eating frozen foods, according to experts.


You could put yourself at risk of food poisoning.

Woman suffering from stomach cramps in her bedroom at home

Although the microwave has been considered as a way to kill any viruses to bacteria, it may not mean that you are on the clear point when it comes tofood poisoning. In fact, it is one of the side effects of the microwave meal that could give you short-term discount.

"Microfuille foods require high temperatures and food temperatures are uneven," says Physician Leann Poston, MD,Medical vibifier, which again puts microfuille meals again several times. "Some parts of a food part may not reach a high enough temperature to kill bacteria."


You could see your expansion size.

Doctor measuring obese man waist body fat.

If you eat microwave meals in an attempt to Whitled your waist , do not hold your breath.

According to British Nutrition Journal study, greater consumption of prepared foods, including microwave meals, "proved independently associated with abdominal obesity . "

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