Surprising side effects Bread has on your intestine

Although infamously linked to weight gain and gluten intolerance, bread can also affect your intestine in a good way.

Although bread is avoided by many, choosing the right kind of bread can have positive effects on your intestine. Of course, the opposite can possibly be true too. Here is a ruin of five surprising side effects on your intestine. Read on and for more than one healthy diet, do not miss7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


This can improve the health of the GUT.

whole grain sliced bread

Choosing High Fibers, 100% whole grain bread can improve the health of the intestines "because the soluble fiber found in vast grains is fermented by the good bowel bacteria to produce short chain fatty acids," explains the registered dietitianLauren Harris-Pincus, MS, RDN, founder and author ofThe packed breakfast club on the protein. "These short chain-chain fatty acids are standard gold fuel for colon cells and can improve the intestinal barrier, reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of colon cancer."

READ MORE:The healthiest breads to eat to lose weight, according to dietitians


Can increase the immune system.

loaf of unsliced fresh baked bread

Several studies have been conducted to check how GUT microbes respond to whole grain consumption, including fully total grain bread. Eating whole grains can benefit from the profile of bacteria in your intestine. Somestudies have shown that whole grains, including fully total grain bread, increase the microbes calledBifidobacteria andLactobacilli. When these microbes are increased, it has been associated with an increase in the function of the immune system, as with these30 best immune foods.


Can help you feel satisfied.

Whole grain bread

There is evidence that suggests that eating whole grains, like 100% of whole rye bread and whole wheat bread, can affect intestinal bacteria and lead to a feeling of fullness (or satiety). Theresearch Pointed more to whole oats, barley and rye - which can be found in some whole grain breads. Although more research is needed, including different varieties of whole grain breads in your healthy diet plan could prevent you from feeling satisfied. So, not only the bread can support your intestinal microbiome health, but eating good kinds can also keep you fully and keep your meter from your gut during your check.

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May cause abdominal pain, gases, bloating, diarrhea or constipation.

white bread

For people with irritable intestine syndrome (IBS) "Consume some fermens in bread called Fodmaps can cause abdominal pain, gases, bloating, diarrhea or constipation," says Harris-Pincus. "While people often reproach gluten, the offender can actually be the fructants that are in grains containing gluten such as wheat, rye or barley." Instead, Harris-Pincus recommends trying to try a variety of gluten-free white bread or leaven that is generally better tolerated.


Can cause an imbalance of bacteria in your intestine.


Eating low bread in whole grains, like white bread is associated with a condition known as Gutdysbiosis, which means it can lead to an imbalance of the microbes of Gut. This means that the bacteria of your intestine do not do a great job to keep your gut healthy. On the other hand, you may be able to support the growth of beneficial bacteria by adding fermented foods to your diet. Learn more by reading onWhat happens to your body when you eat fermented foods.

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