Popular foods proven to cause sustainable damage to your body, says science

A large number of foods you eat daily could make your body an irreparable harm.

Even if you count each calorie and know yourIdeal macros By heart, there is a good chance that some foods less than health are in your diet from time to time. However, these are not that these occasional cheating meals that could cause serious prejudice to you.

Some of the foods you eat every day, which you have probably planned to take irreparable damage to your body. Read it to discover the popular foods you'd better leave for good if you want your health to be an absolute priority. And if you want to transform your diet in no time, start withThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


Processed meats

cirsped bacon skillet

WhileSlice of meat colder Here or a sausage link, it may not seem like terrible additions to your diet, experts say differently.

"Bacon, sausage and other processed meats, such as Salami and Bologna, are nowClass 1 carcinogens renowned, said InnistDana Simple, MD, ofMERCY MEDICAL CENTER In Baltimore, MD. "It is estimated that 50,000 people die every year in the world due to cancers caused byRed meat and processed meats. "

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Snacks of high sugar

Woman eating meal replacement bars

If you have served every night or aspoil To make you spend the day, you could do serious damage to your health.

"With these foods, the brain simply gets too much energy too fast, forcing the body to work overtime and stress and overwhelming it at the cellular level", explain neurologistsDean Sherzai, MD, PhD, andAyesha Sherzai, MD, Authors of the next bookThe 30-day Alzheimer solution.

This is not the only type of damage that these foods can do. "When there is too much sugar, the cells become insulin resistant, resulting in insulin resistance - a disease that seriously alters the cells that take sugar", say the Sherzais. It can not only be aprecursor to diabetesBut this can possibly cause damage to the arteries leading to the brain, they explain. And if you want to keep yourself in good health, try them20 ways to end sugar cravings for good, according to nutritionists.


Microwave meal

man microwaving frozen meal

The label of nutrition can claim thatmicrowave meal is healthy, but if you heat it to a plastic tray, you could prepare for significant damage to your body in the line.

"No matter how healthy food is, if you are plastic microwaves, plastic BPA chemicals - will be lifted in food," saysAlicia Galvin, Rd, the dietitian resident atSovereign laboratories. "Even if the label says it is safe in the microwave, it simply means that the container will not melt, not that it is careful in the microwave."

In fact, a 2015 review on research published in the journalMedicine (Baltimore) found that BPA can trigger the growth of bothCancer cells of the chest and prostate. And for more incentive to fessory these heat and heat consumption meals for good, check theDangerous side effects of eating microwave meals, according to science.


Potato chips

woman eating potato chips

Carb-heavy and deep, it probably comes as little surprise aspotato chips Are not exactly a health food, but the extent to which this popular food can damage your body could surprise you.

"They add a large amount of inflammatory carbohydrates to your diet, as well as fat and sodium," explains the nutritionistLisa Richards, author ofThe candida regime.

Not only their high content of saturated fat and sodium can contribute toCardiac health problemsBut the consumption of regular potato chips can also be packaged on the books. According to a survey published in theNew England Journal of Medicine In 2011, the potato chips were the most likely food to beassociated with a weight gain Among the topics of study. And if you are ready to change your snacking habits, certainly avoid these15 chips to always go on the grocery shelves.


White bread

white bread

These are not just vestibly salted foods that can cause yourarterial pressure at tip-The white bread can do the same thing.

While most experts point out that white bread is rich in sugar and carbohydrates, which many people do not realize is that this food is also high in sodium, which can lead toHypertension.

In fact, a 2018 study published in the journalNutrients found that people who were eating one or more pieces of white bread a week had an increased risk of 39% ofDevelop high blood pressure Compared to those who have eaten white bread three times a month or less. You do not know how your preferred pile blower slice? Check20 best and worst buns purchased for all health goals.

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