14 things happening to your body when you eat soy

Some say it is a health food and others say it is a dangerous scientific experience. So, who's right?

A look at the literature and you will see researchers seem to be divided on the advantages and disadvantages of soy. For each study that finds a certain component of the legume can help relieve the symptoms of menopause, the same component is examined to cause infertility. And despite thousands of studies on the subject, it seems that the jury is always out.

For a little substance, soybeans were initially used in the United States as a commercial harvest in the early 1900s. It is only fat and oil imports were blocked during the Second World War we have actually started eating beans. And once the FDA approved a health demand in 1999, the consumption of 25 grams of soy protein could reduce the risk of heart disease - as well as the rise of manyAnimal and dairy alternatives based on herbal-Soybean production and consumption have flourished. Now, soy is the second culture of the US U.S. on sale in cash, making America the first soybean producer and exporter to the world, according to the American Sojaban Association.

We can continue to generate the production of this harvest, but there is a limit to the amount of soy that you can use to feed the animals or do in tofu, so manufacturers turned to food scientists. Now, soy has become the basis of many of the additives that you find in processed foods, artificial flavoring vegetable protein and hydrolyzed to soy lecithin and soy oil, among others. As a result, the researchers of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) believe that soy is currently an amazing 10% of the total calories of Americans, mainly due to processed and fried foods.

If almost all eat this food, we should probably understand if it is careful to eat or not. We have combined through studies on studies and contacted the ISABEL Smith, MS, RD, CDN, registered and founding dieticians of Isabel Smith Nutrition, to determine if soy is a cancer of pre-packaged heart disease protein, cholesterol. -Revision,superfeument or a genetically modified health risk, lowering testosterone, fertility fertility. Keep reading to find out.


You will probably be exposed to carcinogens

Happen to your body soy GMO

Smith tells us that the major concern with soy products is that it is so sub-produced and too treated - and the numbers that are certainly touched. According to the Food Security Center, it is genetically genetically 94% of soybeans, making it a number one GM culture plant in the world. The problem here is that almost all genetically modified soy are designed to be "Roundup ready" (that is to say designed to withstand heavy doses of herbicides that essentially kill all unwanted vegetations without killing soybean plant. -same). And after the FDA ranked the main active ingredient of Roundup,glyphosate, as "probably carcinogenic to humans", it means that it means a bad news for your health.

According to a study published infood chemistryResearchers found that genetically modified soy accumulate and absorb (you can not simply rinse) high levels of glyphosate (up to 8.8 mg / kg) on ​​spray during their growing season - they have also poorer nutritional profiles compared to organic soy. And even if the maximum residue level (LMM) in the United States is 20 mg / kg, countless animal studies and using human cells have found serious negative health effects at concentrations well below the MRLs , in particular by causing false diapers and abnormal fetal development interfering with hormonal productions.


This can cause chronic inflammation

Soybean oil

For years, the popular additive and cooking oil has been considered a better alternative to the health of saturated fats, but new research suggests that when it comes to weight gain, soybean oil can be so bad. Our bodies have evolved on an almost equal balance of omega-6 fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids; However, over the last century, our diets have completely moved to omega-6s. In fact, according to a study ofNutrients, most Americans get 20 times the amount of omega-6s that we really need - a big problem that omega-6 are omega-6 are inflammation-causing, fat storage andinducing weight gain WHEREAS the omega-3 are anti-inflammatory. One of the main causes of this change? High consumption of fries in soy oil, which has an omega-6 ratio to omega-3 of 7,5: 1. (for your reference, an alternative to neutral oil such as canola oil n is that 2.2: 1.)


It can do it itching

Happen to your body soy allergies

If you have pollen allergies birch, that is to say. The oral allergy syndrome (SV) occurs when your body errive proteins in certain raw foods for the same pollen allergen proteins, confuse your immune system and making existing allergy symptoms. AJapanese study found that about 10% of patients with birch pollen allergies presented a sensitivity (described as a "abdominal combustion sensation" and itching) to soy milk. Although soy milk is treated and was not considered able to discuss an OAS response, speculating researchers that the symptoms could be due to the fact that soy milk proteins are not decomposed during the course. treatment, leaving theseinducing allergy apparent compounds in milk.


This can cause mineral deficiencies

Happen to your body soy sad

Soy has a notorious concentration of phytic acid. In fact, soy has higher blood content than any other grain or legume that has been studied. This anti-nutrient binds to important minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc and limits their absorption. Sufficient levels of zinc are particularly important for anxious people, because deficiencies are common and have shown anxiety behavior and depression. Unfortunately, soybeans were considered very resistant to traditional phytate reduction techniques such as cooking,soak and germinate (who works for other entire legumes and grains with phytates), and the only way to significantly reduce soyphyde content is fermentation.


It can block protein digestion


Soy is like this date that requires a condition while refusing PDA and hug. Although soy is packed with lean proteins, it is also packed with trypsin inhibitors and proteasin inhibitors that make the digestion of incredibly difficult protein, resulting in gastric distress with a disability in absorption. amino acid if soy is consumed in excess. The only way to destroy these anti-nutrients is soaking and cooking beans.


It's going to hurt you

Happen to your body soy fart

If you are new throughout the plant variant based on the plant, you will notice that people can start migrating away from you after meals. It is because soy is in charge of fibers and oligosaccharides, prebiotic compounds that help to feed healthy intestinal bacteria, but are also known to cause flatulence andblocker.

So can I eat it?

Whats the deal

So, with all these adverse health effects, what is the bottom line here? Do you have to eat soybeans? Smith reiterates that there is not really difficult evidence that soy is unhealthy, the only reason she does not recommend it personally is because many people already eat it in excess (which is never a Good thing) in processed foods and because the most common source of soy "is really treated and genetically modified" it's the whole problem.

What is the solution? Go Organic and GMO-FREE! "People can certainly consume soy, but try to make it so that soy products (tofu, edamame and fermented products are in moderation) and stay away from highly transformed proteins and soy products, Just as you would make other highly treated articles, "she continues," when soy is organic and not too transformed (or treated at all), he can play a healthy role. "So, with that with that in mind. , If you cut off the franchise, you can keep a biological soy in your diet. Here are some of the benefits you will get to eat this misunderstood food.


Fermented soy will heal your intestine

Miso Soup

Mix the Tofu and Veggie Burgers treated with Fart-Y and stick to fermented varieties like Tempeh, Miso and Natto, which are easier to digest. Smith explains that "fermented soy is generally considered" better "than" better "than ordinary soybean because the fermentation process reduces" anti-nutrients ", such as phytic acid and sapoinin, and also because Isoflavones are considered more available for our bodies to be used. In this form. "Not to mention Fermented foods are also an excellent source of gut-healthyprobiotics which can promote healthy digestion. Natto, in particular, is found for its unique advantages because of its high levels of vitamin K2-which is important for cardiovascular and bone health, as well as the presence of Nattokinase, an enzyme found in fermented foods that have been demonstrated To dissolve blood clots.


It can prevent postmenopausal symptoms

Happen to your body soy menopause

The hot flashes are not fun. Studies connect debilitating symptoms of peridenage and post-marshal to decline estrogen levels. And according to a review of 16 studies published in theBritish Journal of Clinical PharmacologySoy isoflavones can help with your menopause symptoms - although they only provide half of the maximum effect and work 10 weeks more slowly than the traditional hormonal substitution drug (HRT), estradiol, in terms of Reduced the frequency of hot flash. Isoflavones are a class of phytoestrogens, vegetable versions of human estrogens. In other words, they almost imitate the structure of the estrogen, allowing them to operate in the same estrogen routes that can help relieve the symptoms of hot flash. Chickpeas also contain Phytoestrogen, making it one of thehealthiest foods for women.


It reduces the risk of cancer

Happen to your body soy cancer

The soy and its influence on breast cancer have long been a source of concern. Soy contains phytoestrogens, natural hormone compounds with weak estrogenic effects, which in the laboratory have shown to feed many cancers. However, human studies have not found high schemes in soybean risk increases the risk of breast cancer. In fact, all the opposite. A longitudinal study in theCancer Journal that followed more than 6,000 breast cancer patients found that women who were eating most isoflavones had a decrease of 15% of mortality. The Food Guidelines of the American Cancer Society note that the consumption of soy food is not only safe, but "can even reduce the risk of breast cancer". Another study in the newspaperNutrition and Metabolism Also shown that the increase in soy consumption is correlated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer in men.


This will help strengthen your bones

Happen to your body soy bones

A lot of soy are goodNon-dairy sources of calcium, which is particularly important in aging populations that become more and more lactose-intolerant. This mineral is essential to maintaining bone health and prevent both osteoporosis and cancer. Just half a cup of tofu provides you with 43% of your DV. And even if a cup of edamame is 9% of your calcium DV, this form of soy can still have high blood pressure, which could prevent the absorption of your body from this mineral.


You build muscle

Happen to your body soy protein

Although all beans are high in protein, soy are taking place both for their quality and quantity of this macronutrient. For one, soybeans is one of the only plant-based comprehensive proteins, which means that they contain all 8 essential amino acids, including branched chain amino acids, lysine and arginine, which are preferentially transformed into muscles. The soybeans are about 41% protein and a half-cup of boiled soy supplies nearly 15 g of protein, which is about twice the quantity found in other legumes. It not only has a high protein content, but thatVegetarian protein is also of a quality similar to that of animal proteins. Based on the amino acid score corrected by the digestibility of proteins (PDCAA), the quality of the soy protein is just less than 1.0, which has put it in peer with animal proteins that mark a perfect 1.0 . Because they are rich in amino acid L-arginine, soy can help you burn more fat and carbohydrates during the workouts, according to a printed study inThe Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.


You will not have a tits man

Happen to your body soy man boobs

The soybean gets bad rap because it contains plant estrogen, also called phytoestrogens. They mimic the same female hormone produced by women to provoke the development of secondary sex characteristics such as breasts. And asserts that tastes have feminating effects are partially based on the principle that these foods reduce testosterone levels. While high doses (read: above what people generally ingest per day) of phytoestrogens would alter the ability of male rats to produce offspring, the same effect has not been found in male men. Many fertility concerns came from rat and mouse studies, but it is important to note that rodents metabolize soy isoflavones different from humans, making most of these inapplicable studies. So when we examine human studies (in particular, the most recent meta-analysis of the newspaperFertility and sterility What examined more than 47 independent studies), we see that soy isoflavones do not exercise effects similar to estrogen in men and do not change the concentration of bioavailable testosterone. Soy can not decrease your sex drive butThese foods go.


It can lower your LDL cholesterol

Happen to your body soy LDL

Soy protein can reduce the coronary risk of coronary heart disease by lowering LDL cholesterol (unfortunately, these health benefits have not passed when provoking soy protein flour is baked, according to a study ofThe Journal of Nutrition. The speculative authors this is due to the fact that the treatment decreased the levels of β-congrycinin, a soy protein that has the lowering effects of LDLs). According to a study inThe Journal of Nutrition, About 25 grams of soy protein a day, can help reduce LDL cholesterol and have a significantly favorable impact on lower coronary disease risk factors.


It can help you sleep


Who knew? The soyaves contain some of the highest magnesium concentrations out of all food sources, 54 mg magnesium per ½ cup, about 14% of your DV. But as the treatment and GM soya will generally contain less magnesium, it is better to eat biological sources of soy to harvest the advantages of magnesium. These include the increase in protein synthesis and lean muscle mass, as well as help you fall asleep more quickly. In a study in theJournal of Research and Medical SciencesMagnesium has had a positive effect on sleep quality in seniors with insomnia by extending time spent sleeping (rather than lie down) and wake up easier. Find out what otherFood can help you catch zzz.

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