Signs you should stop eating bread immediately

If you encounter these symptoms, it's time to reorganize your diet as soon as possible.

Toast and eggs at breakfast to ride with dinner, bread is an essential part of meals in countless American houses. In many cases, bread can even be a healthy part of your diet - certain types of whole grains, sprouted and high protein can helpWeight loss efforts and helparterial pressure, studies have found. (In touch:The best # 1 bread to eat, according to a dietician.)

However, some indicators are serious that bread is not suitable for your diet or your health. Keep reading to discover the Surefire panels that you should do overlapping from your meal plan, and for more things about how to eat healthy, do not miss7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


You earn weight.

weight loss

If you see the numbers on your scale up regularly, it may be time to reduce your bread consumption, especially if the white bread is your choice loop. According to a 2014 study published inBMC Public Health, eating two or several portions of white bread a day was significantly associated with the risk ofoverweight or obeseso if you are looking forward toslim, Abandoning the white bread of your meals is a good place to start. For more information on why you may want to abandon this kind of refined bread, give it a reading:Dangerous side effects of eating white bread, according to science.


Your blood pressure increases.

checking blood pressure

If you have beenstruggle with hypertension For years or recently discovered that your blood pressure is high, the overlapping of your diet bread could be the easiest way to get these numbers in a safer territory. A 2018 study published in the magazineNutrients found that the consumption of a single piece of white bread one or more times a week was associated with high blood pressure.

In fact, according to the 2018Global bread survey Leaded by global action on salt and health (washing), many popular breads have almost hit the recommendation of the World Health OrganizationDaily admission of salt In just two slices of service.

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You have serious stomach cramps.

Woman holding stomach cramps digestive problems

If you have noticed that yourThe stomach is in serious distress After a sandwich or a slicer of leaven, it's a good sign that it's time to make bread. According toFoundation of celiac diseasePeople with celiacs - an immune condition triggered by gluten-often live severe bloating, pain, diarrhea and constipation after consuming food containing gluten, like most breads. For more, read:9 warning panels that you are integrated gluter.


You have developed a rash.

woman in jean jacket and pants itching arm
Shutterstock / Josep Suria

Do not brush this sudden cutaneous rash as a manpower contact dermatitis - it could also be a sign that you need to cut the bread from your diet now. According to the National Institute of Diabetic and Digestive and Renal Diseases, about 10% of people with celiac disease will developherpetiform dermatitis, which generally has with "small papules and vesicles in clusters that eruption symmetrically" on the back, buttocks, elbows, knees and scalp, although other parts of the body can be affected. And if you want to protect your complexion, start by giving up thesePopular drinks that can cause lasting damage to your skin, according to science.


You have an uncontrolled blood glucose.

Man taking blood sample with lancet pen indoors

If you have been recently diagnosed withdiabetes or pre-diabetesYou may want to re-evaluate your bread consumption - at least for the moment. Many commercially available breads are responsible for refined sugar, which can pose serious health risks for individuals whose blood glucose is not properly controlled.

The American Diabetes Association recommends that people with diabetes who choose to keep bread in their diet opts for bread thatLists entire grains as his first ingredient. For help, see theseThe healthiest breads to eat to lose weight, according to dietitians .

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Bread / Carbs
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