The unpleasant way n ° 1 to make eggs, according to the dietitians

You can thwart the benefits of eggs if you cook them in this way.

Fast! When I say "breakfast" which image do you have? Did you thinkeggs? U.S. too. And so do many people. Indeed, eggs have been a basic breakfast foodfor centuries"And it's not just because they were easily found in the farms.

Eggs are a fantastic source of many essential nutrients.

"Egg whites are an incredible vegetarian source of protein and yellows are a power of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, B12, selenium, choline (important depending on the structure of cells +) and lutein / zéaxanthine (both that promote the health of the eyes), "said dietitianLindsay Wengler, MS, RD, CDN ofNutrition of the olive branch. Wengler also pointed out that eggs may have been given a bad reputation for their cholesterol levels in the past, but we now know that "eating them do not cholesterol as thought. (Related:Surprising truths that you need to know about eggs, say the experts.)

But if you want to harvest the mostAdvantages of eggsWe invite you to consider your method of preparation choice before taking a crack to it.

Although there is no bad way of preparing eggs, there are methods that are less health than others. Curious to know what these are, we talked about professional dietitians to ask them whatthe absolute unhealthiest way to make eggs is, and they agree that it can fry them in the oil too much.

Why the unhealthiest way to cook eggs is to make them fry over high heat.

Although frying eggs is one of the most popular methods of egg preparation, it's not necessarily the healthiest method you can choose.

Indeed, the oil is rich in calories and saturated fats. And butter is one of the worst delinquent.

"If you fry eggs in the butter, you can counteract some of the benefits for wonderful egg health. The eggs are naturally rich in protein and poor in saturated fats, but as soon as you add the butter to the mixture, the saturated grease in your plus pushes up. This is something we do not want, like excessive saturated greases in the diet is closely related to heart disease, "saysKatherine Basbaum, MS, RD, a dietician registered withHeart and Vascular Uva Health Center.

"The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans is recommended to maintain saturated fat intake to less than 10% of total calories a day. The use of saturated fats in the cooking of eggs adds important calories to the dish as well as unhealthy grease that has been linked to aan increased risk of heart disease»AddsTara Tomaino, Rd, A dietitian New Jersey.

Tomaino notes that it is not only butter that you must take care of: coconut oil and bacon fat are also bad delinquents, like cooking eggs in a saucepan or a quiche that contains large Quantities of saturated greases in the form of cream, cheese or meat breakfast. By using all these ingredients "can harm the high nutritional profile of eggs," explains.

There is even a UNHALTHIER step than the frying eggs: Frying eggs over high heat.

"High temperature cooking oxide oils, and when consumed this inflammation can trigger in the body," said dietitianRebecca Washuta, MS, CNS, LDN ofGood health bite. "When the frying or blowing eggs, it is important to use an oil with a high smoke point like avocado oil to prevent oxidation," she adds.

How to cook eggs instead

Although the frying eggs are not the healthiest way to cook eggs, there are some tips that you can use so that you can always enjoy the eggs on the dish, but less than a cost.

For example, "cook eggs with a cooking spray that prepates your stove for cooking eggs with almost zero fat and calories," recommends Basbaum.

Or opt for healthy fats than butter or bacon grease.

"Cooking eggs with minimal grease or using unsaturated fats such as olive oil or avocado oil are healthier alternatives. Difficult to boil or eggs poaching ways to prepare eggs without the need for extra fat! Said Tomaineo.

WhileHow? 'Or' What You cook your eggs can affect their healthfulness,What You serve them with questions.

"Serve the eggs with a copious part of vegetables to provide an extra boost of nutrition, fiber and fullness to your meal.The greens of dark Like curly cabbage, spinach and rocket make large additions to eggs, as well as vegetables such as asparagus, broccoli, peppers and onions ", recommends Tomaino.

The combination of eggs with vegetables (as in a jostling or omelet) increases the nutrient density of your meal, the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins found in vegetables, and allows you to stay satiated longer, note Wengler.

So get cackin with theseHealthy egg recipesAnd find out more about this popular food breakfast, readOne of the ingredients everyone is to add to their eggs.

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