17 foods that keep you standing at night
Start and turn and sometimes your heart burns? These foods could be the culprit.

You could be the picture of perfection when it comes to eating early in the evening, not watching TV all night on the couch and even to close in an original room of 68 degrees, of type Batcave ideal . Heck, you may not even have to do or worries in your brain while you're awake at night. So why can not youto sleep!
It's not onlyMomking of the night and the blue light of the screens of your devices that can sabotage your sleep cycle. As it turns out, what you have nosh can play an important role in the way you have reached hay. If you can not sleep and you can not understand why, do not look further than your diet. Read it to find out what sneaky foods can ruin a restoration rest night. And if you start your day with a smoothie, you will want to discoverWhat happens to your body when you drink a smoothie every day To see how it really concerns you.

Sorry to be the wearer of bad news, but that the chocolate Treat after dinner does not make your favors. "As a nutritionist who also struggled with the fall and who remained asleep, I know that what can cause ravages about our sleeping cycle", the action Lisa Hayim, the registered and founding dietitian.Copies. "Chocolate is a hidden source of caffeine. It means taking a fork of your favorite skin or chocolate ice cream can be the very thing to protect yourself. Chocolate caffeine causes an increase in excitement and decreases capacity to develop and support the deeper steps of sleep. "

You probably know that white wine can sometimes cause stomach burns, but it's not the only drink to blame so you can not sleep. "Alcohol in general relaxes the esophageal sphincter, which normally works to maintain the acid in the stomach," explains Hayim. "As it relaxes, the acid of alcohol can enter the throat, which allows you to burn deeply in the chest."
Mitzi Dulan, Rd, author ofThe Pinterest diet: how to pin your thin road and nutritionist of the team for Kansas City Royals adds: "Searches show that alcohol consumption before going to bed can make you more likely to wake up throughout the night and decreases the quality of sleep. We know Also that alcohol can lead to Ronfler since it is a powerful muscular relaxation. "For a little motivation to cut on the alcoholic beverage, see these incredibleBenefits of abandoning alcohol!
Fat food

Think: loaded burritos, ice cream sundaes, fried chicken. "These fatty foods take longer to digest and often cause bloating and indigestion that interfere with the rest of the night," OfferNutritional twins, Lysse Lakatos, RDN, CDN, CFT and Tammy Lakatos Shanes, RDN, CDN, CFT, authors ofThe veggie cure of nutrition twins.
Dried fruit

Consuming too much dried fruit can disturb your stomach and you have gas and cramps during the night, according to the nutritionistLisa Devazio, MS, RDN. "It is thanks to their high fiber content with low water content." Come in the morning, do not eat it either. They are one of the best nutritionists of foods want you to stop adding to yourNight oats.
Hot peppers and spicy foods

"I love to recommend hot peppers as an easy way to stimulate metabolism, but eaten them late in the evening can trigger fire stomach burns of sensitive people," saysErin Palinski-Wade, Rd, CDE, author ofBelly fat diet for dummies. "In addition, their thermogenic properties can increase the central temperature of the body." Since your basic temperature naturally decreases when you prepare to sleep, lift it can prevent you from feeling more awake and struggle to stay asleep. So keep the hot and spicy options for yourHealthy breakfast ideas.
Hot sauce

Like hot peppers, hot sauce is another food that can keep you at night. The explanation of this one is a little different, however: "The hot sauce pulls its heat from the capsaicin composed found in pepper peppers", offers Hayim. "Capsaicin can bring the osophageal sphincter lower to stay open longer than usual, causing intense feelings of stomach burns," she warns. It sounds like an equation for a spicy mess, if you ask ourselves.
Pepper mint
There is healthBenefits of mintBut sleep well is not one of them. "Many people celebrate pepper in their mouths after dinner to refresh their breath," says Hayim. "Some people have it in their tea thinking that it appeases them. But, as it is, peppermint is a burning burns burns burns burn trigger. So, stay without hesitation before to sleep!"
High sugar cereals
Go right by fruit loops, please. "Eating high sugar cereals will make your peak of sugar in the blood and accident, which will affect your sleep," says Defazio. "Choose cereals with less than five grams of sugar per serving. »Make sure you do not eat one of the 28 worst breakfast cereals, from AM to PM. Period.
RELATED: Recipes No added sugar You will look really looking forward to eating.

Whether it's a quick solution for late work or your appointments to drunken food, a pizza slice will not give you sweet dreams. "The combination of grease in cheese and acid in tomato sauce can have a negative impact on the quality of your sleep," said Palinski-Wade. "Acid-rich foods can trigger acid reflux, especially when consumed before bedtime. Even if you do not feel "stomach burns", this reflux can make you partially wake up and let yourself be tired the next day. »
Crus onions

Kissing someone before bedtime is not the only reason to give up these guys just before bedtime. "Onions can cause gases that affects pressure in the stomach," says Hayim. "As a result, the sphincter is forced to open, allowing your meal and the acidity to enter again in your esophagus. Studies have shown that raw onions can cause powerful and long-lasting reflux feelings in people who already have stomach burns. Now that something to throw and turn.

We hope you would know it now! But in case you need some background information: "Caffeine can stimulate the central nervous system several hours after eating," said The Twins Nutrition. "If you are all sensitive to, you will probably stay awake. So, skip the hot chocolate (chocolate can contain caffeine), tea containing caffeine, coffee and soda. "Caffeine is a stimulant that can cause insomnia," says Defazio. Also there areinnumerable health benefits to renounce soda improved energy for weight loss. You do not have to tell us twice.

We know you like, but will not tighten Blob on your plate. "Ketchup is extremely acidic thanks to tomatoes, it is done with,» Hayim offers. "In addition to acid that is naturally there, the ketchup is usually stored with other chemicals that make them even more acidic and can lead to stomach burns. »Beware of tomatoes also sauce:" Pasta and sauces marinara can contribute to indigestion and stomach burns, "say twins nutrition. "This is especially important if you are inclined to indigestion. When you get on going to bed, slows digestion and horizontal position can make stomach burns and even worse indigestion. »

And do not even dream of this triple cheeseburger. "Eating unhealthy fat foods before bedtime can be a sleep killer," says Dulan. "Gras food leads to a more fragmented sleep, if you wake up the next morning do not feel refreshed. Bad for your waist, bad for sleep ... Why the penalty?!

Ringing still familiar, people? "Greasing and Fat Foods are the worst single trigger for stomach burns," warns Hayim. "Before going to bed, foods avoid oil coatings or give a big" Crac "when you eat. »
High protein value or high grass content dinner

A small logic lesson: "You may think a high or high fat protein dinner keep you full night, preventing you from waking up but search shows that eating a rich protein meal before bedtime can lead to sleep disorders, ". Advises Palinski-Wade. And, like many other foods on this list, you can find with indigestion or acid reflux since you lay with a full stomach.
Matcha or green tea

We are big fans of Matcha and green tea after all, we created a setBEST-SELLER PLAN In which happy test panelists lost 10 pounds in a week! So enjoy these nutritious sippers throughout the day, but make sure to gradually decrease several hours before bedtime, at least. "Green tea contains two other stimulants more containing caffeine. These two other substances are theobromine and theophylline, which can lead to an increase in heart rate, feelings of nervousness and general anxiety, "explains Hayim. "Matchta, A type of green tea, also contains caffeine, but would have a less nervous effect compared to green tea. The benefits for the health of green tea are incredible, so you should always enjoy, but not after 3 or 16 hours
The water

Are you the type to always have a big glass of H2O on your bedside table? You may want to rethink that. "Yes, you should drink a lot of water during the day to stay hydrated. In fact, even a slight dehydration can dramatically drain your energy levels, "offer Palinski-Wade. "But if you drink too just before going to bed, you can end up wake up several times to urinate. Instead, start conical for your cash consumption about three hours before bedtime." To hunt more water during the day and help help your weight loss efforts, try it Detox Waters !