7 ways that smoothies will make you gain weight

If you are not careful, this smoothie can quickly turn into a calorie bomb!

If you follow physical fit professionals on Instagram or Tiktok, you will probably notice how they all swear by asmoothie a few kinds. As they are in the form of killer, you decide that you will follow their heads and try to incorporate mixed treats into your diet. Fast a month later and you gained weight instead of losing it. Which give? While a smoothie routine can be an abundant and nutrient nutrient nutrient part of your diet, you need to make sure you do not make these mistakes,Add more books to your waist. Here we talked with experts to discover sneaky and hidden smoothies can do youto gain weight and what to do instead. And for healthier food tips, make sure you check out our list of21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time.


You make a smoothy team of your meal instead of a meal replacement.

pancakes smoothies

If you think your smoothie is the ideal snack to fulfill you between lunch and dinner, think again, says Doctor, Author and Keto Expert,Dr. Josh AX, DNM, CNS, DC. Too often, he sees that people relax greens or mixed fruits with a meal rather than letting it serve as a meal replacement. Although this is an intelligent strategy if you are trying to make weight for a football or struggle meeting, it is not suitable for most people. Instead, try to visualize your smoothie as a full meal, balanced withprotein andhealthy fats.

"Try to add a lawyer, linen seeds,chia seeds, walnut milk and a good quality protein powder to make it more completed, "says Dr. AX.

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You make smoothies with fruit juice instead of fruits.

smoothies with juice

Think about your current Go-to Smoothie recipe: do you use real fee slices orfrozen fruit, or are you poured into juices? And if you use real fruits, do you get liquefy entirely or keep Chunky? Smoothies instead roasting an apple could be the culprit of your weight gain, says Mika Morris, a specialist in Nesta's sporting nutrition forFX body.

"When you take fruit and juice, instead of mixing it, you lose the majority of thefiber, "said Morris." The fiber is what slows the absorption of sugar. So, you now present too much consuming sugar that will be immediately poured into your bloodstream without the fiber barrier, which can cause a picture of insulin and fat storage. You better eat an entire fruit. "

here are the15 best frozen fruits and vegetables to stay on hand.


You drink Keto shakes, but you are not on the keto diet.

keto shake

A non-so-fun fact if you try to reduce calories: the tremors that are labeled "Keto" have probably a ton of calories. And while they make sense for people who follow theKeto diet Or practice intermittent fast, they are not designed for those who ate an average or high carbohydrate quantity, Dr. Ax warns.

"Keto smoothies or Shakes can contain a lawyer, coconut oil, milk or nut milk and nut butters. Although they are all super healthy ingredients, the calorie consumption is high when you do not follow Not very low ketogenic fuel, high fat. Diet, he says.

Instead, you should try to mix one of these27 Best Immune Smoothie Recipes.


Your smoothie is packed with sugar.

chocolate smoothie

We already know that the average American consumes far too muchsugarThat's why a smoothie can attempt you in the first place. It does not seem so terrible as, say, a milkshake, but it always helps to meet this sweet tooth want. However, the truth is the sugar is sugar and get too much of it will make you pomponate on the books.

As a certified celebrity and nutritionist managerSerena Poon Explain,added sugar The contents of smoothies comes from fruits and various additions such as chocolate, frozen yogurt and dairy.

"The sugar can be raised in unsatisfactory calories, even if you eat many sweet calories, you could always find yourself hungry," she says.

On a more extreme level, the poon says that the constant overconsumption of sugar can result in insulin resistance, which has been linked to obesity and chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.


You drink a smoothie before a workout, instead of later.

woman drinking smoothie

Personal trainer and fitness-shaped expertJerry Snider saidSmotherly Before exercise is almost guaranteed to give you weight. How to come? This strategy is used for people looking to build a lot of muscles, not so much for someone who wants to lose weight.

"When working, the body first looks at the digestive energy system. If there is something in the digestive system to pull energy, it will be used first. Then, the body will pass to combustion of stored fat, but the process can take time, "he says." Most people looking to lose weight will not work long enough to have the transition from their bodies to burn smoothie for Burn fat. "

It is smarter to sweat on an empty stomach, then have a smoothie packed with protein after your breakfast, lunch or dinner, depending on the time of the day.

here isWhat happens to your body when you drink a smoothie every day.


You think because it's a smoothie, it is automatically healthy.

chocolate peanut butter banana smoothie

Repeat after the bron: the nutritional content of a smoothie is as good as theIngredients that you succeed.

"If your smoothie is full of green vegetables and superfonds, so you're going to start," she says. "If your smoothie is filled with fruits, sweeteners and dairy products, you do not necessarily avoid that, but it might be good to think more like a sweet treat than a dense nutrient meal . "

To understand if your smoothie is a healthy choice, again recommends that you ask you: it will give you a burst of energy and a dose of nutrients, or will it simply provide a sugar and bad at the belly? If it's the latter, spend a balanced meal and save worry.

here is14 best Smoothie ingredients for a flat stomach.


You do not realize how many calories are in your smoothie.

blueberry smoothie

Unfortunately, Poon says that people often drink smoothies as if they would be a glass of water or green juice. But they are not the same, especially since the water is zero calorie, green juice is about 50 years old and most smoothies are more than 400. Yep, you read it properly!

"Once people are starting to understand the number of calories they consume in their smoothies, they tend to automatically balance their eating habits," she says. "Smoothies are a delicious and often nutritious addition to your diet; it could be a good idea to space the frequency or balance your other meals for the day when you drink them."

Now that you know what not to do, here's8 hacks to make your smoothie healthier.

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