30 ways to strengthen your heart

Extend your life a year by following these expert advice.

You've heard of dying from a broken heart. But did you know that you could break your own? The years of bad decisions can take their toll, but you can take steps to reduce your risk of serious heart problems. Studies show that about 80% of heart disease are preventable. Eat this, not that! Health asked the experts to tell us what habits can ensure that you stay healthy and heart statistics. Here's what they told us.


Eating dark chocolate

Portrait of a delighted brown haired woman with bright makeup eating chocolate bar

"A number ofstudieshave shown that consumption of dark chocolate can improve a number of risk factors for heart disease, "says Jamie Bacharach, a licensed acupuncturist and medical practice leader withAcupuncture Jerusalem. "This includes a reduction in oxidized LDL levels which is directly related to the development of heart disease. This is largely thank you the content of antioxidant in dark chocolate. Dark chocolate has also been found to reduce resistance insulin, another major risk factor for heart disease. "


Mix things up

group of women doing stretching exercises before intensive workout in spacious fitness studio

"Try different fitness methods to not only keep you intrigued and motivated, but also to challenge your body and avoid the plateau," saidMaria GuerraCertified personal trainer and American Heart Association, go red for national women volunteers.

RX: "The American Heart Association recommends 150 minutes per week of moderate intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes a week of vigorous aerobic activity, preferably a combination of two days of strength training," said Guerra.


Sit less

Man working at standing desk

"The health and cardiovascular strength decreases sedentary behavior and strengthened by exercise and activity," says Bacharach. "There is a direct link between exercise and improve heart health. But in truth, simply reduce sedentary time can go a long way to strengthen the heart."

RX: "Walking on a conveyor while watching TV carpets or working at a desk controls rather than sitting for hours on end, two examples of simple lifestyle changes that can contribute to heart stronger and healthier ", she says.


Doing this a lot of cardio

woman doing sport exercises on morning sunrise beach in sports wear, healthy lifestyle, listening to music on wireless earphones holding smartphone, smiling happy

"Regular exercise will help to make the heart stronger and more efficient," saidSanjiv Patel, MD, A cardiologist at MemorialCare Heart & Vascular Institute at Orange Coast Medical CenterFountain Valley, California. "This will stress lower, improve sleep, lead to a healthier body weight and improve muscle tone and strength. Overall, the exercise will help reduce the risk of getting other diseases such as hypertension and diabetes increases the risk of stroke. attacking. "

RX: "It is important to continue to do aerobic exercises such as jogging, running, brisk walking, swimming or cycling for at least 30 minutes a day regularly," says Patel.


strength training

young man and woman with barbell flexing muscles and making shoulder press squat in gym

"Resistance exercises (weight lifting) are often overlooked as a healthy exercise for the heart," saysJohn Martinez, MD, Medical doctor of primary care and sports in Davis, California. "Several studies show that regular resistance training can reduce blood pressure, improve relaxation of the lining of arterial walls, improve the strength of the heart wall and contractility. More importantly, regular resistance training was recorded significantly to all the trials of CVD (cardiovascular disease). between 40 and 70% compared to those who are not committed in regular resistance exercise. "

RX: "This advantage of lower heart disease risk was seen in patients who have resisted the strength of one to three times per week," said Martinez.


Eating blueberries daily

close up of a pair eating blueberries.

"The advice I give to heart health is to eat a cup of blueberries every day," saysLauren Manaker MS, RDN, DD, registered dietitian in Charleston, South Carolina. "A growing body of scientific evidence shows that blueberries may be part of the diet to improve cardiovascular health, particularly in the context of an overall healthy lifestyle." A recently published study in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people with metabolic syndrome can improve their cardiac health by consuming a daily portion of blueberries.

RX: Eat blueberries from the container, add them to the salad, or make them part of a post-training smoothie.


Eat salmon twice a week

grilled salmon on a bed of spinach topped with a lemon

"Salmon is containing important nutrients, such as omega-3 fatty acids, which can help traffic and reduce the risk of heart disease," saysRima Kleiner, MS, RD, a certified dietitian in Greensboro, North Carolina. "According toAmerican Heart Association, a healthy diet and a way of life are your best weapons in the fight against heart disease, with a specific emphasis on seafood. "

RX: "Eating fatty fish containing omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, at least twice a week can help reduce your risk of coronary artery disease," says Kleiner.


Eat more fruits and vegetables

family shopping in a supermarket

"Rich phytonutrient foods will fuel the body with antioxidants that will reduce free radicals that cause cell damage as they work to strengthen your heart," saysRachel Fine, MS, RD, CSSD, CDN, a dietary nutritionist recorded in New York. "Fruits and vegetables are loaded with these beneficial plant compounds. Eating a portion or more fruits and vegetables with each meal and snacks guarantee that you get enough phytonutrients for strength."

RX: At each meal, aim to fill half of your plate with fruits and vegetables.


Eat healthy greases and lean proteins

woman scooping out avocado with spoon

"The protein is like, if not more, important when it comes to strengthening your heart," says well. A fatty fish and food sources in the form of healthy fat, such as lawyers and chia seeds, will give your heart the lean protein and your body to build and strengthen your heart muscle. "

RX: Aim to consume 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight every day; Get the sources of lean protein such as skinless chicken, salmon and beans. Like fish, chia seeds are a good source of omega-3 healthy fatty acids.



woman sitting on couch having raised glass with red wine in hand

You know that drinking too much can lead to liver problems. But this can also damage your heart, resulting in cardiomyopathy, a condition in which the heart becomes expanded and weakened. This increases the risk of heart attack and cardiac arrest.

RX: For cardiac health and to reduce your risk of cancer, experts say men should be limited to two alcoholic beverages per day and women should not have more than one.


Keep your cholesterol

Cholesterol Test

As aging, the body produces more cholesterol, which can accumulate in the arteries, increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Experts recommend cholesterol control every five years, but seniors may need more often.

RX: Your total cholesterol levels must be less than 200 milligrams per deciliter (mg / dl), with an LDL level of less than 100 mg / dL and an HDL level of 60 mg / dl or higher.


Keep your blood pressure

Doctor Checking Blood Pressure Of Male Patient

High blood pressure or hypertension is the second leading cause of the most common death of avoidable heart disease and second-tight features - twice smoking.

RX: Consult your health care provider so that your blood pressure is tested regularly; Follow their recommendations on life changes and / or medications to keep your numbers in a healthy beach.


Challenge yourself outside the gym

couple working together in home garden

"Your heart is a muscle and just like any other muscle, it can be strengthened," says Alysa Ban, a NASM certified personal trainer atFitnessstrainer.com. "Cardiovascular activity is a known way to strengthen the heart and improve health. It does not mean you have to go on a 10-mile race. Sometimes even a quick walk is enough."

RX:"Any activity that considerably increases your heart rate and for a prolonged period of time," says Ban. "It could mean going to swim, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or even garden work. If you have trouble getting a regular activity, you will concentrate less to go to the gym and More by integrating regular movements to your day to feel good. "


Avoid simple carbohydrates and add sugar

Woman saying no to chocolate cake dessert

"It is important to avoid inflammatory food while trying to strengthen the strength of your heart," says well. "Refined carbohydrates and sugar can exacerbate inflammation and weaken your heart muscle."

RX: Focus your diet on whole foods. Limit processed foods and those with added sugar. When purchasing packaged products, choose those with fewer ingredients (and at least added sugar as possible.


Reduce sodium

hands adding salt to pasta water

A high sodium diet is a major risk factor for high blood pressure, which can weaken the heart.

RX: The American Heart Association recommends maintaining sodium consumption at 2,300 mg (about a teaspoon of salt) a day. Most Americans consume 3,400 mg a day. Do not salt your food and check nutrition tags; Choose low sodium products.



high fiber foods

"If you are not a vegetable eater, it's important to complete your daily fiber needs," Nicolle Harwood-Nash, a certified personal trainer and a fitness coach withDigesting training. "In addition to preventing constipation, the fiber is important to maintain the gut flora. The microbes in our intestine manage the fiber. Without enough fibers, they dumb and" bad "species of microbes can take over. These microbes Can end up feeding the mucosa of the gut. The unbalanced gut flora is linked to heart disease. "

RX: Fruits and vegetables are raised in fiber; To have enough, follow the food recommendations of the Americans: 1 ½ to 2 cups of fruit a day and 2 to 3 cups of vegetables.


Eat Mediterranean

Mediterranean diet antipasto appetizer platter

The experts say that the Mediterranean regime is excellent for cardiac health. It emphasizes fruits and vegetables, healthy fat such as lawyer and olive oil, as well as lean proteins such as salmon.

RX: Ask your health care provider if a food plan like the Mediterranean diet is just for you.


Losing weight

Overweight woman checking the scale

Being overweight or obese is a major risk factor for heart disease. It tends to be associated with other conditions - including high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes - that weaken the heart.

RX: According to national health institutes, losing only 5 to 10% of your body weight can strengthen your heart and reduce your risk of developing heart disease.


No smoking

Cigarettes in ashtray.

Tobacco smoke contains more than 7,000 toxins. When inhaled, they damage the arteries and weaken the heart. "Stop smoking because it alone will reduce the risk of cardiac attack and stroke from 40 to 50%," says Patel.

RX: If you use tobacco, consult your doctor with strategies that can help you quit. If you do not smoke, do not start.


Defender of yourself

Doctor working in the office and listening to the patient

"I encourage women to defend themselves and" live the heart "by paying attention to cardiac health and global well-being," said Suzanne Steinbaum, DO, a preventive cardiologist in New York and the American Heart Association Go Red for volunteer women. "Heart disease is no longer a problem for older women or heart attacks on the rise of young women. The good news is that 80% of cardiac events can be notified. Even modest modes of the diet and the Lifestyle can help reduce your risk. "

RX: "Women should talk to their doctors and make life a healthy lifestyle a priority by moving more, eating intelligent and managed blood pressure," says Steinbaum. "The American Heart AssociationGo red for womenHas great resources and advice to empower women to take care of their heart health. "


Get a quality sleep

woman sleeps in bed

Bad sleep can affect your cardiovascular health. Sleep is when the body repairs itself, including the heart. According toA study carried out by the CDC, people who slept less than 7 hours per night reported more heart attacks - as well as obesity, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, conditions that lead to heart disease.

RX: Experts, including the US Foundation of the SLEEP, recommend that adults receive seven to nine hours of sleep one night.


Keep your teeth and your gums in good health

Young Man Cleaning His Teeth In Front Of Mirror

In medical circles, there is growing suspicion that periodontal disease (eraser) is associated with coronary heart disease, according to Harvard Medicine School. Nocious bacteria in your mouth could cause inflammation throughout the body that weakens the heart.

RX: Practice good oral hygiene and visit the dentist twice a year.


Do not eat too much

woman sleepy at 9.00 p.m. for good health

Research published in theJournal of the American Heart AssociationI found that more than eight hours of sleep can increase your risk of heart disease. An average of nine hours has come with moderate risk and 11 hours was associated with an increase of nearly 44%.

RX: Get seven to nine hours - no more, no less.


Build exercise endurance


"Exercise is essential to cardiac health. Being able to push you and stall how this more easily affects the symptoms of coronary artery disease," saysNicole Weinberg, MD, a cardiologist at the Saint John Providence Health Center in Santa Monica, California. "For example, if you normally run a mile without any symptom, but now you can not run in front of a city block, you have to see your doctor."

RX: "The symptoms of coronary artery disease are not always chest pain or breathing breathing, so the use of your regular exercise as a barometer is essential."


Get your annual physique

doctor showing her patient life insurance policy

"Patients who record with their doctor will be able to assert their coronary artery risk factors," Weinberg said. "You will have an EKG, a verification of arterial pressure and a fasting cholesterol. If these are evaluated at least once a year, there are fewer surprises."

RX: Pick up the phone and plan this annual physical.


Take the stairs

Portrait of lovely brunette walking up the stair, view from above

"It is not surprising that the number of heart attacks increases considerably after the introduction of the elevator", declaresRichard Wright, MD, Cardiologist at the Saint John Providence Health Center in Santa Monica, California. "Take the stairs every every occasion."


Cook at home

Middle-aged couple having fun cooking together

"Above all, try to do your own food in order to control what you eat and what's going on," says Patel.


Think about your mental health

Sad and lonely woman feeling depressed

Depression is associated with a higher risk of cardiac attack. Why? Feelings of sadness and isolation Tax the heart, just like anxiety or stress.

RX: If you feel socially isolated or depressed, talk with your health care provider on the best action plan.


Get vitamin K

Foods highest in Vitamin K.

"Vitamin K is mainly found in green green. Without vitamin K2, calcium hardens in our arteries, leading to heart disease," explains Harwood-Nash. This explains why a massive study published in theBritish Journal of Medicine found that Calcium Supplements increased the risk of heart attack or stroke from 20 to 30%. "

RX: Foods rich in vitamin K include Brussels sprouts, broccoli, spinach, greens collar and cabbage cornemn.


Move more at work

businessman talking on mobile phone.

"If you have office work, consider walking as you work," says Harwood-Nash. "Take a meeting on your phone so you can go for a quick walk while you're talking. You can even offer walking meetings in person."

And live your happiest and healthiest life, do not miss these70 things you should never do for your health.

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