This 9-minute workout can slow up aging, says Expert

Look and feel more and more stronger by reducing inflammation.

When we think of inflammation in the body, we almost always think of theinflammatory food We regret just having eaten, you know foods like fried chicken, curly cheeses and ice cream sundaes. But sedentary behaviors also affect inflammation, then exercise can help cool chronic inflammation as a healthier diet. (See:What happens to your body when you sit all day)

Inflammation in your body damages cells and can cause a crowd of diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, cancer and weight gain. It can also make your body look, feel and function as if it were older than that one. "Researchers invented the new catchy term inflammation - to describe how inflammation can accelerate the aging process," saidMike Zimmerman, author of the consumption to eat this, not that! deliveredThe 14-day anti-inflammatory system.

Chronic inflammation of low quality is when your body's immune system in a constant state of attack. While exchanging processed foods for costsanti-inflammatory products (The best are named in Zimmerman's book) is the best way to tame inflammation, starting an exercise program follows closely. AndForce training seems particularly useful for reducing the effects of inflammation of age acceleration..

Consider this study in the newspaperMedicine and Science in Sport and Exercise. The researchers broke a group of 103 people previously sedentary in aerobic training, strength training and control groups. The two exercise groups saw their blood levels of an inflammation marker called the c-reactive protein drop, but the figures of the resistance training group dropped by 32%, double that of the aerobic group. Other studies have suggested similar anti-inflammatory advantages of training force.

Why not give a resistance attempt to try to reduce this silent agism? After consultation with exercise physiologists, Zimmerman designed this simple beginner program that only requires your own body weight for the resistance and a few square feet of space in which to move. It's called 3-3-3 because it is composed of only 3 exercises (you choose them) made for one minute each (3 minutes in total) for 3 total towers. This sees only 9 minutes of pushing yourself, but it will obviously take you a little longer when you rest to rest that you need it. "Take the rest you need between minutes," says Zimmerman. "The idea here is to challenge your muscles, not to define world recordings."

Choose three of the suggested exercises selected, as they are generally known (no exotic movements to learn), press multiple muscle groups in your body in a short time and do not require any equipment and little space. Make the 3-3-3 workout three times a week leaving a day between two to do cardiovascular exercises like a fast walking or a bike. And for more ways to reduce inflammation, do not miss these14 tips to reduce inflammation to lose weight faster, according to RDS.


Leg board

Man planking

Suppose a push position but with your weight on your forearms. Brace your abs, tighten your glutes and keep your body directly from the head at the heel. Lift your right leg and hold it for five seconds. Then lower it and increase your left leg for five seconds. Alternate legs for the time allotted.

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Weight Front Jumping

split jump

Place your hands on your hips and assume a shifted position, left the leg ahead. Slowly lower your body as far as possible, then jump with enough strength to propel the two feet of the ground. Take the legs in Midair and land with your right leg forward. He is a representative. Positions of the leg with each explosive jump. Make sure to follow these instructions close - you do not want to make6 exercise errors that prevent weight loss, according to experts.


Compass slit

forward lunge

Stand with the width of the hip of your feet. Step forward (or "North") with the right leg and lower your body until the top of your right thigh is parallel to the ground and that your left knee approaches the ground. Repeat and repeat the exercise while striking points on the compass (northeast, is, etc.). Note: North pants are forward, southern east, east and west are lateral lungs. When you press "South South", change your legs and continue until you reach north again. Make as much as you can in the time allotted.



man step pushups

Go down on all fours, place your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. Straighten your arms and legs. Lower your body until your chest almost touches the floor. Pause and push yourself. Repeat for the time allotted.


Lift the hip

hip raise

Lie on the ground with your bent knees and your feet flat on the floor. Lift your hips so your body forms a straight line of your shoulders to your lap. Cut your glutes when you reach the top of the movement. Pause, then lower your body to the starting position. (Become a little submerged? So maybe you can checkThe 30-second stuff that presses on the muscle, according to an exercise expert.)



mountain climber

Suppose a push-up position. Your body should form a straight line of your head towards your ankles. Without leaving your posture at low back to change, lift your left foot on the floor and move your left knee to your chest. Return to the starting position and repeat with your right leg. Alternate the movement quickly with each leg.



man doing squats

Stand with your hands at the back of your head and feet to the shoulder shoulder. Lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Pause, then return to the starting position. Repeat for the time allotted.

Are you ready for more? Then grab a pair of dumbbells and tryThis total corporal workout that strengthens strength and burns calories quickly.

Categories: Weight Loss
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