When should you have breakfast?

See what an expert has to say about the best time to eat your morning meal.

A morning meal feeds you and can even help yourmetabolism-But timing is everything. We all know we should eatbreakfastBut the question is: when should we have exactly? Is it better to rule out first-thing toast lawyer? And should you eat everything at a time or are the way forward?

When should you have breakfast?

The most modern thought: eat bat. "I recommend eating in an hour of wake up," saysSass de CynthiaRD, CSSD, NYC and the Nuthitious Performance that cause celebrities, CEOs and Brooklyn nets. "This habit feeds on mental and physical performance throughout the morning, which tends to be the most productive period of the day," she explains. "It can also brake the late restoration key because most people are less active in the evening and unable to burn unnecessary calories, which can cause weight gain."

In addition, having a bite before leaving the door can also help insulin regulation, possibly lowering your risk ofDiabetes, according to a 2017 study published in thePhysiology diary. Researchers have watched breakfast to jump from breakfast to overweight and lean and have found that the morning meal improvement (which is burned with burnt calories) and a decrease in resistance to the resistance to the insulin. For overweight group, there was an added breakfast advantage: it activated a gene involved in fuel combustion.

If you do exercise in the morning, you can change your morning meal.

It does not matter if you have a hearty meal that holds you until noon or go with a bite of light followed by a mid-morning snack. If you plan to work in the morning, "Split breakfast", Sass advises.

What does it mean? Before hitting the gym, healthy carbohydrates (think fruit,groatsor a sweet potato), which will not give you digestive problems (be sure to avoidthese foods)

"You want food to be easily digested, absorbed and available as a source of energy to power your activity," says Sass. Bonus: You will not have this feeling of brick stomach that you get after putting something with protein and fat (like acheese omelette), which takes longer to digest.

Once your sweat session is over, your body is in healing mode. Your muscles are repaired and your system reconstructs lost nutrients. "Have a second breakfast of vegetables, skinny protein, healthy fat and a small part of the carbohydrates," says Sass. She loves a veggie omelette, herb and avocado with one side of the berries.

RELATED: Recipes without added sugar You can not wait to eat.

And if you are just not a breakfast person?

Let's face it: some of us do not like breakfast. Do you need to suck and eat this white egg omelette? While you do not have to go all, you should really put something in your stomach. In addition to all the proven benefits of this healthy habit - better concentration, reduced appetite, a reduced risk of cardiac disease-skippers tends to fall short on vegetables, fruits, whole grains and even proteins (whose research shows that we should eat throughout the day, not in a big steak dinner).

If you just do not have breakfast, Sass recommends catching a clean protein bar (like aRxbar) And a green juice (she likesOrganic green green juice, who have little or no fruit), or eat your residues of dinner. She promises you will notice a difference. His clients who start a breakfast habit get something concrete: "Morning energy, less snacking,weightlossand an increase in muscle mass. "

RELATED: To verify30 Nutritionist approved breakfast ideas

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