Does it go to drink wine every night?

Sometimes happy time tends to happen in your living room, but sipping a good or bad vino glass for your health? Here is the truth.

Let's admit it,wine is just one of these drinks that's still there when you need it. It is comforting after a long day of work of, it's the perfect finish touch to everythingCharcuterie board, andfor a while as right now when you can not really go to a bar or restaurantHe can always make you feel like you live a little normally. In addition, it lasts a while, again, it's not bad to have some bottles at your fingertips when you stay inside. But what happens if you drink wine every night?

You have often heard in one way or another thatA glass of wine every day canActually Being good for your health in general, but some recent studies have argued that it is better to avoid drinking the vino on a regular basis. So what's really going on to your health if you drink a glass of wine every night? Are there real benefits for health? Or are there long-term consequences?

We ask the difficult questions here because there is a good chance that you could end up drinking wine every night you stay on site at home! And while you make healthier choices, here'sThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.

First of all, how much is considered a glass of wine?

Before exploring the risks and benefits of drinking a glass of wine every night, we will move on to the same page onwhat exactlyis a glass. According toHARVARD SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, A drink is 5 ounces of wine (also 12 ounces of beer and 1.5 ounces of alcohol) in the United States in unfortunately, it means that the purchase of a greater glass of wine will not change our size at the service of the evening.

Ok, so what's happening if you drink a glass of wine every night?

It can help improve intestinal health.

Black woman drinking red wine

In the last two years, the health of the intestine has been unmasked as one of the most important ways forremains healthy. Known as the"Second brain" Your intestine can affect the condition of your digestion, organs, and even your mental health. In fact, the intestinal microbiotais now seen As "an important partner of human cells, interacting with almost all human cells. »

In a study carried out by theAmerican Journal Gastroenterology, Research revealed that the consumption of red wine made with moderation global benefits your intestine. This is mainly due to a couple of big confiring words calledantimicrobials andpolyphenols. The red wine contains a lot of polyphenols, which are natural chemicals containingAntimicrobial properties. And antimicrobials are agents who helpBalancing the natural microbiome of the intestine.

It can help fight cardiovascular disease.

woman pouring glass of wine

Whether or can not be red wineHelp with heart health is a common discussion between health specialists as for wine lovers. Overall, research shows that moderate red wine consumption (no more than one drink per day) does not, in fact, have cardiovascular benefits.

In a study carried out by theCanadian Clinical Nutrition ReviewThe results found that polyphenols present in red wine that we have discussed earlier many benefits on coronary blood flow and cardiac health. Polyphenols have proved to have "Vaso-relaxing effects on coronary microvessels, " Which in other words means that natural chemicals found in red wine can help relax our blood vessels, helping the prevention of blood clots and other cardiovascular problems.

Red wine also raises levels of lipoproteins (HDL), also known as "good cholesterol". And according to Harvard School of Public Health, higher levels of HDL are often correlated with a better chance of protecting you from cardiovascular disease.

It can disrupt your sleep habits.

Young woman relaxes at home on the white sofa with a glass of red wine

So it's not always arches and the sun, right? Alcoholcan Mess with our natural circadian rhythmNatural clock alias, even small doses of our body.A study done on sleep and alcohol by the National Institute of Health revealed that when we even drink a moderate amount of alcohol, our bodies go through a "The rebound effect. "This effect is essentially the way of your body to adapt to the alcohol present while it is still sleeping normally during the first half of your sleep. Alcohol takes about 4-5 hours to exit your system, which means that the sleep disturbance that you experience during the second half of the night is the alcohol makes its way out of your body.

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Alcohol is a substance that is often abused.

red wine in a glass next to bottle

The wine is a comforting and delicious drink to have at the end of the day and when you feel stressed or worried during periods of uncertainty. But it is important to remember that alcohol, even in small doses, can be an addictive substance. And with substances such as alcohol, it can sometimes be easier than we think to develop dependency.

Rick Grugza, epidemiologist who studies alcohol consumption for years, has found thatdrinking in larger quantities is regularly upwards. Many epidemiologists and health experts feel that this could be because of theCulture surrounding alcohol consumption: Hours of work after work several times a week or the multiple glasses one night to relieve stress at home. As with anything in life, moderation is essential, so it is important to just be aware of the amount you drink throughout your week and how it has an impact on your life, day-today.

So, can you continue drinking a drink of daily wine?

Simple answer: yes! The answer not so simple: it is finally for you to decide. Research always support the idea that the amount of moderate red wine (a glass per night) has especially beneficial or neutral effects on our health.

Overall, even though red wine can have positive effects on your body, but it's not a habit you need to start if you do not drink already. Eating healthy and staying active are always the task, but if you also play a glass of wine, there is nothing wrong with that either. Moderation is the key! And if you have already wondered,Do you have to stop drinking alcohol to lose weight?, we settled this debate for you too.

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