A major side effect of drinking juice every day, let's say experts

"Just" is it really healthy for you? We asked the experts.

DrinkOrange juice Every day at breakfast or cranberry juice with lunch may seem like a harmless habit - or even healthy. After all, it's just fruit, right? But that you know or not, there is a big difference between eating half-grapefruit and drinking in liquid form: the first afiber.The experts say that the fiber found in whole fruits plays a major role in the minimization of how natural sugars they contain an impact on your body. So, if there is a major side effect of the drinking juice you need to know, it is the blood glucose - the kind that could increase your risk of type 2 diabetes.

Here's what you need to know about drinking juice and blood sugar spikes, and for even more useful beverage tips, make sure you check out our list of108 most popular sodas classified by how toxic they are toxic.

Alcohol juice every day will cause blood glucose tips.

"In the process ofJuice, dough, pulp and fruit skin are removed and thrown, "says Cara Harbstreet, Rd and LD ofSmart Street Nutrition. "The resulting liquid is a more concentrated product in terms of flavor, energy and nutrients. Fiber is one of the elements that can slow down digestion and the absorption of simple carbohydrates from our plans in the GI tract. Without This, simple fruit carbohydrates and their juices are faster absorbed and can lead to a more drastic increase in blood glucose. "

The other disadvantage to drink juice, according toShenen Jaramillo, Rd, is itJuice is an ultra concentrated form of the fruit, and so,tends to have a highersugar content. For example, an entire orange has only about 9 grams of sugar, while a drop of 1 cup of orange juice more than twice as much as: 21 grams.

"For someone withDiabetesThe juice can be problematic because it will probably lead to a quick peak in blood sugars, "she explains." There are vitamins and minerals in the juice, but they are usually easily obtained from others sources of food or whole fruit. "

To be clear, fructose, natural sugar discovered in all fruits and their juice is not harmful to your body in reasonable amounts. However, it is absorbed by your body much faster when there is no intact fiber (as is the case with juice). When this sugar penetrates into your bloodstream, it triggers the pancreas to release insulin.

Over time, when your body continually deals with sugar spikes in the blood, this mechanism can be thrown, leading thusinsulin resistance. This could explain why aReview 2013 found that fruit juice consumption was linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.

Here is the amazing part, however: the researchers found thatEating whole fruits - specifically, blueberries, grapes and apples-apples-had the opposite effectand was associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes.

For this reason, Jaramillo strongly suggests being aware of the amount of fruit juice daily because while it could offer many vitamins throughout the fruit,It can contain as much sugar as a bar of candy Wherecan of soda, with fewer fibers to soften the shot on your system.

Always love the juice? Here's how to drink it properly.

All that said unless you have type 2 diabetes or high blood glucose, there is no reason for the juice can not be a regular staple in your diet.

"Beverage juice Every day is not necessarily an unhealthy habit, especially so few fruits or vegetables are consumed in other forms," ​​says Harbstreet. "100% juice counts towards the total number of portions of fruit and vegetables and, since most Americans appear only the recommended 5-9 portions of fruits / vegetables per day, the juice can provide portions Additional. "

Registered dietitianNatalie Rizzo add thattheportion For the juice is only about 4 oz. (1/2 cup).

"It really depends on the type of juice, the amount and the way of life of the person," she adds. "For example, a runner can have late cherry juice after each race and this can be beneficial for them and their performance. But a sedentary overweight adult may not need to drink that same amount of juice."

The essential? If you want to avoid these peaks of potential blood glucose, your better bet is to opt for whole fruits to the extent possible. And when a juice hits strikes, it was recommended to the recommendations of Harvard researchers andLimit your consumption of juice to 8 oz. per day.

More stories of juice to eat this, not that!

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