According to science, a major side effect of the soda drink, according to science

We know that soda can have a negative impact on your heart and skin, but it can also affect your joints.

OrdinaryConsumption of soda can lead to poor health results - it's notNew new. Numerous studies that have been published over the past two decades have suggested that routine soda beverage is a risk factor for several chronic conditions. However, did you also know that the consumption of Fizzy stuff can also be associated with aIncreased risk of common self-immune disease?

A2014 study Published inThe American Journal of Clinical Nutritionfound that women who drink one or more sodas each day are higher for developing rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Ra is aAutoimmune and inflammatory disease, which means that the immune system wrongly attacks healthy cells, causing inflammation throughout the body.

People with RA generally have swelling and pain in the joints of their hands, wrists and knees. Indeed, the mucosa of the articulation becomes inflamed, which can then cause damage to joint tissues. (In touch:108 most popular sodas classified by how toxic they are toxic)

"We will not say that the soda would certainly lead to an increased risk of Ra, regardless of the frequency to which people drink [that]," Main researcher Yang Hu of the Harvard School of Public HealthDaily health. Instead, people who drink "too much soda can be more likely to RA".

Many studies show thatSoda is linked to obesity, heart disease andType 2 diabetes, all are more common in people with Ra. In this study, the risk of PR appears to be the highest in old women. Although the causes of Ra are unknown, the results of this study suggest that food choices are probably a factor.

"This is a group that are also more likely to the effects of smoking, suggesting that sugar can be an environmental stimulus similar to smoking in sensitive people", "Susan Goodman, MD, a rheumatologist at the hospital for special surgery in New York saidIn a document published on the study.

With this theory, the connection of soda to ra does not seem unlikely because these drinks are loaded withadded sugars. For example, just a12 oz. The coca-cola box contains 39 grams of sugar,which is even more than the average of 1.55 oz. Hershey milk chocolate bar that contains only 24 grams of sweet stuff.

Otherwise, for the prevention of the RA, consider reducing your consumption of soda to avoid preventing other major chronic diseases. To verify25 healthy alternatives in good health and low sugar For swaps, you can do right now!

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