Easy diet hacks that will reduce stress

Feel constantly stressed? Make these small changes to your diet and you might simply see heavy results.

There is really nothing worse thanFeel constantly stressed. Especially if you try to focus on using everythingWeight loss objectivesStress ends only by an obstacle, because you are just not in the best head space to be your healthiest self. And this state of constant stress can have a lot of effects (not so great) on you, overall.

"In order to understand the stress of the effects on the body, we must understand our stress-related hormones. The main hormone is Cortisol.The main manmoms is serotonin," explains Gretchen San Miguel, MD and chief doctor forMedi-Weightloss. "Stress increases cortisol," the stress hormone ". WhileThis Cancauseyoutohave less than one appetite at the beginning, long-term" chronic "stress actually stimulates your hunger."

So yes, it means you could end up eatingFollowing, and you are likely to eatthe type of food that are not the healthiest options around.

"High levels of cortisol cover your insulin levels, resulting in a fall in blood glucose of your blood, which reserves us in turn sugary foods high, in a high way, it can also cause a catch. weight, high blood pressure, diabetes, fatigue and concentration of difficulties, says Dr. San Miguel. "When we are stressed,Wiend to transform food into the atmosphere, mainly because these foods, in turn, trigger neuro-hormonal responses counter-helicopters against us that have a direct appeasement effect on us, increasing serotonin. "

But do not worry, all hope is not lost! This is where we arrive. Thanks to Dr. San Miguel, she shared some of the best andThe easiest diet hacks You can adopt thisstress, at the moment.

"Healthy lifestyle changes could ultimately improve the impact of chronic stress on your body and lead to improvement in health, greater energy and weight gain, thus improving your general well-being," says DR San Miguel.

Check out the full distribution of what you can do to reduce stress levels and while you make healthier habits, make sure to try one of the15 underestimated weight loss tips that actually work.


Decrease your sugary food consumption.

sugary foods

"Sweet sugar foods I will take you to higher foods of sugar, creating an endless cycle, "says Dr. San Miguel." Building sugar is linked to higher cortisol levels in obese people. "

But there is an advantage, as Dr. San Miguel says by nibblingdark chocolate Is something you should do!

"Studies had the consumption of dark chocolate reducers in the response to a stress challenge," she says.

(If you need help to reduce sugar, here'sThe way forward for curbing your sweet tooth in 14 days.)


Fill the good types of food.

vegan buddha bowl

It means raw vegetables.

"Most of the time for stress relief that just chewing them, eating raw vegetables can help release the tight jaw and reduce cortisol levels," says Dr. San Miguel. "Vegetables are very low in calories and are filled with essential nutrients and dietsfiber. "

You will also want to be sure to fill you on foods that increase serotonin. This includes eggs, cheese, pineapple, tofu, salmon, turkey, nuts and seeds, according to Dr. San Miguel.


Catching milk.

warm milk

If in doubt, turn a glass of hot milk. Sipping on it can help you sleep faster andadequate and good sleep is essentially important when you try to reduce stress.

"[Going ahead and] touch [some] fat-free milk. Some compounds in tryptophan and milk melatonin specifically, can help you fall asleep," says Dr. San Miguel.


Ignore simple carbohydrates and load on complex carbohydrates.

complex carbs

"Simple carbohydrates likecandy andsodaAre digested quickly and lead to a peak to serotonin, making us feel fast relief from stress, but that does not want to know long and before knowing it, you will be eager for more candies to reproduce the feeling. As you can imagine, this leads to high blood glucose in turn will eventually lead to high cortisol levels, weight gain and many chronic diseases, "says Dr. San Miguel."Since complex carbohydrates take longer digest, they tend to be those who release an attenuated supply of our convincing hormone hormone."

Basically, you will want to choose whole grain breads, pasta and breakfast cereals, includingOatmeal in the old.

"Complex carbohydrates can also help you feel balanced by stabilizing blood sugar levels, controlling hunger spikes," says Dr. San Miguel.



water glasses

The water, It is!

"Adequate hydration, sleep and exercise are also important for controlling hormones and stress levels," says Dr. San Miguel. "Dehydration increases cortisol. I say to my patients to drink half of their body weight in ounces of water a day."

In addition to receiving your water solution, you will want to make sure that you "recover enough quality sleep, [as] of the duration, length and quality of sleep all influence cortisol," and "exercise of consistent way, but not too much, according to Dr. San Miguel.

"In general, most adults should target at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity each day and two strength training sessions per week. The gentle or moderate exercise at 40-60% of the maximum effort does not increase Not cortisol and can really help reduce cortisol, "she says.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: tips
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