14 foods you eat every day that causes weight gain

The foods you eat every day can help or hurt your weight loss efforts - they will hurt them.

How can you lose weight if you do not know what foods cause your weight gain? It's not easy for a task that it can ring. There are foods you eat every day that are apparently innocent, but are actually behind the growing number of the ladder.

To their nominal value,Some of these foods pass as being healthy"That means you maybe eating more than you usually do not allow you unhealthy food. Eat any excess calories - even the "good" type will contribute to weight gain. On the other hand, there are some foods on this list you know you're not good for you, but you're still eating regularly. If you want to lose weight, you must either reduce your consumption and eat moderation or cut them completely.

Banish these unhealthy foods from your pantry. You can not eat what is not in your home. Read on, and for more weight to lose weight, you will not want to miss these15 underestimated weight loss tips that actually work.


Breakfast cereals and even some snapshots

unhealthy cereal

Generally, breakfast cereals are empty sugar calorie boxes. Of course, there are some who containsalimentary fiberBut it's often only a few grams (not enough to do a lot of things) and even these can be loaded with sugar. (See:Malic cereals on the planet.) Instant oats is also good as a snack or breakfast option, but even sacred oatmeal can be compromised with secret additions. You must be suspicious of the list of ingredients, otherwise you can find yourself eatingUnhealthy elbows on the planet. To be: if you are wrong thinking that your "whole grain" breakfast is healthy for you, so eat it every day or large parts, you could end up gaining weight because most calories come from added sugar in nutrients. that the grains themselves.

Quick Tip: If your oats needs a flavor thrust, add fresh fruit, a touch of honey or an ounce of nuts to your bowl instead of rod or brown sugar.

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Canned cream soups

Cauliflower potato soup

Most canned soups are loaded with sodium, but those of cream carry other things among their empty-charred calories, such as hydrolysed proteins, food dyes and corn syrup. The soups of high sodium will only cause swelling of the belly and a weight gain of water, but consume them with othersHigh sodium foods Over time, can contribute to health problems such as arterial hypertension.

Quick Tip: Find protein soups such as black bean soup, which is rich in fiber. Avoid canned soups. Add a lawyer to get a healthy fat. And looking forReduced sodium versions.



woman making sandwich bread lettuce cheese deli meat for lunch

The connection between the meat transformed into saline, sugar and chemical and the risk of chronic diseases is strong and consistent in scientific research. According to a study published inNutrition log, Those who eat meat lunch tend to have higher calorie intakes (which, of course, leads to weight gain), sodium and saturated fat compared to non-consumers. If you eat meat, it should be pure-like you want your own muscles to be advisedDavid L. Katz, MD,Mph, Director of Yale University Prevention Research Center and President of the American College of Medicine of Life.


Frozen fries

French fries

There is something almost magical about the effects of fries spanish on your body's fat storage system. A long-term Harvard University study, published in the well respectedNew England Journal of Medicine found that people who ate fries were gaining more than three bodies of body weight every four years; During the study, French fries won 15 pounds of grease belly from fries only!


Fruit juice

Unhealthy orange juice bottle held in front of fridge

"Talk to transforming good bad food," saysLeah Kaufman, Mrs., Rd, CDN, a registered dietitian based on the city of New York. "When you turn the products into juice, you remove its fiber: one of the main advantages of the consumption of whole fruits and vegetables. What you have done, it's a so-concentrated beverage gently, it can have as much sugar as a soda. "The consumption of fruit juice occasionally is not terrible for you, but the drinking too often can have a negative impact on health and body composition. A cup of grape juice, for example, contains almost the Same amount of sugar as two donut donut cake donuts, and a great McDonald's JJ has as much sugar as 25 rescue geases.

Quick Tip: Eat your entire fruit to get fiber and more vitamins than juice juice. During allFruits can help you lose weightSome research began to show that some fruits are truly better in the fight against belly fat than others. Which? Look for raspberries or reds: raspberries, strawberries, blueberries - they are packed with polyphenols, powerful natural chemicals that can actually stop the fat to form.




"This is one of our main impostors of health-food!" saidLisa Moskovitz, Rd, founder of the NY NUTRITION group. "A small cup of granola has nearly 600 calories, 30 grams of fat and 24 grams of sugar. This is the equivalent of starting your morning with two slices of cheese." Because there are advantages of consuming high fiber whole grains, ameta-analysis found a correlation between whole grain intake and the mass index of the lower body (BMI), you can eat granola as it is one of theThe 10 healthiest granolas in the world.


Fruit Smoothies in high calorie bottles


A fruit smoothie rings like a virtuous choice for a match-up of the afternoon, but be warned: a lotSmoothie options purchased bottled There are little more than grouped fruit juice with almost no fiber, which makes them more like dessert that respectful of diets. Some contain up to 440 calories, nearly one-third of the average woman on a weight diet of 1,500 calories needing an entire day. Not to mention more than 50 grams of sugar - it's more than you will find in 4 spoons of Sherbet.



ketchup and french fry

Once two tablespoons are rising up to eight grams of sugar and 40 calories! And most of these calories come from fructose corn syrup (followed by a single corn syrup), whichhas been demonstrated to increase the appetite And, over time, lead to obesity and diabetes.


Bakery products packed with low fat

packaged baked goods

As a general rule, these elements are treated in depth and are packaged with chemicals that are added to attempt to obtain the consistency or reproduce the flavor of complete fat models. You will better engage in a smaller part of naturally high fat or sugar foods than to ingest an artificial substitute. And in most cases, the real affair tastes better, is more satisfactory (you do not end up in a "healthier" alternative) and does not cause gastrointestinal loops that can be associated with highly transformed foods.



nutella in white bowl

It may seem nuts, but this "hazel propagation" is mainly made of sugar and palm oil with almost no actual nuts. So do not be fooled thinking that it's worth being space in your pantry. With more than 20 grams of added sugar and only two grams of protein, propagation slips just to your size.


Nutrient extract bread

white bread

If you have white bread in your closet, nourish it to the ducks of the lake. Then go to a health shop and mark pushed grain bread. It's more sorrow, it has a better taste and is charged with fibers. You need more fiber. We all do. The white bread, on the other hand, has been whitened and stripped of its Bran and its germ, the elements of the grain containing beneficial nutrients.

"The white bread is not very full, has almost no nutritional value and is converted to sugar once you eat it," says Dietian RegisteredJim White, RD, ACSM, owner of Jim White Fitness and Nutrition Studios. "Like table sugar, then points insulin levels that promotes fat storage," says White. Do not let you take sentences like "made with whole grains".

This catchy sentence can make you think that your bread is a healthy choice, but it means that the bread is made of a mixture of whole wheat flour and another less nutritive flour that will not benefit your health. Also keep an eye on the words "bleached flour" on the lists of ingredients too. Money laundering adds chemicals to bread and eliminates vital nutrients.


Energy bars

Protein bars

For the amount of caloric carbohydrates and fat, they contain, you could eat a bar of chocolate. Many of theseEnergy bars are packaged with simple sugars and they do not fill enough enough to replace a meal or snack.


Soda-even soda diet


Most sodas contain phosphorus, which binds to calcium and increases the loss of calcium, which is terrible for bone health. In addition, a single can is filled with 40 grams of sugar - the equivalent of 20 cubes of sugar - which makes it difficult to maintain the body to maintain levels of glucose and healthy insulin. And diet varieties are potentially worse. Diet sodas contain low doses of carcinogens and artificial sweeteners have potentially dangerous effects on the brain and metabolism.

Quick Tip: "wish to eat your calories instead of sipping them through a straw" advisesCherryl Forberg, RD, who was a nutritionist on the greatest loser. She says one of the most common behaviors of overweight competitors she has advised is that they have consumed large amounts of sweet sodas, cafes loaded with cream, fruit juice and alcohol. "Dych La Jonque Sipple."


Sweet coffee drinks

Man barista making coffee latte

Even the smallest sizes of sweet coffee drinks like Starbuck's Frappuccinos Pack on average 300 to 400 calories, which would take you about 40 minutes to jog on a treadmill. Beverage No. 1 on our list ofDrinks at unusual coffee in America are classified! is a frozen cafe that contains an omnipresent calorie of 880 calories and 185 grams of sugar! While frozen cafes are the worst guilty, the slats can be so bad: some contain 61 grams of sugar. We understand the need to start your day with a caffeine boost, but it's not worth it if you have to sip through that whether they are calories and sugar at the waist. Instead of entering a latte or a frame, consider a large plain berth based on biological moldings and 2% milk and sprinkled cinnamon to add a kick without calories.

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