Fat in this part of the body could destroy your heart

The risk is even higher for women than men.

Have too much fat around yourheart Radically increases the risk of heart failure, a new study has been found.

Inthe study, published this week in theJournal of the American Cardiology CollegeThe researchers found that having a large amount of pericardial fat (the technical term for fat around the heart) doubled the risk of heart failure among women and raised it among 50% men.

Using data from a long-term heart study on national health institutes (NIH), researchers watched chest analyzes by nearly 7,000 Americans aged 45 to 84 years. None of the study participants had heart disease when the study started. But over the next 17 years, 400 of them have developed heart failure.

Scientists have discovered that excess pericardial fat has raised the risk of heart failure among women and men, even after adjustment of well-known risk factors for heart failure such as age, using the Smoking, alcohol consumption, sedentary lifestyle, high blood pressure, high blood glucose, high cholesterol and previous cardiac crises.

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Much higher risk found in women

But the risk was not the same thing among women and men: the researchers found a 100% increase (or a double risk) in women and a 50% increase in men.

The researchers noted that the excess pericardial fat was "weakly or moderately" correlated with the signs of being overweight or obese, such as the body mass index, the circumference of the size, the circumference of the hip and the hip. Size hip ratio.

"For nearly two decades, we have known that obesity, based on a simple measure of height and weight, can double the risk of heart failure, but we now have an extra step using imaging technology To show that excess pericardial fat, perhaps due to its location near the heart muscle, further increases the risk of this potentially fatal escape - insufficient heart, "said Principal Searcher Satish Kenchaniah, MD, Associate Professor medicineMount Sinai.

He added: "This work provides us with an important tool for stratifying patients in higher and lower heart failure, which may eventually lead to early intervention and the prevention of heart failure to save finally people's life."

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Pericardial fat can be a separate risk factor

Researchers also found that excess pericardial fat increased the risk of heart failure beyond the usual heart risks that come overweight or obese. They said that the link was the same on all the studied ethnic groups.

"Our research provides strong evidence than excess pericardial fat significantly raises the risk of heart failure," said Kenchaiah. "Additional studies are needed to confirm our conclusions. Future research in this area should also focus on means and means, such as eating a healthy healthy diet and remain physically active, to reach and maintain the optimal weight of the body and Reduce fat deposits and avoid fat deposits around the heart. "

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