A major side effect of drinking too much coffee, says science

Before taking another sip, discover what you really get this cup.

For many people, drink aCup of coffee In the morning is an essential part of their day. And while the cup of occasional coffee canIncrease your energy level, focus, or even your mood, you canabsoutely Having too good when it comes to your coffee consumption.

While the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) indicates that most healthy adults can safely consume safelyUp to 400 milligrams of caffeine Every day, the amount you would get in about four to five cups of coffee-individual tolerance may vary considerably on weight, metabolic rate, health conditions and a number of other factors, andDrinking too much coffee can have serious effects on not only your physical health, but also your mental well-being, because the drink containing caffeine can be addictive.

Anika Christ, Rd, CPT, a certified dietitian and director of customer optimization toLifetimeExplains that people can build a caffeine tolerance in just a few days, noting that it personally recommend that its customers consume only one to two cups of coffee a day to limit their dependence on this subject. However, even among moderate coffee drinkers, caffeine contained in the drink can trigger severe feelings of agitation and anxiety.

In the middle of the pandemic in particular, "people are stressed,do not sleep too, so they need more caffeine, "says Christ." It feeds the same fire again and again and again because we can not fall asleep and enter a heavy sleep. ''

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Even if you do not drink coffee near when you plan to hit hay, your coffee consumption can have a profound effect on how you sleep. A 2013 study published in theClinical Sleep Medicine Journal I found that even when consumed six hours before bedtime, a dose of 400 milligrams of caffeine was associated with pronounced sleep disorders. In addition, a 2010 study published in theJournal of behavioral therapy and experimental psychiatry found that insomnia itself can exacerbate the symptoms of anxiety, creating a cycle of self-perpetuant of insufficient rest and subsequent anxiety.

Fortunately, give up coffee or at least strictly limiting your consumption - can make a major difference in the fight against anxiety and insomnia.

"The coffee can increase the notes and anxiety, thanks to its increase in lactic acid in your blood, but to cut coffee from your routine reduces lactic acid and also reduces the stimulation of your nervous system, which Potentially helped you feel more calm and less than anxious throughout your day., "ExplainsLauren Minchen, MPH, RDN, CDN, nutrition consultant forFrontier, the visual plan application driven by the AI.

So, if you feel quiet in the morning or worried throughout the day, you accelerate your coffee consumption, even by a cup or two - can offer serious relief.

RELATED: Surprising side effects not to drink coffee, say dietitians

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: anxiety / coffee / sleep
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