We have just discovered the best hack for digestion

A dietician recommends following this goal for your gastrointestinal tract to work optimally.

Constipation. Gas. Diarrhea. Stomach burns and indigestion. These GI-Treacs problems are among the most common conditions between all Americans. According toUS Department of Health and Human ServicesSome 60-70 million of us suffer from one or more gastrointestinal tract problems, making gastrointestinal problems some of the most common medical problems.

Although frequent and long-term IM symptoms can report a more serious health problem such as irritable intestine syndrome (IBS), Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, the vast majority are triggered byBehaviors related to lifestyle and lifestyle And can be avoided with some changes to your daily feed schedule.

Here is one of the most important things you can do to maintain your gastrointestinal tract operate optimally to minimize these boring and embarrassing ongoing gut symptoms:Eat at times consistent every day.

A "normalized" food motif helps your body operate optimally in many ways.

First, it helps you avoid an erratic diet where you will free yourself for hours, then throat on goupe meals because you are hungry. Eat extra-large meals is one ofworst habits This can lead to gases, bloating, indigestion and diarrhea as our bodies are not equipped to digest excessive amounts of protein, carbohydrates and fat at a time.

This optimized pattern also helps to avoideating too many calories Later in the day, when the GI tract is less effective.

It is well known that glucose tolerance and the metabolic rate are reduced in the afternoon and the evening and are best in the morning. According to the searches published in the journalNutrientsEating the majority of your calorie budget daily later in the day and the evening is linked to an increased risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and other chronic medical conditions. In addition, a standardized food motif helpTemperate inflammation, improves circadian rhythms and supports theGUT Microbiome. People who eat big dinners too close to bedtime often complain about reflux stomach burns. (In touch:Can not sleep? Avoid these 17 foods that keep you standing at night.)

Second, eating three square meals and one or two snacks (only if necessary) will help synchronize your digestion at your circadian rhythms.Eating about every four hours is ideal because the body takes about four hours to digest completely and treat macro and micronutrients in foods. Our internal circadian clocks must be synchronized when we eat, and when synchronized, the risk of GI problems and metabolic disorders increases.

Our bodies are designed to lock and out of the absorption state (Fed) and the post-absorption state (fasting) two to three times a day. Eating too frequently or rarely disrupts this natural balance that the body must digest and absorb nutrients so that your body can easily use energy and nutrients for growth and repair. When this happens, GI problems are more common.

For the healthiest GI tract, use the following meal structure guide as well as calorie distribution to avoid these moments of Pesky and embarrassing.

A more standardized food pattern means three meals and two optional snacks a day, ideally spaced from 2 to 4 hours. For example, here is a normalized food pattern with the calorie distribution model based on a standard 2000 calorie power supply.

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