This can double your risk of heart disease, a new study shows

If your other significant develops it, you will probably have a study.

Heart The disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, responsible for one of four out of four deaths by theCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention. A number of factors can increase your risk of developing it, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking. Now, a new study claims that your relationship can also influence your chances of the deadly medical condition. Read to find out what can increase your risk of heart disease - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these98 Symptoms to look for even after Covid vaccination.


If your other other significant has obtained heart disease, you will probably do it too, says study

Grey haired man touching chest, feeling pain at home, mature woman supporting him.

According to a new Chinese study that must be presented on May 17 at the annual meeting of the American Cardiology College (ACC), a heart disease is often in pairs, which means if your other significant develops it, you will probably also. The researchers involved in the study studied more than 5,000 heterosexual couples over 45 years old living in seven regions of China from 2014-2016. Participants provided information including their personal health background and spouse - including risk factors such as IMC and blood pressure - lifestyle factors (physical activity, smoking and alcohol consumption as well as socio-economic factors.

The primary author of the study, Chi Wang, MPH, seeks research at the Coor Health Research Center in Beijing, explained that it was probably necessary to do with the fact that unhealthy habits are often shared between couples.

"We have found that the risk of an individual's cardiovascular disease is associated with the state of health and the state of life of their wife or husband," Wang explained in aPress releaseCourtesy of the American college of cardiology. "In addition to sharing lifestyle and socio-economic environment factors, our study suggests that the stress of spousal care with cardiovascular disease can contribute to an increase in cardiovascular risk." Read it to see if this affects the most men or women.


Men are more affected, according to the conclusions

mature man having heart attack at home

It is interesting to note that the relationship between the history of heart disease of a spouse and a person's own risk was more pronounced for men. "The health status and risk factors, which are the drivers of the way of life in a majority of families in different cultural history, seem to affect their husbands to a greater extent than the risk factors for husbands affect Women, "said Wang.

"Family-centered health care is playing an important role in chronic health care around the world. Our conclusion indicates that the health of caregivers should be supervised as well as that of their spouse in the community and primary care . "

The researchers hope that the conclusions "can encourage couples to engage in healthier behaviors together, including the diet and the exercise" to prevent or reverse cardiac diseases.

Read 3 other things that can increase your heart risk.


Do not eat a high diet in saturated greases, trans fat, salt or cholesterol

Sausage links

Consume too much saturated fat, trans fat, and too many cholesterol can lead to atherosclerosis, which is a fatty plate that can adhere to the interior walls of your arteries and obstruct them. Foods rich in saturated fats include butter and lard, cakes and cookies, sausages, cheese and heaven meats; TRAN sources include microwave-blown corn, shortening, fries and margarine sticks; And food with the "bad" version of cholesterol are fried foods, fast food restaurants, processed meats and desserts.

RELATED: Case 1 of heart attack, according to science


Do not forget to get a physical activity

Couple Walking Along Suburban Street Holding Hands

Stay physically in shape can perform heart attacks. In addition, if you suffer a heart attack, you will have more chances to survive if you are physically fit."The physical activities that involve regular and rhythmic movements of the legs and arms are called" aerobic "exercises and are particularly good for the heart. The examples include fast walking, running, swimming, cycling and dancing . Regular aerobic exercise Conditions of the heart to pump the blood to the whole body, "says theAmerican Heart Association. "Work up to at least 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) of moderate intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes (1 hour and 15 minutes) of vigorous intensity activity (or equivalent combination) every week."


Do not drink too much

woman turning down glass of red wine
Shutterstock / Goffkein.Pro

A big alcohol consumption can increase your blood pressure, but you also offer peptic ulcer, cancer, liver disease and many other problems. Limit yourself in a glass or two of red wine, which turned out to be good for the heart. And to protect your health, do not miss theseSigns you get one of the "most deadly" cancers .

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