The 6 types of South Barbecue in the United States - and what makes them exactly different

All Carolinas are not created equal!

In the USA,barbecue is practically synonymous with summer. Yes, it is a cooking style that greatly implies slow cooking meat in a wide variety of marinades and delicious sauces. But it's so much more than that, ward out wooden picnic table images, red and white check tablecloths and smokeodor of mesquite.

This slow approach to cooking the meat goes back to the Caribbean in the 1500s. Even Christopher Columbus has developed a method ofslow cooking meat On the green wood, called Barbacoa (hence the word barbecue).

Over the centuries that followed, the barbecue became a staple of American cuisine. In addition, the styles of our country are as diverse as the regions that have developed them. Between the Carolinas, you will need two hands to count the different varieties of barbecue.

To help, we broke down into different southern regions that have defined a barbecue in the United States and making them separate. That youcook on a pit Or use a smoker, a sauce with a dry sauce or rub with spices, we can all agree that the barbecue, especially the southern barbecue, is delicious - no matter how to decide or smother.

North Carolina

north carolina bbq sandwich with sauce onions on plate

If you are not from this area of ​​the United States, it is probably quite confusing that North and South Carolina has their own separate barbecue styles. For even more complex things, North Carolina has two different approaches to its own relatives: Oriental style and Lexington style (Aka Piedmont style).

The sauces:
The oriental style North Carolina barbecue is often considered one of the original barbecue approaches. This involves eating meat in a vinegar sauce reinforced by a little sugar and red pepper. This slim sauce is also served on the side of your barbecue meal for soaking purposes.

But Western North Carolinians love the Lexington or Piedmont style barbecue sauce, which adds a little tomato or ketchup in the mixture.

The details:

While the method is used all pork, Lexington's purists are only with thepork shoulder. It is a nod to the German settlers who invented the approach in the 1700s, according toOur state, a North Carolina magazine.

The competition:

Although the rage debate on the barbecue style of North Superior Carolina, one thing is certain: East is OG.

"I do not want to say" The Truest "because I do not want to take part in this dispute, but it's the original, it's sure," John Shelton Reed, co-author ofSaint Smoke: the big book of North Carolina Barbecue, says to our state.

Caroline from the south

melvins bbq sandwich south carolina bbq
BBQ / Yelp de Melvin

If the variety is the spice of life, South Carolina is the most spicious when it comes to the American barbecue. The state is one of the many who claim to be the "Birthplace of the barbecue, "And it has a lot of different sauce options if you are looking to change it.

The sauces:

The northern part of the state, or the Pee Dee region, follows the same concept as the North Carolina barbecue of Oriental style, less sugar. Theirs is a spicy mix of vinegar, black pepper, salt and cayenne.

The Midlands of South Carolina serve an easily recognizable barbecue sauce thanks to its brightly colored mustard base. This sweet and Tangy sauce is probably the one the state is the best known.

Because ofInfluences of other states In the barbecue of South Carolina, there are also light concunitions of tomatoes (in vinegar, pepper and tomato sauce or ketchup) as well as heavy tomatoes. The first tends to be found in the Pee Dee area and in the Upper Midlands, while the latter is more common in the west and northwestern South Carolina.

"At one time, you will know what type of barbecue you would be served simply by knowing what part of the state in which you were," explained Gwen Fowler onSouth Carolina Tourism Website. "But these days, the lines blurred."

The details:

With pigs being particularly widespread in the region, the barbecue of South Carolina tends to be made frompork, often shotAnd accompanied by one of the four regional sauces.

South Carolins also serve their barbecue pork with a mixture ofhash and rice, an amalgam of meats, spices, sauces and vegetables cooked to a thick stew. The options toDUC barbecue in Waterloo orMelvin barbecue In Charleston are some of the most famous.

The competition:

Because there are so many types of South Carolina barbecue, the state does not exactly have a style of signature, but the residents certainly have the love to have it.

"When you mention S.C., people usually want to start a fight on the sauces," writes Native CharlestonJack Hitt. "South Carolins know it's actually a ginked-up quarrel onseasoning. "

After all, why fight when you can eat?


texas style bbq platter

Everything is bigger and more complicated in Texas. Star Star state has almost as many barbecue approaches as the South Carolina. But no matter where you go, the beef chest is the dominant cut and it is not easy to do it properly.

The sauces:

Wet or dry, that's the question when it comes to the TEXAS barbecue.

In the east of Texas, you will find your marinated barbecue in a soft tomato sauce and in the south of Texas, it will be a variety of molasses. In the south to the south, near Rio Grande, you will find Barbacoa of Mexican style.

But elsewhere, in the center of Texas, the meat is rubbed dry with salt and pepper and is left to that. It does not matter if your rub is wet or dry, the Texans cook their low meat and slowly on oak, petty, pecan or Hickory wood until it falls from the bone.

The details:

The Texas barbecue is all about beef.

The Texans prefer the beef chest, a cut that can take up to 20 hours to get ready to get it super soft. After that, the meat is then left to rest, marinching in its own optimal flavor juices.

The competition:

The Texas style barbecue is celebrated at theTexas Monthly BBQ Fest Weekend, held in Austin every month of November.

Courses and events are housed by notable chefs, including James Beach Aaron Franklin prices of the famousFranklin barbecue.

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Kansas City

kansas city bbq slow smoked brisket with burnt ends with barbecue sides

In the early 1900s, Henry Perry opened a push of smoked meat in the city of Kansas city center, starting mainly with a barbecue revolution that resulted in the city's signature style.

The sauce:

While Perry served such exotic offerings likeRaccoon and sheepThe modern Kansas town style barbecue can be in the form of beef, pork, chicken or sausage, as long as it is covered with a thick, soft, molasses and tomato sauce.

The details:

Kansas City Barbecue is famous for its burned extremities. Once a beef breast is smoked, the tips returned to the smoker to cook longer so that you can develop a carbonized outdoor.

These tasty bits can be found on the menus of local barbecue joints, such asJoe's Kansas City Bar-B-B-B-, who has some places in the state.

The competition:

Kansas is the site of the largest barbecue competition in the world, theAmerican World Royal Barbecue Series, who was held in September each year.


memphis dry rub ribs on big grill
Cookston Melissa

If you like the ribs, but do not like to become disordered, Memphis, Tennessee, is the place to be for the barbecue. You will not need a wet wipe when you come to this part of the South!

The sauce:

Memphis style barbecue traditionally uses a dry leak, made from garlic, paprika, chili, cumin and other spices (often secret).

The lack of sauce creates a barbecue experience neat. However, if you are a lady of sauce, you can often have one side of slim and slightly sweet support.

And there are also other methods of MEMPHIS barbecue, as allowing dry rubbing to further form a dough by adding water before applying.

The details:

Memphis is known for his tasty slabs ofdried ribs. The super slow cooking methods of the city on a Hickory fire result in a whisper-la-bone tenderness.

The competetion:

Try Pitmaster and Barbecue Champion Melissa Cookston's Menu atMemphis Barbecue Co. For the authentic flavors of the region.


alabama bbq big bob gibson barbecue
Mike W./YELP

In the 1920s, the Bob Gibson railway was preparing a barbecue at the weekend in his garden in Alabama. The crowd grew up and grew up every week, then Gibson finally left his work and started selling his barbecue in his own datarled restaurant, barely calledBig Bob.

The sauce:

Big Bobsmoked chicken Has been his most popular option since the restaurant's creation almost 100 years ago. He is plunged into aWhite Tangy Mayonnaise Sauce Gibson has grown to prevent the chicken from drying out for long periods of time on the pit.

The Suders have a culinary love affair with Mayonnaise, adding it tostuffed eggs, potato salad, and even chocolate cake. Adding to barbecue sauce only seemed better to make it better and the method possibly widespread in the state of Alabama.

The details:

Sure,stifled chicken In white barbecue sauce is not the only dish where you can enter Alabama. WaitA lot of sandwiches When you head to this southern state, pork options drawn torollers.

The competition:

It took a moment, but Alabama finally marked on the barbecue with his sauce in non-conventional research. In 2015,Texas Monthly judged "the year of the barbecue of Alabama". And it's only hotter since.

"We are caught between the Carolinas and Memphis and you have an influence on the two zones," Chris Lilly, a pitmaster at Big Bob, said Sprker . "I like thinking about Alabama as better of both worlds."

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