Plant-based diet vs vegan: Learn the difference in experts

Being vegan and eating a herbal diet ring very similar, but there are differences in fact. We turned to some experts for answers.

Chances are, you may have heard of someone to describe their diet as "founded on the plant" instead ofvegan either on social media or eating. With so many ways to characterize food choices these days, it's easy to get all confused. So what exactly are the differences between thePlant-based diet vs Vegan regime?

What does vegan mean?

While the term was introduced for the first time in the 1940s,The popularity of Veganism has skyrocketed In the 1960s and 1970s. Essentially, this means that dairy products or animal products are consumed, including honey.

"I hate to use the word strict," said Susan Tucker, health coach for nutrition and well-being and owner of the plant.Green Beat Life. "This is the most in-depth and strictest version of the food to the plant."

What is the definition of a plant-based plan?

The base of the plant has become a diet rich in whole fruits,vegetables, walnuts, seeds andlegumes With fish proteins, dairy products or sparingly mixed animals. The inclusion of certain red meats, poultry and other animal proteins (such as lactose protein), means based on the plant is not necessarilyvegetarian. Holistic Nutrition Advisor and Ayurvedic AdvisorNatasha Uspensky, CHHC, AADP, describes it as similar to the Mediterranean diet, which is high in whole and low foods in poultry, cheese, yogurt andRed meat.

"It is used a little more vaguely," says Uspensky. "There is not necessarily an official definition, but I would say that it is the most approved in the world of nutrition."

Are vegan and based on the board the same thing?

Yes and no. Think about it in this way - a vegan diet is herbal, but a herbal diet is not vegan. With occasional grass hamburger, eggs, cheese or collagen protein, based on herbal can be close, but not entirely vegan.

"Sometimes people say that I am vegan but I eat fish twice a week," says Tucker. "I would say it's more based on the plant. For people to fall into this category where they are based on a 75% plant."

What are the health benefits of a vegan diet?

Studies have proved that eating meat processed like bacon orHot Dogs Every day increases the risk of colonCancer through18%.The World Health Organization Also labeled red meat as a carcinogen, or something that can cause cancer. Do not eat meat or dairyhas also been shown reduce the risk ofcardiopathy. "Many athletes go vegan because of theinflammation dairy and meat, "says Tucker." Dairy for many people is really difficult to digest. "

In addition to health benefits,veganism can also be ideal for theenvironment, as eat less meat and dairy, there is less demand for that. "The industrial agricultural complex is really one of the worst things for our environment in terms of plant farming," says USPensky. "So, if we are less dependent on feed and factory farming, it's going to be really great for our environment overall."

The by-product approach without animal on avegan diet Can also extend to makeup and other skin skin products, household cleaners and other products. "It can also refer now quite commonly to people who do not wear leather," says Tucker. "So it's somehow extended beyond the diet."

What are the health benefits of a plant-based plan?

"If you reduce the amount of processed foods and animal products in general, you can have a healthier profile," saysLara metz, MS, RDN, CDN. "Maybe you reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer - it just depends on what you eat."

But for some people, a minimum amount of animal protein can be beneficial. A person's answer to a certain food is not the same as others.

"There may be people who have made the phenomenal good on a vegan diet for 20 years and just as their hormones change, or their way of life changes, or even levels of stress change, they can see that 'They will do better with a little bit of animal protein added: "says Andrea Moss, a holistic nutrition coach and founder ofMoss Wellness. "But the question always comes back to what is really the best for your body."

What are the risks of a vegan system?

"A common trap when people are going away from eating as many animal protein, it is that they are starting to become what we call VEGANS junk food," says Uspensky. "There is a lot ofjunk food There are technically vegan, but are not good for you. "

It means eating lessImpossible hamburgers and Oreos and morevegetable food. One way to do it is to be diligent on meals and know where nutrients come from. "It requires a kind of lot of a lot of provident to make sure you are going to be supported," Uspensky says, "so you do not end up eating bread."

It is also essential to report on a fewvitamins And minerals that will not be found in vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes consumed on a vegan diet. "There are very few possibilities in the vegan diet to occur naturally at B12," says USPensky, noting that nutrition yeast is the only source that is not fortified. "If something is fortified, then it is probably treated."

To be deficient in other vitamins and minerals likeiron,Vitamin D,omega-3 fatty acidAnd zinc are also a risk, then registration with a primary practitioner is strongly encouraged before and during the diet.

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What are the risks of a plant-based plan?

"I did not say that there are health risks," says Tucker. "There are risks if you have pre-existing conditions and you stimulate health risks, if you do not pay attention."

Because a plant-based diet sometimes means gettingVitamin B12 ofdairy And the iron of animal protein, the dietitians say that the risks are rare between them. "You eat a wide range of food," says Uspensky. "You do not really need to be concerned about anynutrient Deficiencies. "

What is the best way to create a factory-based diet?

"Think about a typical day looks like you in terms of your food consumption," says Metz. "Break it in every meal and snack and think about what your plant-based foods are usually and how can you Increase them. "

Monday without meatDairy milk swaps and focusing on vegetables, whole grains and fruits with each meal are in great ways to start integrating a food to the plant in your lifestyle. Metz recommends adding vegetables toeggs In the morning for breakfast, have cut fruits or vegetables for a snack and modernization of a lettuce / crust salad / boring chicken withNon-starchy vegetables Like cucumbers, broccoli, peppers and artichokes.

Overall, you want to make sure your body responds positively to the modification. "The best way to know if a certain dietary approach is just for you to try to try it for a period of time," says Moss. "You will get comments from your body. If you are booming, you will know it."

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