The worst food for your body, according to science

These foods do not make your size all favors.

They say, "You are what you eat", but no one really listen. If they did it, theweightloss the industry would look likea lotdifferent. Yet withSo many treats on grocery shelves This pack in calories andsugarIt can be difficult to resist these tasty temptations.

That's why we made a list of theworst food For your body, the generics you should not waste your time if you try to lose weight.

So, if you are looking to lose a few pounds, here are the worst foods of your body to avoid. In addition, incorporating these21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time will make a huge difference.


Potato chips

Bag of potato chips

Betcha can not eat one ... serving. It's only about 18 fries. Can you stop there? Good luck if you eat the variety of salt and vinegar. The fleas of salt and vinegar deliver 500 milligrams of sodium and about 1/4 teaspoon of salt, which is about one third of the total milligram of sodium whichThe American Heart Association says that the average adult should aim for a day. ANew England Journal of Medicine to study foundpotato chips Added more books to consumer bodies than sweet drinks, processed meats, red meat and other foods. So stay clear of thesePotato chips instances on the planet.


Fried chicken

fried chicken

Chicken is considered a healthier alternative to red meats because it is lower in saturated fat than beef and a large source of protein. But covering it with flour and fried in a stifling bath of hot oil, and you have just turned a nutritional protein into one of the most insiniary meals.

When fighting and frying chicken in the oil, the food absorbs a lot of fat, which stimulates the calorie content of the meal. Even worse, frying high temperature foods in vegetable oils (such as canola and corn oil) or seed oils (such as sesame or grapeed)trans fat, which are associated with an increased risk of heart disease, cancer and obesity, according to theJournal of Food Science and Technology. The saturated greases of the cutaneous chicken also raise LDL (bad) cholesterol, which contributes to the plaque in the arteries,You put at higher risk of heart disease and stroke.

Not convinced? here isWhat happens from your body when you eat fried foods.



Glazed donuts

The name advises you why they are gamble for you: dough! They consist of white flour, sugar and shortening vegetables - and they are then fried. This means that donuts also contain trans fat, the worst type that increases yourbad cholesterol and lowers your good cholesterol, according to theMAYO Clinic.



fondant on cake

It is an essentially edible game game. what's inside? Sugar (25 grams per serving), water, gelatin, vegetable grease or shortening and glycerol. Yum. Oh, and this last ingredient, propylene glycol has been linked to poor renal health, according to theNational Foundation of Reins.



Processed deli meat cold cuts

Hardened lunch meat contain a preservative called sodium nitrate that can trigger chronic inflammation in the arteries, resulting in atherosclerosis, narrowing of the arteries. But if you really want to make a sandwich, you should evaluate our list of30 best and worst charcuterie frames.


Cheese fries

cheese fries

Everyone recognizesfries As a child affipment of bad foods, so it's not surprising that you do them worse instantly when you glob on this salt cheese sauce. The woodwork cheese sauces such as Kraft WIZ cheese can hold 430 milligrams of sodium or 19% of your recommended daily sodium value. In addition, it contains nearly 10% of your daily recommended greases in a single portion - and it's all before fries. Why not make your own healthier version with ourCheese recipe not-unhealthy cheese?


A white Russian

white russian

Made with Vodka, Kahlua and a thick (or half and a half) cream the white Russian is packed with nearly 600 calories and 16 grams of sugar. It's aCocktail recipe For a bowling ball-shaped belly.



Canned soup

Even these soups with a bumper cultivation of beans and vegetables can be super salt. For example, you would be in a hurry to find a palatableBroken peas soup Less than 500 milligrams of sodium per serving. No wonder the canned soups are on the American Heart Association"Salty six" Notoriously bad food for your heart.


Non-dairy coffee

Coffee creamer milk

So practical, right? There are some in your office drawer right now, right? Tell what: Toss' em. These forever foreverhairdressers are generally made from partially hydrogenated oils - other terms: trans fat. Remember that Trans Greases increase your risk of developing heart disease or stroke by raising your LDL cholesterol (bad).



Margarine stick

Consume a margarine stick increases the risk of coronary heart disease because it contains trans greases. The more solid margarine, the more trans fat, according to a study ofEpidemiology.Butter is often a better choice for your toast. AREVIEW 2016 In plos, we have found very little links between butter consumption and heart disease


Hot Dogs

Hot dog bun ketchup

First of all, what is this mysterious meat pink-brunette? According toNational Council of Hot Dog and SausageThe hot dogs are made from the best beef sections that make up chopped beef, steaks, etc. Mixed to nitrates to help meat proteins get together. Similar to the majority of other food found in this article,Hot Dogs are raised in saturated fats and sodium and many contain nitrates, a cancer curator, according toThe National Cancer Institute.


Vegetarian burgers

Veggie burgers with vegetables

Adopt aPlant-based diet is an intelligent movement, unless you choose products that exchange another unhealthy ingredient for beef.

"Some herbal burgers will have added fat and often, the added grease is a saturated fat," saysKatherine Zersersky, A certified dietary nutritionist of the Mayo Clinic. "Saturated grease has an association with the breeding of our bad cholesterol, and the concern is that it could increase our heart risk." Another red flag for veggie burgers: sodium content. Some are very salty with more than 900 milligrams of sodium per serving.

Instead, look for one of these10 best frozen vegetable burgers that you can buy at the grocery store.


Cereals coated with sugar


Admit it: you know you get zerofiber and a lot of carbohydrates and sugar of this bowl of cereals. That's why it's considered theWorst breakfast for weight loss. A better idea for breakfast would be to add little chocolate milk to your hot hot flake, which is full of dietary fiber.


Honey wheat bread

honey wheat bread

Which makes something so healthy from his poll likehoney wheat bread A candidate for our worst list? The fact that it is so healthy from his poll. It deceives us in good health thinking. The problem is that honey wheat bread is not very different from white bread. As the most white bread, his grain has been stripped of his fiber, yes, despite the word "wheat" in his name. Unless the label reads "whole wheat" or "whole grain", the bread is not done with whole grains. Make usually eat only 100% whole wheat or whole grain bread.



Bagel with cream cheese

This is one of the worst breakfast food you can consume. It is a large white flour dough ball, the equivalent of carbohydrates about five slices of white bread bread. Even if an average bagel contains about 250 calories, you will feel hungry shortly after. This will increase your blood glucose quickly, followed by a fast drop, which will make you croriter. That's why you should keep your distances from theseThe most unhealthy bagels bought on the store.

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