12 Best Starbucks Starbucks Drinks

Although many coffee concoctions at Starbucks are overloaded with sugar and calories, you can keep your coffee order in good health by controlling these nutritionist-approved low calorie beverages.

Starbucks drinks are always a treat. TheSTARBUCKS menu is still evolving, but unfortunately,Many of their new drinks are notoriously high in calories, greases and sugar. (Remember theUnicorn Frappuccino?)

Fortunately, if you know how to order correctly, you can turn your orders into healthy Starbucks drinks. And for more than one shortcut, just keep this list on your phone as a guide on the best Starbucks drinks at low calories.

How to order the best low calorie Starbucks drinks.

Brittany Modell, MS, RD, CDN, registered and founder dietitian ofBrittany Modell Nutrition and WellnessIt takes 5 easy tips for ordering healthy Starbucks drinks.

  1. Go for unsweetened options. "Drinks do not always list when they are sweet, so ask!" said Modell.
  2. Request less sweetener. "If you want extra sweetness, ask for a single syrup pump when building your drink," says Modell.
  3. Add the cinnamon instead of added sugars. "Not only do you save on sugar, but you get a boost nutrients and additional benefits about cinnamon health," says Modell.
  4. Paste with lower fat milk options. "Try choosing a lock, 1%, 2% or almond milk," says Modell.
  5. Spend the big one. "Go for the small size of the cup (large), which will save you money and calories!" said Modell.

Here are 12 healthier low calorie drinks that you should order.

starbucks nitro brew
Graceful Starbucks
Height (12 oz): 70 calories, 5 g of grease (3.5 g saturated grease), 15 mg sodium, 4 g of carbohydrates (4 g of sugar) 1 g protein

One of the best Starbucks drinks is itNitro brewery. It's full of flavor and has a sweet vanilla cream top that contains only 4 grams of sugar.

starbucks jade citrus mint
Graceful Starbucks
Height (12 oz): 0 calories, 0 g of grease (0 g saturated grease), 0 mg sodium, 0 g of carbohydrates (0 g sugar) 0 g protein

Skip the Earl gray and try this hotgreen tea With additional flavors of ingotting, ver wouton of lemon and lemongrass.

starbucks caffe misto
Graceful Starbucks
Height (12 oz): 80 calories, 3 g of grease (1.5 g saturated grease), 80 mg sodium, 8 g of carbohydrates (8 g sugar) 5 g protein

A MISTO is an individual mix of brewed coffee and steamed milk. A large realized with 2% milk will only allow you 80 calories.

starbucks blonde vanilla
Graceful Starbucks
Height (12 oz): 90 calories, 4 g of grease (4 g saturated grease), 80 mg of sodium, 14 g of carbohydrates (12 g sugar) 1 g protein

For a non-dairy drink, this coconut milk latte is made with a vanilla bean powder and a blonde espresso.

starbucks green tea
Graceful Starbucks
Height (12 oz): 30 calories, 0 g of grease (0 g saturated grease), 5 mg of sodium, 8 g of carbohydrates (8 g sugar) 0 g protein

This fresh strawberry tea is packed with antioxidants of green tea and mint flavored, flowers and lemongrass.

starbucks caramel frappuccino
Graceful Starbucks
Height (12 oz): 260 calories, 11 g of grease (7 g saturated grease), 160 mg sodium, 38 g of carbohydrates (38 g sugar) 3 g protein

Starbucks Frappuccinos We are often made with several types of syrups, but this frappuccino caramel light is made with caramel syrup without sugar, coffee, milk non-oven, then mixed with ice.

Framp Pro-Tip: For healthy Starbucks, order your FRAP "Light". This means that the baristas will do it with syrup without sugar, milk not in oven and without whipped cream

starbucks lowfat cappuccino
Graceful Starbucks
Height (12 oz): 90 calories, 3.5 g of fat (1.5 g saturated grease), 80 mg sodium, 9 g of carbohydrates (8 g of sugar) 6 g protein

This classic hot coffee drink always offers signature espresso and sparkling top. For a Starbucks beverage at low calorie, this order uses 1% milk (instead of 2%) for a little fat and flavor.

starbucks berry hibiscus refresher
Graceful Starbucks
Height (12 oz): 50 calories, 0 g of grease (0 g saturated grease), 10 mg of sodium, 13 g carbohydrates (11 g sugar) 0 g protein

This is one of the lowest sugar and the most caloric options for refresher drinks, with only 11 grams. In addition, it has real ripe and green coffee extract that offers extra energy.

starbucks cinnamon dolce latte
Graceful Starbucks
Height (12 oz): 140 calories, 3 g of grease (2 g saturated grease), 80 mg of sodium, 22 g carbohydrates (22 g of sugar) 5 g protein

This non-fat latte is made with cinnamon dolce syrup without sugar for a hot and spicy treat.

starbucks fog tea
Graceful Starbucks
Height (12 oz): 140 calories, 3 g of grease (2 g saturated grease), 80 mg sodium, 22 g of carbohydrates (22 g of sugar), 5 g protein

This gray count tea tray has rich aromas of citrus and lavender. Swap vanilla syrup for freedom of sugar and do it not to save additional calories.

starbucks iced black tea
Graceful Starbucks
Height (12 oz): 70 calories, 0 g of grease (0 g saturated grease), 5 mg of sodium, 17 g of carbohydrates (16 g of sugar), 0 g protein

This Arnold Palmer Dub combines tea and lemonade. Ignore the additional pumps of the syrup they add and save serious calories.

starbucks iced coffee with milk
Graceful Starbucks
Height (12 oz) : 80 calories, 1 g of grease (0.5 g saturated grease), 30 mg of sodium, 17 g carbohydrates (17 g sugar) 2 g protein

This classic iced coffee is always creamy with 2% milk. For a Starbucks drink at low calorie, jump the classic syrup added and have vanilla sugar-free syrup.

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