Side effects of meditation, according to health experts

Scientists learn how the art of staying present can turn around for many people.

According toRecent statisticsSomewhere there are between 200 and 500 million people who practice meditation around the world. In the United States, nearly 40% of all adults reported that they will meditate at least once a week. Given everything we know about the science of meditation and its wider brother "Consciousness" is nothing less new news. After all,Study scores have shown that the practice of calming your mind, to center and focus on the presentReduce your anxietyYour blood pressure and risk of depression, while increasing your productivity, your attention capacity and your sense of welfare.

But for all the benefits inherent in meditation a cornerstone of healthier life, there is a reversal of notable negative side effects and less known than the warning of health experts can occur in some people.

"Previous searches have found that very little psychological or physiological processes are universally beneficial," written Willoughby Britton, Ph.D., professor of psychiatry and human behavior in Brown University, in an article entitled "Full consciousness can be too much a good thing?, "which has been published inCurrent notice in psychology. "Instead, positive phenomena tend to follow an inverted U-shaped trajectory where their typically positive effects are finally negative."

In other words, meditation not onlynot Working for some people, but it can also go to the back. Author recently detailed his own experience in anew report For the BBC. "For about 20 years, I had difficulty at periods of anxiety and I returned to the meditation of mindfulness as a way to manifest these feelings," writes David Robson. "Well too often, however, I would end up feeling much worse than when I started. Rather than relaxing, my heart would start to accelerate, or my inner monologue would take a nasty trick, like unpleasant memories and Feelings and despair flooded my mind. These events have become so common that I only use full awareness from time to time. "

Although Robson assumed that he was "particularly bad" to meditation, the truth is that he is far from him. According to a survey of 1,232 meditators published in the journalPlos aMore than a quarter of them reported "having had particularly unpleasant experiences related to meditation, which they thought they were caused by their meditation experience."

Read some of the negative side effects that health experts say can result from meditation. And for more new health lines of health, make sure you are aware ofOne of the main side effects of walking every day, according to health experts.



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In the study mentioned above of 1,232 meditators published inPlos a, 315 of them reported "unpleasant experiences" which included panic attacks, if not known for a sudden and intense fear which, according toThe Mayo Clinic, "Trigger physical symptoms when there is no real danger or apparent cause ... When panic attacks occur, you might think you lose control, having a heart attack or even die." In a 2017 study, also published in thePlos a14% of meditators reported having panic attacks as a result of meditation.

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This can damage your sleep


According to a study published byThe American psychosomatic societyThe researchers studied the effects of a two-month cognitive course on several study participants, and the researchers found that people who meditated half an hour a day, five days a week - actually lived a quality of Sleep less than those who have not medited as much.

"Similar to drugs improving attention, like coffee, ritalin and cocaine, meditation can increase concentration and vigilance," Brown Brown explained in Robson in the BBC article. "But when we take too far, it can lead to anxiety, panic and insomnia because there is both neuroanatomic and neurochemical overlaps between attention and excitation systems in the brain . You can not steal your attention dial so far before you start feeling anxious or stopping sleeping. "


Feelings of dissociation

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"The meditation can increase the activity in the dorsolateral pre-frontal cortex, which in turn regulates the limbic system and the amygdala, another region where emotional salience is treated," says Robson. "In the right quantity, the preferred control over the limbic system can result in better concentration and less emotional reactivity. But when it is taken beyond optimal levels, it can bypass all emotions, both negative and positive, so that they do not feel joy or happiness. In extreme cases, this can lead to the disturbing feeling of "dissociation" of their lives - which affects about 8% of meditators in [one] study. "

For more news that can help you lead a healthier life, make sure you are aware of the A major side effect to sit too much on the couch, according to a new study .

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