Is it the best diet for post-menopausal women?

This popular ADF system has recently been invaded by scientists such as the top regime for post-menopausal women.

Our ancestors of hunter-pickers lived by this low glycemic diet and the people ranging from Jessica Biel to your Crossfit-attendance colleague, use it to stay in shape. And after the release of a new study, some researchers argue that it is the best diet for menopause. What is that?

It's the Paleolithic, orPaleo, Diet. Researchers at the Umeå University in Sweden Split 70 overweight, menopausal women in two groups, one of which followed Nordic Nutrition Recommendations(which allow vegetable oils, dairies, pulses and whole grains) While the other followed the paleo regime (which focuses on lean animal proteins, produce and saturated with fat and omit of dairy products, legumes and grains). Although the two groups of women lost weight during the two-year study period, the Paleo group dropped an average of nine kilos (about 19.8 pounds), while the other group lost only six kilograms (or about 13.2 pounds). In addition, women who have glued to a rich diet in food approved by Paleo have lost a significant amount of unhealthy belly fat, as well as reduce their risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

"Despite the freedom of women's freedom reigns to an unlimited catch, the weight loss was stable after two years. A more important fact that weight loss was the obvious improvement in blood levels in the blood and signs of 'reduced inflammation, "Caroline Blomquist," a doctorate in the Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine at Umeå University explained toScience daily.

Unlike these remarkable new discoveries, previous studies have shown that this way of food lifestyle cannot be so healthy as he is seen. A study published in the newspaperNutrition and diabetes I found that a creem-era-esque diet has doubled the fat, increased insulin levels and desolate blood glucose into the mouse.

The bottom line is before starting a diet, especially the one that excludes some food groups - do not forget to consult your doctor. And if you are looking to change your diet as your age progresses, do you want to store these25 best foods for menopause.

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