That's what happens when you eat yoghurt

As long as you eat the right guy, you have tons of health benefits.

To fight the cold running to help people lose weight, the benefits ofyogurt In fact one of the best friends in your body. And everything returns to the old Greeks. You see, their thick yogurt raised bursting with muscle building protein blowing belly, bone building calcium and gut tempering probiotics that have been shown to improve cognitive function. This makes you last if this TANGY product, tart product dairy and the amount of things things that the Greeks have been realized, then are in some way linked ...

So, what exactly happens to your body when you eat yoghurt? You will find below some of the benefits of yoghurt consumption-you could be surprised at the quality of your yogurt, especiallyGreek yogurt. For more foods that will make you feel and look like a god or Greek goddess, check theBest foods for the definition of muscle and toning.


Your smile will last longer

Man brushing teeth

The sameGreek yogurt Contains sugar - but unlike many other types of yoghurt products, it has not been added. It is lactose, the sugar found in the milk and a portion of 8 ounces of Greek yogurt has about 9 grams of this natural sugar. The good news is that despite its sugar content,Yogurt does not cause cavities. None of the yogurts that scientists from the University of Marmara de Turkey in Turkey tested have been found to erode the enamel of the teeth, which is the main cause of decomposition. Bonus: People who eat at least two ounces of yogurt reduce their risk of severe periodontal disease of 60% compared to those who jump.


Your brain is drawn

Woman thinking

After studies showed that animal cerebral function has been modified by intestinal bacteria,Researchers in UCLA wanted to see if the same phenomenon could also be observed in humans. They took three groups of people: grouping a yogurt withprobiotics, to group B a dairy product like yogurt, and to a poor old group C, they have nothing. Women who have eaten the real yoghurt showed increased connectivity in the gray perihaiccital region and the prefrontal cortex, which affects cognition. Get Smarter soaking your spoon in a yoghurt? It seems good!


Your belly gets a restart

The Greek yogurt is set both longer than traditional yogurt, which makes it thicker, higher in fat blowing proteins and increase the amount of probiotics. These living microorganisms - "Good bacteria" -yaourt Greek can not only help improve your digestive system, but also to help your body absorb nutrients and improve your immune health. Greek yogurt can also help facilitate gastrointestinal conditions such as constipation, inflammatory intestinal disease and lactose intolerance. (If you are looking for ways to add more yogurt to your diet, make sure youSubscribe to our newsletter for daily recipes and new foods in your inbox!)


Your size shrink

Man showing off weight loss wearing loose jeans

Regularly eat yoghurt as part of a healthy diet can lead to faster thinning, saysSearch for the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Researchers have discovered that participants who have eaten 18 ounces of this tasty and Tangy taste on a daily basis - as well as reduce their total calories - have lost 22% more weight and an incredible belly fat of 81% more than their calorie companions. But that's not all, theYogurt for weight loss The eaters have also retained a third more lean muscle mass, which means they have a higher metabolic rate rest, burned more calories and are set up to maintain the weight loss.

"The grease around your size produces hormonal cortisol, which tells your body to accumulate even more belly graph," says the nutrition professor and the author of Main Studies Michael Zemel, PhD. Calcium-Which yoghurt has many signals of your adipose cells to be released less cortisol, which facilitates loss of books.


Your appetite stabilizes


Studies on how high protein foods can satisfy your hunger and you would get to eat too much, you should already know that yogurt is a source of primordial protein. But all yogurts are not created equal. Greek yogurt is tense, which increases the amount of protein per serving. In fact, it can more than double; Greek yogurt contains up to 20 grams of protein per container. To obtain this satisfied feeling, head for the type of Greek yoghurt and select one that provides at least 10 grams per serving. No wonder it's one ofBest high protein snacks bought in stores!


Your blood pressure can decrease

Doctor's Hand Measuring Blood Pressure Of Male Patient.

A study in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition Demonstrated that adults who have eaten two or more daily grease dairy portions were 54% less likely to develop high blood pressure. Why do you ask? Everything is about thesaltIn your body. More than two-thirds of us eat more than twice the recommended amount of salt. Over time, this can lead to hypertension, kidneys and heart disease. But potassium can flush some of this excess sodium from your body. A portion of yogurt has tons: at nearly 600 milligrams by eight ounces, it actually contains more potassium than an extreme banana, of which about 544 mg.


Your nervous system gets a little love

Woman eating yogurt and fruit

A portion of yogurt of 8 ounces is an important source of potassium, phosphorus, riboflavin, iodine, zinc and vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid). Thissuperfeument Also contains B12, which maintains red blood cells and helps maintain your nervous system to work properly. Found only in products of animal origin, it is a crucial vitamin that vegans must complete their diet. If you are not a vegan, you can get most of your daily B12 by eating a single portion of yoghurt.


Your recovery time after a workout is more efficient

Woman drinking water

60 minutes. This is the time window immediately following your training that nutritionists say that nutritionists are the best time to refuel, repair and restore your body with nutritious foods. Whilestruck Are an excellent choice, it happens that the Greek yogurt is also an ideal snack for the hour after your sweat. Here's why: The carbohydrate protein ratio is perfect. The protein provides the 9 amino acids that the body can not do, but your muscles need to repair themselves. Meanwhile, carbohydrates replace energy stores in your muscles as a result of a difficult workout.


Your immune system becomes stronger

woman hiking

Researchers at Vienna University have discovered that eating yogurt can be one of thebest ways to get rid of a cold. They studied women who have eaten 4 ounces daily and have found that these women had much more stronger and more active T cells (who combat illness and battle infection) than before starting to eat yoghurt. "The healthy bacteria of the yogurt help send signals to the immune cells of your body to set up and fight harmful bugs," says Alexa Meyer, PhD, a nutritional researcher at the University and Senior Author of the study.


You get a very necessary vitamin D dose

Natural sources of vitamin D and Calcium

You charge on Calcium to keep your bones healthy and strong, but did you know that not having enough vitamin D, it is almost impossible to collect all the benefits of mineral health health? It's true! But that's not the only reason you should eat Greek yogurt that has a twice punch. In addition to keeping fragile bones at the bay, the nutrient also fights depression and cold, reduces the risk of certain cancers, decreases inflammation and evenWards out of erectile dysfunctionaccording to aSexual medicine newspaper report. Talk about a multite.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Yogurt
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